Page 3 of bvchef Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney March 14th 2018

This is going to be a quick, down and dirty account of this extreme adventure. Well, perhaps it was not so extreme, but "jaunty stroll on the bridge"doesn’t have the same pizazz that would make you want to read this. Am I right? Yeah, I thought I might be, so here we go. The transition from the luxurious Indian Pacific train to the streets of Sydney was harsh. Luggage was offloaded in the middle of the platform, where the luggage cars were. Before pulling into the station, the train had been split in half and my carriage was way at the end of the adjoining platform. It was a hot, sticky day in Sydney and my sights were set on getting to the hotel, resting and getting down to the Bridge. The hotel I ... read more
Sunset over the Harbor
A Zoom of the Climbers
View from the Other Side

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth March 12th 2018

Truth be told, I had put a deposit down on the Indian Pacific before I purchased my flights to and from Australia. Friends had taken the trip years ago, mentioned it to me, and after looking into it online I was sold. As it happens so often, a specific event determines the trip and everything else is built around it. Once again, this was the right way to do it. I loved this trip. The idea of a 4-day, 3-night train that crosses an entire continent was appealing. Doing it alone and meeting people on the train can be dicey with personality and chattiness, but each person I have met has been interesting. True, I found a group that I really enjoyed, and will write more about them later, but for now suffice it to say ... read more
Chicken and Arugula Salad

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Margaret River March 10th 2018

This trip is about seeing Australia through the eyes of locals. With few exceptions, there are no hotels, no taxis, no organized tour groups or guides holding umbrellas while trying to herd souvenir hungry tourists in my plans. I really don’t know what this trip is going to offer, but for my part I am saying yes. Simple as that. Hey Brendan do you want to drive 1000km in 2 days? Yes. Do you want to share a bed with someone you have only met yesterday? Sure, sounds good to me. Feel like tagging along on a business meeting with me? Yup! And you know what? It has been awesome so far. This is easy, laid back and pure Australia. Cindy came to pick me up in the morning after I had an amazing night’s sleep ... read more
Travel Bloggers Meet
Indian Ocean
Indian Ocean

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth March 7th 2018

And go I did. Traveling from SJ through SF, LA, Sydney to my final destination of Perth took me on a journey of 33 hours from door to door. I had arrived as far West as I could go. Heck, if I went any further West, I would have been East. Or is that just my jet lagged mind thinking it is clever when it should really simply sit there and look pretty? Either way, I am in the sunny land of Australia where I was welcomed with the hottest day in 2 years. So much for the email I received happily telling me that the summer had been mild. All 3 flights were nice. The longest leg, from LA to SYD had a passenger load that was very small, so I was able to move ... read more
Posing for The Carmera
Cindy feeding the birds popcorn
Who could resist a pic of this little guy?

Middle East » Jordan » West » Dead Sea February 28th 2016

After the busy day touring Petra yesterday, I woke up looking forward to a quiet day on the road. I am not sure whether it was the hours of walking and hiking over rocks, the standing for hours cooking or if I was good old fashioned cranky, but I simply couldn’t face the breakfast buffet today. To say that it was sad would be kind to breakfast buffets everywhere. This one was plain old blech, in my professional opinion. I made do with some lackluster coffee colored water until Haytham picked us up and we headed towards Wadi Rum to check out the desert of Jordan. This trip is winding down too quickly, so I was determined to make the most of it- good breakfast or not. I am often asked why I have not yet ... read more
Just a Blip
Wadi Rum
Restaurant in Amman

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra February 27th 2016

Our flight from Luxor to Cairo was delayed 2 hours, giving us time to work on blogs and people watch. The connection time in Cairo was a long one, so I was relaxed knowing that gazelle-like running was probably not going to be required. Everything went according to plan and we had nice flights into Amman. We were met at the airport by a representative from our tour company, Jordan Select Tours, who took care of our visas, bypassed the long lines, and somehow got us out of baggage claim without having to go through the screening. Not ones to complain, we happily followed him to Starbucks to meet and greet, pay for our tour and get the low down on what we were going to do. I was very impressed with the Queen Alia Airport. ... read more
Light and Shadow
The Petra Kitchen
Carved out of the rock

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor February 24th 2016

Now, please don’t get worried it is just a title; nothing has been ruined on this trip (yet). Luxor is full of ruins, temples, monuments, tombs and more ruined stuff than one can imagine. It is an amazing place and we did more than I think any of us expected to do. After a wonderful night’s sleep in a bed with sheets, in a building with plumbing no less, we had a leisurely breakfast and coffee while enjoying the view over the Nile. Ragab met us in the lobby and we piled into the van in our same seating arrangement before setting off for our morning in ruins. Our first stop was the Valley of the Kings where many of the famous tombs are located. Each visitor is permitted to go into 3 separate tombs that ... read more
Sunrise over Luxor
Tomb Painting
Balloons over the Valley

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Abu Simbel February 22nd 2016

After such a glorious time in the beautiful, desolate desert, walking into the train station in Giza was a harsh wake up call. We had several hours to spend until our overnight train to Aswan. Mohamed parked us at a table in a café and stayed with us while we read, worked on our blogs until batteries gave out and people watched. After some time he headed home to bring his wife and daughter back for us to meet. We had enjoyed such a nice connection with him that it seemed perfectly natural to meet his family. Had we known what a great guide he is and what a good rapport we would have, we would have utilized him for more of our trip. The train to Aswan pulled into the station at 8:30PM and with ... read more
This was in the small temple
Action Shot
Train Cabin

Africa » Egypt » Western Desert » Baharia February 19th 2016

In the planning stage of this trip, I needed to put together a list of what I would like to see while I was traveling. The idea was to dream big and whittle things down to fit my schedule. The Black and White Deserts of Egypt were one of the must haves. Guidebooks did not really help in the planning process for this outing, so I turned to my friend the internet. The next day my request for information was answered and we were ready to head to the desert. Our guide Mohamed picked us up right on time at 6 AM in front of the hotel. We were all a bit wary of what was going to happen today, because when we mentioned to the hotel concierge that we were going to the White Desert ... read more
Mohamed and Yasser
Sunset on the Desert
Light Lunch

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo February 17th 2016

After a good night’s sleep, I met the Binkleys downstairs for breakfast. The buffet was elaborate with multicultural influences, more fruit and pastries than imaginable as well as a honeycomb station. I took some of the smoked salmon to the omelet cook and had him do scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and red onion. He surprised me when he lined a ring mold with the salmon, filled it with the egg and folded the salmon around the eggs for an elegant presentation. After breakfast Dave, Merry Jo and I lingered over coffee for a long time enjoying each others company. At 8 we met our guide and driver for the day of touring. Our guide was a very pleasant, knowledgeable woman named Hanon. It was funny that she wasn’t sure of the dynamic of our group. ... read more
Ready to Head in
Emerging with a Smile

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