Page 4 of denidax Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Burma January 4th 2009

Until recently in Thailand you could get a 30 days visa in arrival... now you get 15 days if you come overland and 30 if you fly in... Aimar's visa was expiring on the 29th and ours a few days later so we all went to Ranong to cross to Myanmar, a country that I never thought I will visit... There are lots of agencies that arrange day trips to the border and back which are comfortable and popular among the tourists... but they are bloody expensive so we did it our way and we arrive to the caotic on a local bus. Due to those organize trips, there were a lot of tourists that didn't have a clue about what was going on and were. like sheep, doing whatever the locals would tell them "pay ... read more
stove  /  hornillo
harbour  /  puerto
houses on the river  /  casa en el rio

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Railay January 3rd 2009

To follow the tradition of getting sick in Ko Tao, the trip back to Chumpon was (nearly) as bad as the 1st one; people would come out of the catamaran while we were waiting to get in, saying things like "what a trip" or, "you don't know what's waiting for you" and, to follow my tradition I started crying; I knew I wasn't going to make it better that way but I had such a hard time on the way there that I didn't want to go through that again. But we couldn't go back and we boarded the boar with tears and sobs. The sea was even worse than when we came, but the boat more stable (spell?) and I was stronger so I only puked once... We went to Ranong, to cross the border ... read more
Ao Ton Sai
Dax and Johannes

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao December 28th 2008

I have got sick twice traveling by boat. I never enjoy the feeling of being at sea (sorry Dad!!), but of all the times I have been on a boat (and in the last 3 months have been a lot!!), I have been sick twice... and both have been in Ko Tao. I came here the 1st time 3 years ago to make my Open Water course and, on my 1st day at sea I got sick and puked my breakfast... but the fishes were grateful and, even though I didn;t get in the water that day, I saw lots of species... A few days ago, after meeting Aimar in Chumpon, we got a ferry to go to Ko Tao again and dive a little bit more... the trip was so bad that word spread all ... read more
ko tao sunset  /  puesta de sol en ko tao
beer drinking gecko  /  gecko bebiendo cerveza
cheers!!  /  salud!!

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown December 19th 2008

After a month in Indonesia, Singapore was a paradise of organization and cleaningness... we spent 2 days there moving from shopping centre to shopping centre and not buying anything... Chinatown was great and the food tasty and cheap... Little India was spicy in many ways, it is the only place of the country (city?) where the rule of "no loitering" doesn't apply... Organization comes at a price and, in Singapore, everything is forbidden: no smoking, no loitering, no patronizing, no feeding the pigeons, not leaving the toilet without flushing, no cycling in bridges... or you'll get a fine... until recently it was even forbidden to chew gum on the street... The train ride to Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia was interesting as we were ridding backwards in a car full of screaming children... that's if you ask ... read more
and this is the result  /  y este es el resultado

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Yogyakarta December 11th 2008

When you leave the tourist comfort zone, people seem more interested in you than your money... So we arrived, after 3 hours of the most interesting bus trip of my life, to Gilimanuk, where we took the ferry to Java; of about 200 people there, we were 4 tourists and we ended up together in Banyuwangi train station and that's how we met Suzette and Lars with whom we spent the next 5 days... After we were informed (half hand language, half pidgin English) that the next train to Yogyakarta won't be leaving until the next morning (and it was only 3 pm!!), we went searching for a hostel to spend the night, but alomg came Harry who works at the train station and his colleagues had called him home to come and help us as ... read more
the extra seats  /  los asientos extras
Harry's house  /  la casa de Harry
Harry's family  /  la familia de Harry

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Gili Air November 19th 2008

We landed in Bali, once the favorite destination of honeymooners, but got really affected by the 2002 bombings... But, like the Phoenix, it is growing once again and it's becoming a popular backpacking place, in fact, it has recovered so well that many places that Dax visited in 2004 and were then free, are now asking for a generous amount as entrance fee... Not only that, but you can take 3 steps without having someone offering something to you; the most used sentences in Bali are Hello Mister, Hello Boss and Yes followed by information, transport, room, food, massage, sandals, pareus and t-shirts... All of that was getting on my nerves because they don't give up when you say "no, thank you", they keep on askimg until they see another tourist or you just stop being ... read more
Singapore airport
petrol  /  gasolina

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane November 17th 2008

I feel shame and sadness in equal parts when I admit that this will be the 1st and only cycling blog of our trip... I was so looking forward to cycle the world!!... reading other cyclists' blogs I made a romantic and naive idea of live on the road... but experience has taught me that I am not as strong... maybe it was the heat, maybe the spiders, maybe the noises at night, but after 200 kms I had to retire from the race... It all started 5 days ago when, full of energy and as exited as a couple of teenagers on their first date, we set off from our Couchsurfing hosts, D. and J., and we started pedaling heading south. It was so hot that, at 1pm, I was exhausted and we had to ... read more
new road sign 2  /  nueva senhal de trafico 2
the trucks and me  /  los camiones y yo
2nd breakfast  /  segundo desayuno

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane November 10th 2008

After a 30 days in New Zealand, our budget has been severely damaged and most probably and unfortunately we won't be making it back to Europe the way we first thought, in fact, we'll be happy if we actually make it to Beijin. No one is to blame except the travel bug inside our bellies that urges us to "see it all"... now, we really have to re-think our initial plan and make decisions about where to go and how to manage this next months... I can picture Dax hunting grasshoppers and me roasting them in a camp fire to get the nutrients we need to cycle away... By now, we have to cut luxuries like driving around in a van or going to campsites to have a shower... we'll have to be strong a face ... read more
making tea  /  haciendo te
having his portrait painted  /  pintando su retrato
Last night spot  /  ultima noche

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown November 5th 2008

I have never consider myself cool but, when we were on the glacier, there was a couple who didn't stop talking and they said they were on their honeymoon... the questions started straight away: "where are you from?", he's from Israel and she's German; "where do you live?" in England; "are you learning each other's language?" yes, but it takes time and it's difficult; "where did you get married?", in Berlin, a mix of Christian and Jewish ritual; "how long will your honeymoon take?", 3 months... after each answer, people would say "that's soooo cooool", and Dax and I would look at each other smiling, but say nothing... I felt as if 2 actors were playing my life in front of me... it was weird... but I kept my mouth shut... because I'm not cool, and ... read more
on the way  /  en el camino
both of us  /  nosotros dos

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