Day 4 -Recovery

France's flag
Europe » France » Île-de-France » Issy-les-Moulineaux
July 29th 2016
Published: July 29th 2016
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Today will be a short blog. Nobody was up early so we decided to have a quiet day around here. I went off to the park for a while and Nigel and the kids rode bikes to pick up a few groceries around the corner (supposedly). Two hours later they arrived home and only had baguettes! Apparently they got very turned around and Nigel lost his bearings (not like him at all) and they ended up riding up some big local mini-mountain and back down. Finally they found a familiar landmark and made it home. Only to turn back around to go to the store right down the road from us. We had an afternoon of trampoline, soccer, reading, track running, researching France, and relaxing. We should all be well charged for another outing tomorrow!


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