Prison Breaks and Wien Escape Rooms - Unique Things to Do in Vienna

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October 11th 2018
Published: October 11th 2018
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Like all other European capitals, Vienna is full of mysteries. Tombs of the royalty, unusual museums, and much more. Unorthodox attractions are here in on every corner, some of them being centuries old, and some surprisingly new.

Our guide gives you a look on some of the most unique places to see while visiting the Austrian capital: from the (in)famous sewers, to the best Wien escape rooms. If you want your trip to Vienna to be unusual and different to what most tourists there experience, take our favourites into consideration while planning the stay!

Arkham Asylum

The Narrenturm (most commonly translated to Fool’s Tower or Madhouse Tower) is one of the oldest asylums for insane people - or at least for those who were considered insane by the society back in the day. The inmates were held in nearly 150 cells, and at some point treatment using electrical shocking was tested at the facility.

The five-storey building looks scary already from the outside, but it is the inside that is especially creepy. While it is no longer a facility for the mentally ill, the Narrenturm serves as home to the collection of Pathologic-Anatomical Museum. Deformed bodies and human organs kept in jars? You can find it all in the Madhouse Tower.

The Underground

Can there be more creepy and „I want to get away from here as soon as possible” place than a madhouse? In fact, Vienna is a city where you can find more than a few spots like this. One of the most noteworthy place among them is, however, under the city.

The Wien sewers became famous years ago, at the end of the 1940s, when a British movie called The Third Man was released. Ask your grandpa or grandma about it - they can remember it especially because of Orson Welles, a popular director, writer, and actor, who played the lead role in the movie.

But even if you’re not a fan of black and white movies, the sewers are still worth checking out. They have a very old-school vibe, which can remind you of the best horrors and thrillers. Just remember that the sewers are only accessible with a tour - don’t try to go there by yourself as it can put your life in danger!

Vienna Escape Rooms

Another way to feel a bit uneasy but excited in the Austrian capital, is to visit one of the best Wien escape rooms. Our current favourite is Open the Door - a facility with three unique escape rooms, each of them with a different setting.

If you are an escape room beginner, we recommend you especially the Night at the Museum scenario. It let’s you and your friends become thieves who need to steal the precious neckless of Cleopatra!

Doesn’t it sound like a good way to spend one of your evenings in Vienna?


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