Blogs from Austria, Europe - page 4


Europe » Austria » Vienna September 3rd 2023

This is our third day in Vienna. The first we passed in a somewhat zombie-like state. We managed to visit St Stephan's, the cathedral, and ate at a Vietnamese restaurant in a quiet courtyard. Yesterday we were more adjusted to European time, and we went to the Kunsthistorisches Museum - the main art museum. They have an impressive Greek and Roman section, which I explored in great detail, as well as a large collection of paintings from the Renaissance onwards. After a picnic lunch we visited the Albertina, a small art museum in an old palace. It concentrates on 20th-Century art, with paintings by Monet and Picasso as well as Austrian artists like Egon Schiele. We had dinner at a very traditional Austrian restaurant. We chose not to have the enormous Wienerschnitzel, but did have a ... read more
Kunsthistoriches Museum
The Jesuit Church

Europe » Austria » Vienna August 18th 2023

Our last full day in Vienna. We have plans to do lots of things both ride related and leisure related. I doubt we'll get them all done. I'm fast out of the blocks, up early to have breakfast and work on the bike. It needed a good clean but I also needed to swap my front and back tyres around as the front tyre has a wider profile. I was done and dusted by 9:00am, a good start. Jeff had on his list to get some rim tape at a bike shop, patch a couple of tubes and rotate his front and rear tyres to even out the wear - none of which was done before we all left for the city about 10:30am. Tom, having just arrived had nothing to do on his bike. What ... read more
Art Deco to Art Nouveau cross over
Mechanicl clock dating from 1902
A 1200 year old Romanesque church

Europe » Austria » Vienna August 17th 2023

Our first full day of sight seeing in Vienna. We had decided to ride our bikes into the city (14kms) and do a self guided walking tour. Then come home before returning to the city for dinner and a Mozart concert at the Vienna State Opera House. A big day. At breakfast, we found tickets online for the concert and purchased them. We set off on our bikes for the city just before 10am. It took the best part of an hour to get into town. We locked the bikes up at the start of our walking tour which was out front of the Vienna town hall. It makes the Melbourne Town Hall look like the local Scout Hall. The idea was we would finish the tour and come back to the bikes by 3pm to ... read more

Europe » Austria » Tyrol » Matrei in Osttirol August 17th 2023

A couple of hours to the southeast of Innsbruck lies Hohe Tauern NP - the largest protected area in the Eastern Alps. Many of Austria's highest peaks rise amongst this mountainous wonderland, including the country's highest, the Grossglockner (3798m), and its fourth-highest, the Grossvenediger (3660m). Though I harbour no interest whatsoever in scaling any such ice-clad peaks, my passion for wandering amongst lofty mountains combined with my newfound love for staying in alpine huts had found a perfect outlet in the form of the Venediger Höhenweg: a 5-6 day hut-to-hut walk curving around the southeastern slopes of the mighty mountain. Unfortunately, though the weather forecast was predicting mostly sunny weather for the Saturday, Monday and Wednesday (my first, third and fifth days on the trail), the same could not be said for the Sunday and Tuesday ... read more
Falling in Steps
River Rapids
High Mountain Scenery

Europe » Austria » Vienna August 16th 2023

No alarm set for this morning as we'll be in Vienna well before our check-in time. We have a very leisurely breakfast and have a chat to two Americans who are riding the length of the Danube. They're thinking about coming to do some riding in Australia and asked if Darwin was a good place to start. Hopefully we've set them straight. We ride out of Tulln just after 9am and make our way to the river which will take us all the way to Vienna. Just after we leave Tulln behind we see a girl riding in front of us with a jersey that says Australia on her back. We both look t each other and think, great an other Aussie to talk to. Leena was actually German and her friend had given her the ... read more
4 cruise boats parked right?
Make that 12 Cruise oats parked
The bike path on this bridge is under the roadway. Very safe.

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria » Tulln an der Donau August 15th 2023

We strolled into the modern part of town for dinner last night. We found an outdoor restaurant that was packed. There was an Austrian band playing, with lots of brass instruments included, they really had the place engaged with everyone clapping along. As it was so busy we were seated at a bench table with 3 others who also happened to be cyclists. The pertinent information we found out from them was that August 15th is a public holiday and everything will be closed. This was significant because we planned on going past the supermarket on our way out of town in the the morning to pick up our days supplies. We scoffed down dinner and made it to the supermarket before it closed - disaster averted. Another short days ride so there's no rush in ... read more
Outside the Caricature Museum
Dinner Spot. It was packed.
And the band came out to play

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria August 14th 2023

Per chance there was a concert on at the Abbey last night entitled "Game of Thrones". Musical scores from TV and film mostly, played to the organ and Violoncello. The artists were two brothers. The concert was in the Abbey church and was esquisite. While the music was amazing, it also gave me another chance to visit that amazing church again. Today was another short ride, just 42kms to Krems an der Donau. We were away just after 8am, well fed from breakfast and enjoying the cooler air of the morning. We back tracked a little to cross a bridge over the Danube before turning east on the north bank heading towards Krems. We have been speculating about how wide the Danube is. Today we measured it with our bike computers while crosg the bridge and ... read more
Riding just off the river
We haven't seen grape vine fro a while. What a view.
Churches in the small towns

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria » Melk August 14th 2023

We entered Austria during the night, after our German feast on board. The next morning was again gloomy and overcast and the inevitable rain. Our included tour was in the town of Melk. We were driven to the highest point, overlooking the river and the town, to Melk Abbey, a UNESCO Heritage site. After alighting from the bus we walked down 60 steps and through some beautiful gardens to the Abbey courtyard. This had been a Benedictine abbey for centuries. It now houses a museum and a school still run by religious staff. We were not permitted to take photos inside but could of the splendid buildings, beautifully restored. Where we were taken was mainly set up as a museum, starting with a room concerning St Benedict and the rules of his order. Our guide described ... read more
Courtyard of the abbey
Fresco in the entrance
Fountain in the garden

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria » Melk August 13th 2023

Today we are riding to the town of Melk. It's a short 46kms from Grein along the Danube. The next 3 days are all relatively short as we make our way to Vienna. The ride out of Grien is under blue skies with the promise of hot weather ahead for the next couple of days. With such a short distance today we are really taking it easy cruising gently along enjoying the view. It's Sunday, and as we pass through little towns it's as if they are ghost towns with other cyclists the only other people we see. We are also down to base rations as the supermarkets were closed last night and we didn't have breakfast at the Pension this morning. Our morming break is in a quiet little town were we luckily find one ... read more
View down the Danube
Random Build on the way to Melk
Christmas Tree Farm

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria August 12th 2023

As has become the norm, let me flip back to yesterday. Dinner was at an Italian restaurant (pizza) and then, at Jeff's suggestion, we went back for another crack at the Go-Karts. I had tried to convince him for another round when we were there earlier in the day but it obviously took a bit of time for the "fun factor" to sink in for him and want some more. This time we were on the track with two others which makes for a bit more manoeuvring on the track. We both improved our lap times from the afternoon and it was just as much fun as the first time. Back at the hotel we made use of the sauna and as we returned to our rooms we heard fireworks outside being let off over the ... read more
The fireworks display
Not sure what they are doing???
Nice Building #715

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