Split arrival

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Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Split
April 1st 2019
Published: May 24th 2022
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Our arrival into CDG was smooth. I used to not care for CDG airport, but have become good at navigating it. We easily made it over to the Croatia Airlines flight to Split with plenty of time to spare. It was good to see the Air Baltic flight to Riga in the same terminal.

This was our 4th flight on Croatia Airlines, and I really like the service. This was Croatia flight 475, an A-319 aircraft. It was a smooth 2 hours over to Split, and after the quick arrival formalities, we were on the bus to Split. We had booked a nice Airbnb right on the waterfront, and it was easy to find. We changed and headed out for some lunch. My wife had researched several places and one of them was Toto's Burger Bar. That was where we ate lunch and it was very tasty.

After lunch we went up to Marjan Hill for the stunning views. The walk up is tiring, but well worth it. The walk down was easy.

In the evening, we went back to the Airbnb and called it an early night.

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