lexispence10's Guestbook

14th July 2023
Gubeikou Great Wall

The wild wall
It makes me so happy to hear that you decided to have a go at a less visited section of the Great Wall (the wild/the unrestored wall). I find those sections to be the most exciting and inspiring sections. You liked it too from what I understand. /Ake
15th July 2023
Gubeikou Great Wall

I absolutely loved the Gubeikou section. It was so peaceful and I love the historical visual of it. Seeing it in a half ruined state made it all the more clear the effort and longevity of it. The Jinlang section was equally amazing, but different. I loved seeing the contrast.
13th July 2023
Imperial Vault of Heaven

Palaces of Beijing
I love the various palaces and historical parks of Beijing. I have been lucky enough to be able to visit some of them more than once and att different times of the day. You sometimes get a different when going to the palaces early in the morning. I have also had time enough to visit minor temples and parks. Those are also nice even though most visitors skip them. If you are pressed for time it makes sence to skip them and because essentially they are just less glamourous variations of the major sites. /Ake
15th July 2023
Imperial Vault of Heaven

So much to see!
Yeah, there seemed to be a lot to do and see just walking around. It was so hard to plan and yet so easy to adapt to enjoy ourselves. While I would have liked to see Forbidden City, I was not devastated as there were so many other things to do!
13th July 2023
Hutong shopping street

I lived in Beijing 20+ years ago
I actually lived in Beijing for half a year back in 2001, so little over 20 years ago. I have been back twice after that and seen how rapidly the hutongs are disappearing. At least they were replacing the hutongs very rapidly in the parts of Beijing that I lived, roamed and worked in. I kinda like the hutongs so that development makes me a bit sad. /Ake
15th July 2023
Hutong shopping street

I loved the hutangs. It seemed so authentic and traditional. Just walking down and peeking through the doorways and seeing just normal people living their lives. Nothing ostentatious or touristy, just a really cool place to live.
10th July 2023
Garden of Harmonious Interests

I'm impressed and tired with 23,000 steps. Fascinating.
10th July 2023

The complexity of visiting
It sounds like you've made the best of the situation.
10th July 2023

Thanks for taking us along on your trip. This is a location we hope to visit sooner than later.
10th July 2023

Happy birthday!
And what a nice way to celebrate. And thanks for the memories as my son and I went to these places in 2013. I had broken my ankle 8 weeks earlier so he helped with my mobility.
8th July 2023

I have very fond memories from Cappadocia
I spent about a week in Cappadocia in mid 90-ies. I absolutely loved it there. It is such an amazing place. I hope to be able to go back there again some day. Thanks for your blog and for bringing back some nice memories to me. /Ake
8th July 2023

Bad timing
Yeah, I had been dying to go here for so long. I think it really was the weather and the organized trip. I think if I had planned on my own I would have enjoyed it. I got the first bad taste in my mouth when the minute the bus started driving from the airport, the guide asked us what optional activities we wanted to do and they were quite expensive for anywhere and he was trying to get us to 'give to the locals' essentially.
7th July 2023

Find guide
As for me, there is no better way to explore the country than through the locals! So I am very much into this new Find Guide app which helps you find a local guide wherever you travel. You just choose your destination, date, language and other special requirements and get a list of local guides with experience and exclusive insights on the country.
6th July 2023
Love the random fountains

I too love the fountains in Rome
I completely understand what you mean when you say that you love the fountains in Rome. So do I. Last time I was there I wrote an entire blog entry about fountains. /Ake
5th July 2023
Gunnuhver geothermal area

I love thermal pools and fumaroles
I absolutely love thermal pools and fumaroles. Volcanic activity has fascinated me ever since I was a child. /Ake
5th July 2023

I am adding this to my list
I think I will try to squeeze this place into my own itinerary when (if) we go to Iceland. I have added it to my ever growing list of places I want to visit. /Ake
6th July 2023

Lava tunnels
I think there are a couple of lava tunnels to choose from, but I do like how it is by appointment so you are not overwhelmed with people and can enjoy it
5th July 2023
Hallgrimskirkja and Leif Eriksson

Our Iceland plans didn't realise this year either
We have plans ourseles to visit Iceland. But they have derailed two years in a row now. I now fearif that we might ever going to do that trip. /Ake
6th July 2023
Hallgrimskirkja and Leif Eriksson

Do it!
You definitely need to go! It is one of the my favorite places and just so unique. It can be expensive and some of the toursity places can be crowded, but there are so many little places to see off the main road that you can have almost to yourselves! And it is just as beautiful.
4th July 2023

I second your opinion of Rome...
and every other tourist destination in Europe!
6th July 2023

Tourist cities
Yeah, it was mid-May and already just so crowded. I can't even imagine what is is looking like in summer.
4th July 2023
Borgund Stave Church

On stave churches
I also like the Norwegian stave churches. We used to have them in Sweden too. But nowadays I think there is only one left. /Ake
6th July 2023
Borgund Stave Church

Stave churches
They were so amazing. I know they have mostly been refurbished, but wooden structures lasting 800 years? Just incredible.
29th June 2023

Rise Food Mall
Thank you for sharing your blog very nice great and useful information Rise Food Mall
30th May 2023
Kerid Crater

Icelandic beauty
We love the SW side of the country.

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