Day 60 - Relief, Finally

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Europe » Croatia » Slavonia
August 30th 2023
Published: August 30th 2023
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The afternoon thunderstorms rolled into Osijek as forecast. We were safely in our accommodation by then and had already been out and done a small look around as well as our shopping for today. We waited the showers out and went to dinner about 7:30pm. Of all the places we could have picked we ended up in the American Bar Dollar. An American themed bar and restaurant. At least we knew what we were eating.
No matter what time we set to leave in the mornings we habitually miss it by 15 minutes. We left at 8:15am today with our destination, Sotin, being determined by kilometers we need to travel and the minimum facilities we need for shopping and food, rather than the destintion itself. The great thing about today is the heat has finally broken and we leave in cool air for the first time in a long time. Everything is just so much easier and less taxing without the oppressive heat and humidity.
The ride is super fast today. Not because we are trying to ride fast, but because the surface we have today is just so good. Various bike paths and side roads are all in great condition. We had a rare couple of climbs today as we had to come off the river a few times. They almost felt good as a change from the flats days we've enjoyed for the better part of two months.
We rolled into Sotin right on 12:30pm. A little fuss trying to find the accommodation but all good in the end. It really is a small town. There is a local mini mart right next door which is good but after doing a look around there is nowhere we can get a feed tonight so we'll improvise from the mini mart.

Tomorrow we head to Novi-Sad which is a big city and only 100kms from Belgrade.

Not many photos again today due to us not being on the river or a levee but bike paths ad the road.

Distance travelled today: 58kms
Distance travelled so far: 3,200kms

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Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


The DanubeThe Danube
The Danube

Not too far out from Sotin

Not sure if this is a water tower and look out or just a look out

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