Bone Church (Day 69)

Published: July 19th 2010
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the chandelier contains one of every bone from the human body
Surprisingly only half of us were hungover today, myself included. Had breakfast together and passed around the camera with all the pics that we took of each other last night. Got to one of Tomas where he is staring straight ahead looking expressionless and kind of like a bird. We all could not stop laughing. He just looked at it. Hung his head in shame and shook his head. Funniest thing I have seen in a while Nina and I got our stuff together as soon as we could so we could go and check out Kutna Hora for the day. Its about an hour east of Praha and kind of on the way back. One of those UNESCO world heritage towns. Checked out a couple of churches then had lunch in a typical pub which as we both predicted was not the tastiest in the world. I did get a chance to see Czech rednecks as she called them. In Czech I believe its vidlak. Pretty funny to hear that word used outside of the U.S.

Went and checked out the main draw of the down, the Bone Church. I'm sure it has a proper name but it's famous

bone church
for having an interior decorated with human bones, real ones. Its estimated that 40,000 people are "buried" here. It's a pretty small place too which makes it more amazing. You really have to google it and see some pictures. The chandelier in the center is made with at least one of every single bone in the human body. Personally I loved the place. Nina... not so much.

Finally got home after a pretty tiring weekend and were ready to just chill out. Had a simple dinner she prepared and watched the movie In Bruges before hitting the hay. I can't express how much I enjoyed my time here. Was great to get out of the city. I got really really lucky with having such a great host. My Czech has improved tremendously. It's kind of like my trip to Porto all over again. Having to leave before I am ready but at least that means I had a great time. Perhaps I'll see her and this amazing country down the road. I should also mentioned that she lived in the US for a few months to learn English and travel and the job they gave her was as a

lifeguard and also the supervisor of a group of teenage kids ha. They called her douche bag behind her back when she tried to do her job but she had no idea what that meant. Thought it was hilarious, the job and place she ended up. Anyways, those kids were way off. She was a fantastic host. On to Vienna tomorrow! Diky Nina.

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the bridge that's not a bridge, kutna hora

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