Published: May 3rd 2012
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Met up with other crew last night, we are 3 aussies and<span> 3 New Zealanders, all 45 plus, nice bunch.<span> Then had dinner together at a gorgeous restaurant we found on HGT prices fantastic – 2 mains, 2 starters, 2 Mojitas, 2 coffees $26.<span> Today was May Day here as well hundreds of thousands of people marched on Revolution Square, very interesting, took us 1.1/2 hrs to walk to the square just to see the end of it.<span> No tours today as our tour guide JJ was day off because of May day, most things closed but a lot opened after 12.00.<span> We have walked for hours in this city and it has such a good feel about it.


Walking tour in the morning with JJ, to the old Havana, many buildings are condemned and decaying but old Havana has been declared world heritage by UNESCO so every slowly but they are restoring a lot of the buildings we have seen.<span> Could spend a lot of time here exploring, went to a park here named after John Lennon with a statue of him in it and opposite this mark is a really groovy bar called Yellow Submarine, but the only Beetle who has been here is Paul McCartney.<span> Went to Hotel Nationale de Cuba, a very famous hotel where the mob and gangsters used to hang out Lucky Luciano etc.<span> Had a great day, JJ is so fantastic probably 32 or so and has a two year old child, has a great sense of humour and has so much knowledge for a young person. <span> Nettie Westbury this is the place for you, bought a bottle of rum yesterday at the distillery for $3.10 and the really good rum 20 year old plus if about $8.00 but getting that today – everybody drinks rum here – straight though.<span> Cigars are just amazing too!<span> Found a hotel 4 blocks from ours that has Internet, $8 hr, so OK here.<span> Have 12.30flight tomorrow down to Santiago de Cuba, which is about 900km from Havana it is down the very southern end of Cuba, am told we are in an old Russian plane, we will see!!!!<span> We have two nights there before gradually weaving our way back to Havana over the next week.


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