Page 7 of garrettnb Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Dortmund July 24th 2008

This post is going to be broken down day by day because there is so much to cover. Monday; Woke up early as we were driving to the North Sea. Packed up the van, picked up dennis' friend Nicole and then off. 350km further north we arrived in Wellhemhaven. It was pouring rain so we walked around the mall, then went for a late lunch at the McDrive. Which is what they call the drive through over here. Got lost on the way to the maritime musem. When we finally did arrive we checked out the collection of old WWII boats and even a U-Boat. At the campsite we had pizza for dinner, played cards and then slept in the van. Tuesday; Woke up to beautiful sunny day. Drove to Carolinsiel, walked the canal. The area ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Dortmund July 20th 2008

Friday was a rather chill day for Dennis and I. We slept in, which felt amazing. For lunch we biked to the bakery down the street and had fresh baked good and coffee :D. That afternoon we drove around and did some errands, dropped off a ticket for wednesdays match between Bayern and Dortmund at dennis' uncles house, went to go visit his oma, and then took it easy at home. That evening we went to the next towns Shutzenfest. Now i deffinetly didn't get this festival at all before, but i think i get it now. Well sorta; basically Shutzenfest translate to shooting festival, the main part of the festival is everyone shoots at a wooden bird with a shotgun, and who ever shoots it down becomes the King of the festival. Then we went ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Dortmund July 18th 2008

Well I am currently just outside of dortmund staying with dennis. But i will fill everybody in on whats been going on in the last few days. On Tuesday Jonas, Fabian and I took the train to Nurnberg and went to go see the WWII museum. Which is housed in a building that is on the original site of the Nazi grounds, and I'm not sure if the next part is impressive or creepy. But none the less, the museum building was commisioned by Adolf Hitler himself, and was some sort of rally building during the nazi regime. Leaving the museum feeling sad, we headed to go take a look around the old part of town, and had ice cream. That night we went out to a bar and had some local beers, and I said ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Coburg July 14th 2008

Samba is now over, Lots of dancing and drinking! Over 50 different drum groups and loads of girls :D Saturday we hung out at samba and actually went though the festival, ate food and saw the competitions. Sunday we went to go see the samba finale, this consisted of a parade of all the different drum and dance groups. After we walked through the town and then headed home. So tired after 3 days of partying so in bed by 9, and I finally started reading my book. Perhaps a mistake, as I can't put it down... Today I went to talk to the english teacher at the school, and walked around the town. You find many interesting things when you walk alone. I even managed to put some money on my phone even though the ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Coburg July 12th 2008

Hello all! The last few days have been full of events. Thursday I slept in till noon after going to bed at 9pm! After this we walked around downtown, and then up the hill to the Coburg Castle. Asides from being a museum in itself, the castle also houses a museum of bavarian heritage. Many rooms are left untouched from when the castle was constructed. Including Martin Luther's room. Later in the evening we drove to go pick up a car at audi dealership in the next town. We then went to Cesslach for dinner, jager schnitzel mit potato salad :D Friday i got up and went to school with Jonas und Jakob. The school is 402 years old, and has about the same amount of students, a huge difference to our overcrowded class sizes. Traditional ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Coburg July 9th 2008

After 20something hours of traveling, i have come to my destination! Ended up catching the train out of frankfurt at 830 in the morning. The ICE is FAST, speedo went well over 220 km/h. Because of the earlier train i had 4 hours to kill in nurnberg, walked around the old part of town, saw the sites and had a brat and bun for lunch. Arrived in coburg at 330pm where we hung around at home for a while then walked around downtown. Going to bed early as i've been awake for 30 hours now, so after a good nights sleep i should be jetlag free. Flying over what i believe is hudsons bay. This is what looking out the window when your flying down the tracks at over 200km/h. Lastly, this is the fountain in ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Port Moody July 7th 2008

So i'm all packed and ready to go! So tomorrow i fly out to Frankfurt and then catch a train to Coburg. Should be a loooong day. I realized my original plan to beat jetlag was absurd. So i am going to sleep tonight. Lastly, since i'm trying to see how this thing works. I've added a picture for you to stare at in anticipation for a decent shot. ... read more

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