Blogs from Faroe Islands, Europe - page 3


Europe » Faroe Islands August 2nd 2013

Friday 2nd August, 2013. Klaksvik, Bordoy, Nordoyggjar, Faroe Islands The Faroes or Faeroe Islands (in Faroese Føroyar) are 18 islands in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, northwest of Scotland and halfway between Iceland and Norway. The Islands are a self-governing island territory of Denmark, although they politically aim for higher independence. The Islands have a population of nearly 50,000, and a language and culture of their own. Faroese is the national language which is rooted in Old Norse. Although part of the kingdom of Denmark, the islands are not part of the EU. Wherever you are on the Faroes you are never more than 5 km (3 miles) away from the ocean. The countryside is dominated by steep mountains and there are about 70,000 sheep and some 2 million pairs of seabirds, including the ... read more
219.   Bordoy, Northern Isles, Faroes.
228.  Catskin Float, Klaksvik Museum
217.   Bordoy, Northern Isles, Faroes.

Europe » Faroe Islands August 1st 2013

Thursday 1st August, 2013. Crossing the Norwegian Sea En Route to Faroe Islands. The Norwegian Sea, a part of the North Atlantic Ocean, is positioned roughly to the northwest of Norway and to the southeast of Greenland. It merges with the Barents Sea off the northern coast of Norway, and with the waters of the North Sea to the southeast of the Faroe Islands. We spent the day attending lectures, reading and eating. The weather was very windy so we didn't go out on deck. During the day an announcement was made that, due to the weather, there was to be a change of port of call. We were supposed to be going to the capital of the Faroes, Torshavn, which is situated on the island of Streymoy (an island about the same size as the ... read more

Europe » Faroe Islands July 18th 2013

-SP- Por la noche ha hecho bastante viento y lluvia, pero mi tienda se ha portado muy bien y te dabas poca cuenta de lo que pasaba fuera desde dentro. A eso de las 4 me he despertado y la tormenta ya habia pasado. A eso de las 5 un polaco asilvestrado, de un grupo que viaja con un minibus se ha salido de la tienda y se ha puesto a hablar a gritos con un colega suyo, al final el Scott, el americano que va en bici tambien, les ha dicho algo como "shut the fucking mouth up!", muy divertido. Por la mañana desayuno tranquilo mientras todo se secaba y a eso del mediodia recoger e ir a Torshavn, a comprar pilas para el velocimetro de la bici. Las actuales han palmado, igual por la ... read more
2 1/2 Class
Mountains in the sea
Left side

Europe » Faroe Islands July 16th 2013

-SP- 97 km en las Feroes es mal asunto, ya que de cualquier sitio a cualquier sitio nunca hay mas de 100km. Por la mañana he ido al Turist Info, despues de desayunar con mucha calma, porque queria hacer una etapa pequeña hoy. Alli me han recomendado la carretera numero 10, que segun ellos es mas bonita y no muy montañosa (error 1), ademas me han dado un listado de los campings de la isla (error 2). He ido po la 10, obviamente la chica que me la ha recomendado no ha ido nunca en bici por alli, sube a 500m, niebla y humedad a tope alli arriba. Luego de ahi bajar y seguir la 10 por la costa, eso ha ido bastante bien, aunque habia mucho trafico. Pasado el tunel me he desviado a la ... read more
no much view
Up the fjord
Up the fjord 2

Europe » Faroe Islands July 16th 2013

-SP- A las 6 de la mañana despertarse y recoger. A eso de las 7 cafe de gasolinera y en marcha. He deshecho el camino de ayer, y pasado el puente me he desviado a Saksun (11km ida, 11km vuelta) para visitar eso tambien, lo recomiendan y el camino es fácil. Luego vuelta hasta el cruce donde tenia que decidir si volver a Torshavn o ir a Vestmanna. Lo segundo supone hace 37km mañana antes de las 5 de la tarde, si no pierdo el barco a Islandia. En la gasolinera me han dicho que la niebla y la lluvia que se llevaba formando todo el dia no iba a disiparse y que no iba a ver nada, asi que vuelta a Torshavn al camping, y mañana dia de descanso. -EN- At 6 in the morning ... read more
Beautiful Feroe Sheep
Last meters to the coast
Cementery Saksun

Europe » Faroe Islands July 15th 2013

-SP- Ayer estube de chachara hasta las 11 (hora Feroes, las 12 en Europa) cn unos motoristas de Arnsbach o algo asi (cerca de Nurnberg), luego a dormir a mi camarote de tercera. Me he despertado a las 7. Desayuno y ducha y al bar de cubierta a tomar un cafe y a estudiar a Platon... Puto friki. Al par de horas ha venido el americano y hemos estado contando historias. Poco antes de las Shetlands el mar se ha empezado a poner bravo, son olas de 4 m o asi, y el cascaron este no es muy grande, asi que se menea bastante, pero en cubierta, con vista al mar, es soportable. He gastado mi bono de Buffet gratis que tenia con el pasaje del barco, como en cualquier buffet del mundo tratan de timarte ... read more
3er Class
A little bit of sun in Feroe
First island

Europe » Faroe Islands » Torshavn July 10th 2013

Monday was a rainy day all over Faroe Islands, so we decided to stay in Torshavn to look around the town and to rest our feet after several days of hiking. We started by taking a little walking tour around an old citadel and lighthouse, as well as Tinganes, which is the old town of Torshavn and is still home to Faroe Islands government buildings, for example office of the prime minister (which btw is located in a cute, bright red wooden house with grass roof :). After a coffee break we walked some more around the town, via a church to a shopping mall. We thought we would possibly buy a book about Canada, but couldn't find any. In the afternoon we attended a free concert at the Nordic House, which is a Nordic cultural ... read more
Our new friend
Waterfalls are all over Faroes

Europe » Faroe Islands » Torshavn July 7th 2013

Arriving in Torshavn We arrived in Torshavn (capital of Faroe Islands) on Wednesday evening 3.7. after a 30 hour boat trip. The boat was a lot like Viking Line cruise boats, even if we thought beforehand it would be much smaller. The main difference to the Viking Line boats was that nobody seemed to be drinking and partying :-) We too spent most of the time sitting and reading, having an occasional coffee or meal. We are staying in the B&B accomodation of a sweet lady called Fanny. Her apartment is within few minutes walk from the harbor, as well as town center. Well, actually everything in Torshavn is within easy walking distance: when we took an evening walk to take ­a look at the city, after 10 minutes walk we reached a meadow with sheep ... read more
View to the Vestmanna village

Europe » Faroe Islands » Torshavn July 7th 2013

Suðuroy Setting out early in the morning when the rain was pouring down and the winds were close to 20 m/s to sit in a ferry heading out on the Atlantic ocean didn't seem that good an idea at the time, but luckily our faith in the Norwegian weather site paid off. The ferry ride was a bit bumpy, but when we arrived to Suðuroy at nine the rain stopped and after maybe one hour we had the sunshine promised. We didn't really have a clear plan of what to do once at Suðuroy, the southermost of the Fareo islands, so once there we walked to Tvøroyri. Tvøroyri is the second biggest town on Suðuroy, and close to the ferry. It proved to be a quite outstretched town, maybe 5 houses wide between coast and ... read more
it's a wee bit windy...
the harbour at Gjógv
flower power!

Europe » Faroe Islands » Streymoy August 24th 2012

We seem to possess a certain proclivity to be present at opportune moments. In other words, sometimes we just step in it. Our arrival and check in at the domestic airport in Reykjavik went uneventfully. Next, the boarding processes had us ready to venture to the Faroe Islands for some more exploring. At the gate, there was a slight delay due to the weather and the next thing we know, a gentleman breaks out his guitar and starts kicking out a few tunes. Nice strumming and an equally nice voice. And wouldn’t you know it, he was one of the musicians that was in town from the Faroe Islands for Cultural Night in Reykjavik. Wait…it gets better. Turns out that he is quite famous in the Faroes and most of the crowd knew all of his ... read more
Mysterious & Amazing
Home cooked meal
The Puffin Dance

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