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We visited Barbados but for us it was a sea day. We slept in, enjoyed coffee and juice in the room, had a leisurely breakfast and headed to the aft pool area. There are very comfy couches and chairs there and because it was a port day is was not crowded. We read there and probably napped a minute of two and then headed to the spa for our massages. Later it was time for happy hour, then dinner and a walk around the ship before bed. Just a wonderful lazy day. Next day we visited Martinique. Believe it or not the main attraction in Fort-de-France Martinique was The library. We decided to just wander the town and see what was on offer. Our first stop was the Cathedral, not to be confused with St. Patrick’s, ... read more
Fort-de-France, Martinque

From the ship it looks like the hurricane damage was overstated. It wasn’t until we turned out of the port and saw the cargo containers twisted like children's toys that we began to appreciate the force of the wind. Some palm trees had lost all their palms. Others had one or two fronds hanging limply. As we drove through the villages the extent of the damage was apparent. It has been four months and this is the first day of work for our tour guide Marie. The Island is 100% dependent on tourism. Most hotels are damaged. Great Bay may never open again. Vacant lots appear between houses with no roofs and some walls missing. Still, the vegetation is back, the flowers along the road side are in bloom and everyone is trying to get their ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Caribbean January 7th 2018

Escape from the Arctic Arrived on time at the FLL airport where chaos reined. So many flights were delayed leaving that the corridors were teeming with people and bags. Decided to take a taxi which was a good call as some folks waited 45 minutes for the hotel shuttle. This was my least favorite BW hotel in the area but also the cheapest. Heading to the ship was a kerfufle. It was about 50 degrees and raining and the entire hotel was gathered with their luggage in the tiny lobby waiting for transportation to the ship. There were seven ships in port and so it took 1 1/2 hours to get to the port and through the embarkation process. Dropped our valuables in the room safe and headed to the Lido for lunch. Unlike my last ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Madeira » Funchal October 16th 2017

Funchal At our last port we had the most fun. We overnighted here and the weather was perfect. The view from our verandah was lovely and we could watch the sun rise over the mountains. Our adventure took us high in mountains. The roads were narrow and winding with very steep drops to the valley below. Anyone with vertigo was in real trouble. Even I had to look away once or twice, especially when we passed another bus coming our way. Our first stop was a resort on a mountain peak where we could sample cake and a local liquor and, of course buy, buy, buy. They had a display of Madeira going back at far as 1880. They were not priced but I could just imagine what it might cost. This area is a hikers ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Cádiz October 15th 2017

Malaga was our next port and this makes the fourth time here. We headed to a jewelry shop where I wanted to buy a mother-of-pearl necklace like the one ML bought on our first stop but on reflection I adhered to my mantra “Subtract, don’t add”. We strolled around the city window shopping and I was particularly intrigued by the beautiful paving stones of marble. They provide a comfortable walking surface that I enjoyed after all the cobblestone sidewalks. We stopped at the same cafe and enjoyed our chat with a young Russian woman and a slightly older Brit gentleman. They met a couple of years ago and have been travel companions since, more like friends according to him. Four years ago he quit his job and bought a boat. Now he has a coffee business ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio October 12th 2017

Rome We said goodby to are fellow guests who were ending their cruise. Dan and Laura had to return to work, Mary and Judy were continuing to explore Italy for a while, then Judy was returning to Australia while Mary connected with a friend in London. Ed and his wife from Wallingford disembarked. Ed had trained with Ray Baldwin, our former 1st selectman, at the CT Police Academy. And the world gets smaller. Two thousand of my new close friends got off and two thousand new ones embarked. The dynamics of the vessel changed in a day. On the first leg we had lots of Europeans and Australians. Now there are more Americans who are sailing home after touring Europe. Some of the six hundred or so went to Rome for the day but the travel ... read more
Still standing

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Lucca October 6th 2017

I had been in Lucca once before with Mike but this time we entered the city through St. Peter’s gate and saw many different churches and plazas. The city dates back to Roman times and although the original walls are gone now it is still a walled city. The current walls date to the 15th century. No longer used for protection, the city walls provide wonderful walks and bicycle trails. While all the surrounding towns and villages were conquered by Florence, Lucca remained independent until a profligate ruler sold the town to Florence to settle gambling debts. It is a great sense of pride to the locals that the city has never been conquered. It was early when we arrived and the city had not fully awakened. We strolled through mostly empty streets to the old ... read more
One of many towers
The cathedral

Europe » Spain » Balearic Islands October 5th 2017

Palma de MaJordan is a beautiful island and I hope to come back someday to explore the City but today we are off to learn how to make Paella. Unfortunately ML is not feeling well but tropper that she is she persisted. It is a shame because this is the one tour she really was looking forward to. Our first stop is the market to buy our ingredients. Like most markets of Europe it was a feast for the eyes. Large, immaculate, with fresh meat, fish, veggies and fruit, it really stimulated the taste buds. Everything is locally grown except for the tropical fruits. You can buy herbs and spices and prepared meals as well. Cooking utensils and pans and pots and aprons, whatever you need for the kitchen is available here. We watched the meat ... read more
The hacienda
Making Paella
The result

Europe » Spain October 4th 2017

Barcelona. Rather than go off on our own we decided to take a ships tour. The province of Catalonia has wanted independence from Spain forever and the provincial government scheduled a referendum for Sunday, October 1. The central government has sent in police from all over the country to stop the election and the locals are demonstrating daily. Whether the police will actually block the 2000 polling places or arrest the leaders of the demonstrations or both is still uncertain. The problem with a ship’s tour is that you are with 45-50 of your shipmates. This makes the logistics of getting on and off the bus time consuming. We stopped near the most famous Gaudi houses and saw dozens of young people emerge from the subway with Catalonian flags. They were heading to the Plaza Catalunya ... read more
Sagrida Familia

Europe » Spain » Region of Murcia October 4th 2017

We are now entering the port intensive portion of the cruise. First stop, Malaga. We were here before with Rich so many of the attractions were old hat. Still it is lovely to find familiar spots is foreign cities. We strolled past the cathedral and the old cardinal’s palace and found the cafe were I had enjoyed a drink in the past. I had forgotten that the drinks were humongous. We each had a G&T at the tonic came in a small bottle. The Gin or Vodka however were presented in a large brandy snifter with a couple of ice cubes. It is the only time I can remember where they served a larger proportion of alcohol versus the mixers. Total cost, 10e. We chatted up a woman who was vacationing from England and worked at ... read more

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