La Tour Eiffel

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February 5th 2010
Published: February 5th 2010
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Today, after a lot of sleep and feeling a little better, I decided to go the Tour Eiffel. Catherine said it was une corvée (something that is boring but you feel you have to do anyway) but I was not bored at all! The weather was beautiful, so it was a good day for it. I luckily didn't have to wait in line too long. The elevator went straight up to the second floor first, where there is a little bit of information and mostly great views. Then I went down to the first, where there are all sorts of signs explaining how the Tower was built and other fun facts, which I really enjoyed. There were also explanations of all the famous landmarks you can see from the Tower. I didn't eat anything there, although there are a bunch of places to buy food, and one fancy restaurant where dinner is about 100€. Unfortunately the top was closed for renovation, but it is important that they renovate it frequently so it stays in good shape. I hope to see if it is open near the end of my stay, and check it out again, according to the website there is some neat stuff up there as well as a great view.

The gift shops have everything Eiffel tower shaped you could possibly imagine. There were some neat looking pocket watches, but none of them seemed to work! There were also these big mugs I would love to use for tea, they were really wide so it would cool off faster. But they were expensive and I didn't feel like paying for it. I got a bookmark, and a couple surprises for some people! I think the bookmarks were the cheapest thing available. But I like pretty bookmarks, and it is a nice picture of the tower.

Here are the pictures from today!

Dinner tonight was steak and green beans and potatoes...kinda like mashed but really smooth and didn't quite taste like mashed...she mentioned the name but I forget now. After dinner I made plans to go get a drink with Keesean. I found a bar very close to the louvre, where he was planning to go afterward. I took the metro, then called him to find out where he was...right in front of the louvre, which was only like 2 blocks away, but he didn't show up for a while, so I called again and got his voicemail. I was beginning to think I was going to be stood up, but I called one last time and he had gotten quite lost and made his way back to the louvre. I was surprised, as the metro stop I was waiting at is quite distinctive:

I went and found him at the Louvre. My first sight of the Louvre took my breath away...It is so gorgeous and I cannot wait to visit on Monday! We finally got to the bar, called Café Comédie. We had these delicious Lemon-Peach beers from Monaco, though Keesean didn't really like it so I finished his too, haha. It was very fruity and didn't taste very alcoholic, but I have been warned that alcohol is stronger here, and I can feel it a bit. Not too drunk, just a bit tipsy. I love being legal here!

I need to sleep, as I need to be up early tomorrow. I am quite excited to see Versailles!!


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