Page 8 of lexispence10 Travel Blog Posts

It was beautiful they said.... I decided since I was already in the western hemisphere to go ahead and again visit my friend who was traveling central America. He didn't need to try too hard to convince me, especially when my Jetblue flight was canceled. I initially planned to fly to Jetblue to Liberia, Costa Rica, but while my sister and I were hiking with friends, she received a message from Jetblue. I had given them her number as I do not have a US number. Apparently, only Americans with American numbers are allowed to book American flights or some BS - it is really annoying. Anyway, we waited to listen and found out that that flight was also canceled. Wth? I thought Jetblue was one of the most reliable. I wound up rebooking with American ... read more
Playa Samara
Hotel las Mariposas - flooded and drained
Playa Samara - what have we done?

After waiting for two years (thanks covid!), my parents and I finally got to restart our favorite tradition: taking my nieces and nephews (their grandchildren) for their first Disney trip. We had planned to take all three of each of my sisters' kids in April and August 2020, respectively, but.... Covid. When the April trip was cancelled, I was bummed - my flight and park tickets were already paid for and they were moving to Sweden, so this would be a last opportunity for a while. But I still held out hope for the August trip....which was dashed into smithereens of course. So, finally, I got to take the youngest of my NY sister's kids for her first time, but unlike the kids on other two trips, she would be alone with us old fogeys. I ... read more
Giving Olaf warm hugs
Ready to ride!
In the Bambi dress

Asia » Nepal » Lukla May 9th 2022

Early in the morning, most of our group woke up to climb Kala Pattur, 5550m (18,209ft), which would give you great views of Everest and the other surrounding mountains at sunrise. It is the highest one can climb without a permit. Due to not dying to feel altitude sickness again any time soon, I opted to stay in bed a bit. A few of our group also opted to rent donkeys to take them up so left a little earlier than the hikers. I woke up around 6, intending to go outside and get some decent photos in peace and at my own pace.... but the weather was not good - it was very overcast and seemed quite windy. Apparently, this was exactly the case. Not everyone summited and those who did had no view - ... read more
Group Photo Day 7
Group photo, Day 1*

Asia » Nepal » Gorak Shep May 5th 2022

Our final day of hiking up was here. Today, we would reach Everest Base Camp! Today was the first day I took a full diamox pill in the morning due to the increased elevation. It was going to be a long day, so I was trying to mentally prepare myself, but this was the first day that I was not feeling 100 percent. We were to hike about 3 hours to Gorak Shep, have lunch, say good bye to porters, continue to EBC and come back. Overall, about 9 to 10 hours hiking. We set off and even though the elevation gain was only supposed to be about 300m to Leboche, it was a bit difficult due to altitude. I don't know what was wrong with me, nothing I could pinpoint, just felt off. Slow. No ... read more
Full group photo, including porters and guides
Hike to EBC
Made it to Gorak Shep

Asia » Nepal » Lobuche May 4th 2022

This was my favorite day of hiking! When we left after breakfast, and after I had taken my first diamox pill (I only did half in the morning and half at night), we had about a 20 minute climb behind the village. When you search on google maps, it shows that you're coming down hill and walking up along the river bed. No, this way was so much better. Not only was the hiking much easier, the views were absolutely breathtaking! We walked for about 90 minutes along this fairly easy route, which had no distinct trail per say, but was an almost flat slope with an absence of vegetation, so easy to see the way. We stopped at a couple locations for some amazing photo stops, one over Dingboche, and another area at a large ... read more
Views above Dingboche
Everest Memorial above Thukla

Asia » Nepal » Dingboche May 3rd 2022

We got up and had our breakfast before starting day 4. By this time, I fully expected to be tired or sore or something. But I actually felt pretty great. I was still postponing taking the altitude sickness pills because I felt so good. I did try to stretch every night when we got back, nothing major, just getting out the kinks. I was pleasantly surprised at how good I felt and at this point we had done the hardest physical part of the hike with the steep slopes the previous two days. So, really, the trek is mostly just walking. You can take your time, stop as much as you want, and the hike itself is amazing from beginning to end, so you are mentally at peace as well. Today was going to be just ... read more
Day 4 hiking
Day 4 hiking

Asia » Nepal » Tengboche May 2nd 2022

Day 3 was strange as a few people were still sick. After breakfast and packing, most of us left around 8 am. My roomie was worried she would not be able to go at all but we assured her there were options; we were still early in the trek, multiple guides, and it was not that busy on the trail so maybe she would be a half day behind. Another girl and one guy also stayed behind. The rest of us made our way up some steep steps for about 20-30 minutes. From here, the hike was easy and just absolutely beautiful. We were high above the river with views of the snow capped mountains and tree covered slopes below. The weather was perfect and at a certain point we came around a hill and we ... read more
First peek of Everest!
Trail and scenery!
Steep hike up

Asia » Nepal » Namche May 1st 2022

On day 2, we woke to have a basic breakfast. And our ginger lemon honey tea. I took a few photos before we left of the beautiful river and mountain views. We packed up our bags and our porters were ready to collect. It was a fairly early start and most of the first half of the day was either flat or a gradual incline. We passed a couple of small waterfalls, villages, and trains of donkeys carrying good, particularly water canisters or petrol bottles. At our first tea break, it seemed like there would be a traffic jam as two groups of donkeys going in opposite directions were brought together. However they clearly do this a lot and it was pretty cool to see just one group stop and wait while the other group passed ... read more
Namche Bazaar
Hillary bridge
Tea house at sunrise

Asia » Nepal » Lukla April 30th 2022

For Eid al Fitr break, my friend talked me into joining her for the Everest Base Camp trek our usual travel group was doing. She and I had previously done the yoga trip to Nepal in December and she had been excited to do this even then. I was a bit nervous, but I said yes and proceeded to do some very half hearted training. Of course, about 10 days before, she got reassigned to lead another trek, Kili, which I refused at this point in time - very different mental preparation! Packing! In addition to the physical aspect, we also had to prepare our packing due to weight restrictions: 10kg for the porters to carry and 15kg total for the small plane and helicopter limits. I was one of only two people who stayed in ... read more
Flight full of trekkup!
Lukla, Nepal
Day 1 hike - many suspension bridges

Africa » Sudan » North March 27th 2022

After leaving Khartoum, we made our way north to head to the true purpose of our trip: Meroe. We had to go through multiple checkpoints, where they checked our exit visa for leaving the city of Khartoum (expensive). Along the way, we stopped at a couple of roadside areas, and met our cooking crew who prepared all our meals from this point forward: lunch on the road and our camping meals. We had lunch at a random semi-abandoned roadside structure in an open room. I thought at first that it was some hidden restaurant, but it was our cooks. The food was pretty good, but we were a bit late and it was cold and flies were everywhere. You had to get used to that here. Our first stop along the road was a small, colorful ... read more
Roadside stop

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