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Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town July 15th 2019

Hello, and Greetings from a new Continent. Yesterday, we did well on a 11-1/2 hour flight from Paris to Cape Town. Our guide, Andre, met us at the airport and transported us to our hotel, which was a huge upgrade from the small rooms we had experienced in Paris. This place is very nice. We socialized a bit and called it a night. Today, we got up to enjoy one of the best breakfast buffets in a long time, including cooked-to-order omelettes. We really enjoyed it and it was good enough that lunch was unnecessary. Andre picked us up and gave us a brief orientation to the V & A Waterfront area before we headed up the Lion's Head Mountain. Normally, tours here take a cable car to the top of Table Mountain, but at this ... read more
Cape Town
Lion Head Mountain

Europe » France » Lower Normandy July 13th 2019

We began our day at 5:00 a.m. in order to get a taxi that would take us to a meeting point near the Arc de Triomphe for our Normandy Excursion. What we thought would thought would be a small group of eight soon looked like 20 or more, but we soon found out there were only 8 people on each individual tour. Luckily, we were among the first there, so were assigned to the first tour out. Our guide, Tej, was knowledgeable and friendly, and provided excellent narrative as we left the bustling Paris for more rural Normandy. He has lived in Thailand and Colombia, in addition to being a hang-glider and father of twins. He once biked a continuious journey across continents that took 5-1/2 years to complete and is fluent in at least four ... read more
German bunker
American Cemetery - Normandy
American Cemetery - Normandy

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris July 12th 2019

The adventure began this year with a departure from Lansing at 4:00 headed for the Air France counter at O'Hare Terminal Five. We arrived on time and got through security quickly and with enough time for a snack of egg rolls. The plane was fairly comfortable though nobody slept much on the overnight flight. After picking up our bags and heading to the arrivals hall where a driver was supposed to be waiting for us with a placard, no one was to be found. Two phone calls to the company went straight to voicemail and went unreturned. This was a little frustrating because the shuttle was booked directly through Air France/KLM and paid ahead of time. We eventually found alternative transportation but were very frustrated after arriving at our Paris hotel to receive an email receipt ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Miami June 19th 2017

Today we are waiting at Miami International Airport and sit to reflect on the experience of the trip we have just completed. Last night we had a preliminary discussion and all slept on what we wished to share. So, here goes. As our guide, Ralph, told us last Sunday, we would leave Cuba with more questions than we entered and was he right! The words contradiction, paradox, and confusion all come to mind. The Cuba we visited was not the Cuba we expected to find. The living conditions we witnessed, though not in any way near the standards we are used to, did not represent the poverty and oppression we initially expected to find and, honestly felt we were witnessing at first. In just a week, we learned to look beyond first impressions into the interior ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Miami June 19th 2017

June 19, 2017 Picking up where we left off... Last night, we enjoyed our last supper in Cuba at a paladar in Cienfuegos. The host has plans to expand in order to accommodate cruise ship passengers in the future. It was a fitting near farewell to our new friends Ralph and Jorge as we enjoyed a tasty meal and fellowship. We should that before supper, we enjoyed cocktails on the rooftop of the Union Hotel, dating from 1869. There, we discussed the issues of the day and broke the Facebook embargo with Jorge. He thought it would be easy for us to find him and was shocked to see how many people of the same name exist in the Chicago area alone. We enjoyed a great view of Cienfuegos, including the energy infrastructure--a Soviet nuclear power ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba June 18th 2017

Our Final Cuban Sunset June 17, 2017 We started of our day following breakfast with a great conversation with Ralph and Jorge about the reaction of Cubans to the recent Trump announcement. Basically, the Cubans were happy that the embargo was not brought back to pre-Obama status. Careful analysis of Trump’s proposal (not an executive order; he signed a memo) seems to indicate that the net result of his ideas, should they be enacted, will really only negatively impact American solo travelers. Group travel may continue as long as it is with a licensed operator, but the “I’m going to check out Trip Advisor and plan my Cuban adventure” travelers will be impacted. And those of us on trips such as ours will be required to document each day’s activities and be subject to IRS audit. ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Cienfuegos June 17th 2017

From Casa Verde to Trinidad to Casa Musica June 16, 2017 We began our morning with breakfast across the street from Casa Verde at Hotel Jagua. It was built in the 1950s with casino space and likely under mob influence, but apparently the casino never became a reality. After eating, it was off toward Trinidad, a community settled by the Spanish in the early 1500s, but later replaced by the French who brought the newest sugar cane technology to Cienfeugos following the Haitian slave revolt. So, we stepped back into time once again. On the way to Trinidad, we stopped for a moment to catch a photo of a cactus fence. These were built by plantation owners to prevent slaves from escaping. Cuba has a disturbing history relative to slavery, but has moved forward from it ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba June 16th 2017

June 15, 2017 Today marked our final day in Havana, but not without a few last goodbyes to the capital city. Our first stop took us to an alley decorated by an eccentric artist known as Salvador. He began illegally painting walls in 1990 and for some reason the government turned a blind eye. After all, not much had been painted at all in Havana since 1959. Over the years, his project turned into a multi-media alley-long installation. Different sections of the installation paid homage to various gods in the Santeria faith, which has thoughtfully melded many aspects into Catholic saints, so much so that the religion is recognized by the Catholic Church. Various artistic elements included car transmissions, bathtubs turned into seating, sinks and toilets turned into planters, piano frames turned into walls and windows, ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba June 15th 2017

June 15, 2017 This morning we began by trying out the breakfast buffet on the first floor. It was a lot of stuff but only a little stuff we recognized. In retrospect, we ate too much for what was ahead. We were one pilgrim down as Barb wasn't feeling the best. The other three headed off to a backyard organic garden where we met Julio and Jesus, a team of brothers who by day are an accountant and an auto mechanic, but who moonlight as gardeners. The produce from their garden is given to an area hospital as well as to the restaurant we were about to visit. Soon, we were at a paladar in the same fishing village that inspired Hemingway's "Old Man and the Sea." There, we sat for a few lessons. The first ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba June 14th 2017

Apologies in advance for typos... These have been composed in haste offline for these few times we are able to upload... Wifi access is limited and spotty at best here. Greetings from the Pilgrims--we are safe and well. June 12, 2014 Up bright and early, we rose at 5:45 a.m. to grab breakfast and meet our guide for our flight to Havana, Cuba. Getting through the airport was worrisome to us, but a breeze because our guide new all the secrets to quickly navigating the visa process and security. We were at the gate and filling out customs forms well ahead of our boarding time. The flight took about 40 minutes and we exited the plane into a different world. The heat and humidity hit like a wet blanket, but we were out of the airport ... read more

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