Blogs from Andorra, Europe - page 3


Europe » Andorra » La Vella July 15th 2019

Enfin arrivée à bon port, après un peu plus de 15 heures de ‘route’! Pas autant fatiguée que je ne l’aurais cru. Ma chambre est au 5è étage, vue magnifique sur les montagnes. Je n’ose pas sortir, je risque de me perdre au retour, car il fera noir. Bon d’accord, je me perdrais quand même en plein soleil, mais je suis trop crevée pour virailler 3 heures! ... read more

Europe » Andorra » Escaldes-Engordany June 12th 2019

Bonjour à tous, Après une nuit bien agitée, vent, pluie ce matin le soleil est au rendez-vous, de la fenêtre de la chambre je refais la même photo qu'hier au soir, de la cathédrale, le rendu est bien différent. Le soleil m'a accompagné toute la journée, sans grosse chaleur, 20°, parfait. A 8h je suis déjà dans la voiture, pour me rendre à la cathédrale Ste Cécile. De loin elle est imposante, mais de près impressionnante, une forteresse cette cathédrale. 2 siècles auront été necessaire pour la construire de 1282 à 1480, dans un style, gothique méridional. Classée sur la liste de l'Unesco, elle est une des plus visitée de France. Il était trop tôt pour visiter l'intérieur, les portes ouvrent à 11h, dommage. J'ai continué la visite, sur le pont Vieux, qui lui à été ... read more
le Tarn
Albi cathédrale Ste Cécile

Europe » Andorra August 2nd 2018

Andorre-la-Vieille est la capitale de l'Andorre, située dans les Pyrénées entre la France et l'Espagne. Elle est réputée pour être une plateforme commerciale, notamment avec l'avenue Meritxell, bordée de boutiques. L'église Sant Esteve, datant du XIIe siècle, est pourvue de retables baroques. Dans l'ancien siège du parlement, la Casa de la Vall, construite en 1580, sont exposées des peintures murales du XVIe et XVIIe siècle. Non loin de là, la station de ski Vallnord abrite divers complexes avec des pistes de sports d'hiver, et des circuits de VTT. Les montagnes sont belles en effet.. Quant a Andorre la vieille cela vallait la peine pour me faire passer ma 74ème frontière mais sans plus car il n'y a vraiment pas grand chose a voir... Les français et espagnols passent ici surtout pour l'alcool etc... en effet une ... read more
mon 74ème pays

Europe » Andorra February 11th 2018

Here we are, I can finally claim it...on one continent, I've visited all the nations...all of them. Born in Europe some 44 years ago, there were way less countries back than. Today, I count some 45 of them. 27 are currently member of the EU...but there is more....way more! This is the first continent where I can claim this little honor. Well, could have done it way earlier...but I don't specially visit to Andorra to buy duty free wine of liquors...I would rather come to ski, and yes, it is a plus to have access to nice produces for dinner once the skiing of the day is done! We ended up with a big SUV from Toulouse train station rental car office. Not the plan, and it took me few weeks to sort out the outrageous ... read more
Made it to the top...windy day!
We slept in town...

Europe » Andorra » Les Escaldes August 1st 2017

Hello my fellow travellers! Me and Ante started the day at a leisure pace and first went down to the Casa de la Vall to go inside for a guided tour, it costs five euro which I thought seemed like a fair price, however the next tour wasn't for another 40 minutes or so and Ante didn't want to wait for it so this time I gave in and we skipped going inside since entry was only allowed with a guide. Instead we filled our bellies with a couple of really delicious baguettes at a cafe next to Sant Esteve d'Andorra la Vella. The owner was a really nice fellow and the place seemed popular with the locals which is always a great sign. After breakfast we made our way down the hill and crossed the ... read more
Vall del Madriu-Perafita-Claror
Filling Our Water Bottles

Europe » Andorra » La Vella July 31st 2017

Hello my fellow travellers! We woke up at a good time this morning and ate some breakfast together with Radek after Michal had left. We had more time than we initially planned since the bus we was going to take had been fully booked so we had to book on the next one going an hour and half later. But it gave us a good leisure time to hang out with Radek and give him some tips for his day in Barcelona. Luckily enough the international bus station is just around the corner from where Michal lives so we just took a leisure stroll over there and hopped on the bus where we watched a movie for the first half until we reached the mountains and the view become far more interesting than any movie! Both ... read more
Andorra la Vella
Casa de la Vall
Sant Esteve d'Andorra la Vella

Europe » Andorra January 6th 2017

Andorra is a little jewel in Southwestern Europe, the landlocked Micro State is surrounded by France and Spain. The people of this tiny principality treasure their freedom, and although the Andorrans use the euro currency they are not part of the EU. There are plenty of things to see and do in this wonderful country, at an altitude of over 1000 metres in the Pyrenees mountains. There are daily return bus trips out of Barcelona, the bus ride across the border to the capital Andorra la Vella takes only three hours. Many tourists take the opportunity to take the bus for a day trip to explore Andorra and perhaps indulge in a bit of a shopping spree, and I was glad to join the crowds who visit the country for the first time. It is one ... read more
Elegant building
Lovely street
Lovely narrow building

Europe » Andorra » Canillo July 26th 2016

Onze laatste tussenstop vooraleer we de exotische landen aandoen (en ja Andorra is ook wel een beetje exotisch) was zoals eerder gezegd Caracasonne. Eens Helemaal uitgestald was het zondag tijd om de super toeritst uit te hangen en de middeleeuwse burcht van Carcassone te bezoeken. Ik moet zeggen best de moeite en met Wikipedia als gids over de wederopbouw helemaal de moeite. Een wandeling in het oude centrum, een lekkere pannenkoek voor de vrouwen, vele liters water en uiteindelijk kapotgelopen voeten later keerden we tevreden naar de camping voor een plonske in het zwembad. Oh ja voor diegene zonder te veel Franse ervaring als wij, reken niet te veel op Franse supermarkten op zondag. Uiteindelijk was een klein schraal supermarktje onze bevoorrader voor de BBQ die avond. Vermits zondag echt wel alles volledig dicht was, bleven ... read more

Europe » Andorra » Sant Julià de Lòria June 18th 2016

We have covered 1900 miles since we set off 10 days ago so we decided to take today off travelling. Fortunate that we had a 2 night stay in the same hotel. We enjoyed a lay in, much appreciated after getting up at 7am every day to pack, eat and set off. After a leisurely breakfast the plan was to jump on the bike and head up the mountainside that over looks Sant Julia de Loria to an activity and nature park Naturlandia. It had been raining through the night and the last dregs were being squeezed over the courtyard outside the dining room windows. By the time we had finished eating it had stopped and the sun was making its way though the gaps in the peaks that surround the town. I found another route ... read more

Europe » Andorra June 17th 2016

Just about everything that was wrong with yesterday was right with today. Sitting outside eating breakfast with the other guests brought a level of sanity to this insane trip. The chat was congenial and the sun quickly lifted the temperature to 22c. This was the most expensive stop on the trip but I have to say, the nicest. I could even forgive the cat that left its dirty poor prints on the bike seat. The morning weather carried on into afternoon in the same way. Pretty much clear blue sky from Arles to the Pyrenees. The roads were by and large quiet, although windy. We had a couple of service stops as we followed the Mediterranean coast line towards Spain, and the ever looming mountains which will be our playground for the next few days. Yes, ... read more

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