Page 43 of lexispence10 Travel Blog Posts

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 10th 2012

Well, today was the start of my second week of work. Of course my taxi driver who said he'd be here at 8 didn't show up, so I had to get a new one. This guy was super duper nice and his English was pretty good, but he tried a shortcut and we wound up lost in the industrial area. He eventually turned off the meter. When we finally got to a place that I knew and directed us, he slapped his head and said "I so stupid!" So, what should have been an easy cab ride today was twice as long but twice as entertaining. I really like this guy, Nidal, that I work with. He is older and spends his days writing proposals. He mentioned a heavy metal band and was shocked i knew ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 9th 2012

As I expected, I decided to make a lazy day of it today. I read some this morning and then took myself to the Mall of the Emirates to watch a movie: Prometheus 3D. I was not impressed. The movie was not what I thought and I am kind of tired of the "Alien" franchise. Oh well. Then I took myself shopping for some much needed clothes (I apparently left all my nice dresses in NY - GRRRRR!). I bought two dresses, two shirts, and some gold jewelry - I usually detest gold jewelry, but it will go best with the navy blue dresses (they are very different, but same color). I still need some black shoes and I need a very nice dress for our company party this weekend. We are celebrating 50 years of ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 8th 2012

I woke up after a good sleep last night, well except for the fireworks at either Burj Al Arab or Atlantis, or for my landlord calling me at 2:30am and asking me what kind of guy RJ was like... I was soooo hungry, but didn't want the breakfast buffet again, so opted to wait for the lunch buffet. But that didn't start until 12:30, so I had about 4 hours to kill. I couldn't go anywhere since Friday is their Holy Day and the metro doesn't run until 2pm. So, I took a shower, read a little and played some farmville. Then it was about 9:30. So, I decided to do some laundry. I had tried to leave it for the maid yesterday, but I had to label each item and it would have cost me ... read more
Plate 2
fancy gym
Resort hotel

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 7th 2012

Well - I survived my first week and I am feeling great! Today my taxi driver told me he knows a shorter route to the office that will save me time and money, so he is picking me up on Sunday. Woot! Today I saw our first American - he was presenting for a Masters degree in Construction Management at the American University of Dubai. It looked interesting and I am thinking of pursing my Masters while here, but I am more interested in the technical side, and namely, Coastal Engineering. It's a thought though. For lunch, we returned to Times Square, where I ate a chicken quesadilla; it really was not all that different from the quesadillas at the chain restaurants in Ventura. It hit the spot. And I got to know Zenah more and ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 6th 2012

I got a good solid 7 hours of sleep last night, but that means I woke up at 2:30am and never went back to bed. I read another Sookie Stackhouse book and before I knew it, it was 6am. I decided to keep the maid out of my room untiil tomorrow (thursday) so I can relax in my own way, but have new sheets and a nice clean room to return to when I come back from my last day of work of my first week. Can you believe it? I'm almost through my first week! I decided today was another big breakfast day because yesterday I hardly ate anything! But when I got my plate and scouted out the buffet, nothing struck my fancy. In fact, I was a bit revolted. My main hot meal ... read more
Ongoing construction everywhere
I love the uniqueness of the buildings

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 5th 2012

My sleep pattern is starting to get on track. I crashed when I got home last night around 6:30, woke up around 9:30 and read until about 2am, before getting a few hours more. I am trying so hard to stay awake for another few hours so I can hopefully sleep the whole night though!!! Today I learned my first Arabic word: Jabal means "mountain." I continued writing the same report at work today, even though there really isn't a whole lot more to do until we get the lab results tomorrow. So, I was fairly bored today. I asked if there was other stuff to do, but they seemed insistent on getting the report just so. I'm not sure that I've ever spent 16 hours straight on a 8 page factual report (plus figures), but ... read more
the souq in the mall

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 4th 2012

Well, it is starting to seem more and more like home here. I am getting used to a lot now. Some of the things that will take getting used to will be not being a loud American (who would have thought - me = loud???) as well as using Britiish grammar (i.e. programme) and definitely the metric system day-to-day! The food situation is still taking some getting used to, especially since the mini fridge in my room does not get cold at all. So, i am very limited in what groceries I can buy; I've been living on granola bars, chex mix, grapefruit, noodles, hot tea, water and gatorade. Not bad, but boring. I have a little pitcher in my room that boils water, so maybe I can get creative - I'm thinking oatmeal. Today was ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 3rd 2012

I went to bed at about 2 am and was sound asleep, dreaming of Eric Northman, when my phone rang at 4:17 am. RJ. "Oh shoot Spencerinho! Did I wake you?" It was fine - I'd kind of left him hanging and we needed to talk roommate stuff anyway. But I was completely unable to fall back asleep. I took a shower at 6, ate my grapefruite, had a cup of tea and then dried my hair. Let me just say: I don't know what it is in the water here, but my hair feels AMAZING! I was so scared because in humid climates, my hair tends to curl up like a big poodle; I know some people like that and think my hair looks good in a gazillion ringlets, but it just makes me as ... read more
my office

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 2nd 2012

Today was a busy day! I had planned to sleep last night, but I wound up finishing some work (invoices) until about 3am; then I read until about 8:00. My clock is really messed up! I thought for sure I'd be out by now, but I guess since I only usually get 5-6 hours of sleep a night, plus a nap, I can handle it. I hope! So, I got up, took a shower, and unpacked some of my belongings. I am supposed to be here for a month, so I guess I should start making this place a little more cozy. I only have about 5 hangars though! I decided I needed to get out. I got dressed, wearing my favorite long burgandy hippie-ish strapless dress with a gray sweater. I took a few deep ... read more
Mall of the Emriates
Mall of the Emirates
My hotel

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai June 1st 2012

Well, I had hoped to get some much needed sleep last night. I went to bed around 1 am, was out cold when the fire alarm went off at 3 am. At first I just laid here - it was like a horn sound - so maybe it was just the call to prayer? Then the annoying squealing went off, so I threw off my covers, put on my sandals, and got my purse from my safe....then it stopped. I went back to bed. I really reallly really hope that it is NOT the call to prayer and was just a fluke. I guess I really just don't know what this call to prayer sounds like, especially the first one of the day, so I am thinking anything is possible!!! I woke up around 7, after ... read more
Ski Slope

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