Fancy Smancy Spa Town

Published: March 10th 2010
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Today I left the kindness of Carlos and Paulo’s home to venture back out on my own. My first stop in Czech Republic is Karlovy Vary. Not only is it a beautiful spa town but it is also the home of my papa Charles. As I arrived the sun was beginning to set. This was met with many people coming out for an evening stroll along the colonnades to warm them with the hot spring water.

It is the strangest thing to see. So many people reaching into their purses or pockets to pull out these half-mugs and filling them with this hot spring water and sip from the built in ceramic Sippy straw. Literally, they look like mugs that were cut in half! And everyone has them. They all keep them wrapped in plastic bags in their purse or pocket in case they required a quick sip from the piping hot water. And then they stand about sipping and chatting and strolling. Did I mention that they are all in fancy fur coats and fur hats and fur mittens! It is really a sight to be seen. And add to this the steam coming off of the spa water fountains. It is almost comical but not in a ‘this is ridiculous way’ but more in a ‘they are all so cute’ kind of way. It is hard to put into words.

After taking in the spring water ritual I found my way to the hotel, as hostels are practically non-existent in this town, to dump off my bags before I headed back out to the grocery store to find my dinner.


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