Tommy from Paris

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April 22nd 2007
Published: April 22nd 2007
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The green dot shows the location of our apartment in the 10th arrondisement. The red dot is the Louvre, and the yellow is the Eiffel tower.

The Conley Family
Hey everyone! My family has been in Paris since the 19th and today is the 22nd. It seems since we have been walking so much that we have walked about everywhere possible in Pris. If anyone here wants to go to Paris, instead of walking everywher on foot I recomend takeng a bike tour with because #1 biking 10 miles is easier than walking 10, and #2 because they are freindly and for those of you who don't speak french thankfully they speak english because they are a ameirican based company. My family took this bike tour and we had alot of fun. So far it has been kind of difficult trying to learn spanish by going to France, Morocco and Portugal. But one of the good sides of going to those places is that i now know how to say thank you in 5 different languages. On the bike tour we saw alot of things like the Eiffel tower, and learned a few things like that somone was arrested for flying a plane underneath it, and in the 1900's somone made a early BASE kite and tried to fly off (Go to and type in batman jumping

This is the controversial glass pyramid that was built about 20 years ago as a new entrance to the Louvre, which is probably the most famous art museum in the world.
off the eifel tower WARNING! THIS VIDEO IS NOT FOR TGE FAINT HEARTED LOL JUST KIDDING) We saw Napolean's tomb, The Arc de Triomphe , and the Eiffel tower gardens. Well now I have to go so untill next time! Au reveoir (goodbye in french)


23rd April 2007

you haircuts look awesome!
Hello to the World Travelers! Happy birthday 5 days ago to Ry Guy! I emailed to you that day, but got an autoreply back. I'm sorry it didn't get to you. We thought about you and talked about you all day. We are loving reading your journals. You are doing a great job at describing the cool things you see. I am so proud of Tommy Ryan and Keenan for their sense of adventure and flexibility. You are great! We are well and enjoying beautiful spring weather. We met mom, dad, mike, Kev and the Taiclets at a benefit today to raise money for kids with cancer especially Bernadette (Sinclair) Godfrey. It was packed full and people were there to have their heads shaved like Bernadette's. At first, I thought maybe Ryan was there and I didn't know it. Just kidding Ry! Anyway, we miss you and think of you often. Keep writing. Love, Shar and all
24th April 2007

OK, I'm old, but until tonight I had never looked at any videos on youtube. But, because I like the eiffel tower, and because the referral to the base jumping video intrigued me, I watched that one. Now I have to try to go to sleep without having the falling dreams that I always used to have. If you are still in Paris when you see this, and if you haven't already done it, I suggest the sewer tour. It's fun reading along with your travels.
24th April 2007

Thanks for all the updates. sounds like you are having a great time and learning alot. Ryan, you look great; you can tell us all about your trip when we are together in Chicago. Miss you all, stay in touch. Adios,vamanos agui. grandapa tom
25th April 2007

Ryan, you look fantastic
Dont let your brother leave Paris without getting the same look so cool...kinda like Zidane... Cant wait to see you as you are very missed! Tonsorially yours, Uncle Alex
25th April 2007

bonjour mes amis!
Tommy, I loved your journal entry, and yours too big Tommy! What a great experience you are having! We cannot wait to join you. I am going to get some Italian tapes at the library to brush up. Maybe I can go to France to learn Italian like Tommy is doing learning his Spanish in France! Much love to you and hope Ryan had a great bday in 2 different countries. Just for kicks I drove to Illinois on my bday so I could say I was in 2 different states on my bday! Love you! Kath and all
29th April 2007

HEY RY!!!!!!!
HEY RY!!!!!! i think your haircut looks awesome!!!!! keep it like that! the whole fourth grade is talking about you!!!! we miss you so much!!!well i got to go! bye! p.s. please pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaseeeeeee keep your hair short! p.p.s. I cant wait till you come home in the fall!!!!

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