Page 5 of Warey Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Portugal » Algarve June 27th 2023

Over two days, I’d say maybe 55 hours it’s been since my last tart. That’s just marginally shorter than our flight over here, and honestly, I’m not dealing. At least I’ve not been spewed on through this ordeal. Lucky I have lots of wholesome outdoor activity to numb the pain. Managed to stretch the doze til about 7 this morning so definitely on the improve. Lazy wait for fresh bread to complete our breakfast basket, but I would have happily eaten the cake three times, but the bread was good. Suited up for our horse adventure which included fetching the horses from the paddocks, grooming them and cleaning their feet, which was fun and something we’d never done before. Not too long til we were in the saddles and headed towards the cliffs. We were mostly ... read more
Horses on a cliff
Further along the cliff
Brasa gets a nice view

Europe » Portugal » Algarve June 26th 2023

Bring a staunchly catholic country, a lot of things in Portugal shut down on Sundays. In fact, it appeared that the tarts had a day off. Luckily I managed to snaffle three that were taken unawares, bringing my grand total to seven. A really early start thanks to jet lag but had to wait for the rest of the boring family to wake. A leftover tart filled some of the void but my yelling and stomping roused them all enough to make it round the corner for another, accompanied by coffee. Navigated our way up the hill, luckily stumbling across an elevator to take a lot of the pain out of the climb. Made it all the way to the castle but passed on the massive line to get in, and instead wandered around the Alfama ... read more
Poznan shows her love
Beautiful tiles in Lisbon
More tiles

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa June 24th 2023

It’s lucky I christened this blog the way I did, because this country has tarts in abundance! To the left of me, I have some delicious Portuguese Pastels de nata. These are nothing like the sugary soft things we get at home, which I confirmed with a second and a third after dinner. To the right of me, I have a peep show. Some entertainment watching all the comes and goings from our apartment window. Survived another long flight wedged between a wriggler and a spewer and managed another successful airport rendezvous with Geoff. Made it to our apartment and had a quick freshen before a late lunch in the heat and a quick trip to Belem for a look at the tower. The tiredness and heat meant it was a flying visit but at least ... read more
Made it up the first storey
All this posing is annoying…and something I NEVER normally do

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Waikiki April 23rd 2023

Well it can’t be all about snorkeling, turtles and frolicking in the sea. Sooner or later, the fun has to end, and you’ve gotta subject yourself to a little bitta kulcha and some of the ancient stuff. Luckily for the girls, that time had come. Out of bed and Froggy was on the road towards Diamond Head. We had an early start to avoid the heat, but obviously that didn’t mean we didn’t want reminders of the temperature, gradient of ascent, distance to the end, and general dissatisfaction with the enjoyment of the activity at every available interval along the way. In case there was an element of doubt, it was hot, it was steep, it was far and it was boring. Luckily the views at the top were actually pretty spectacular and it was grudgingly ... read more
But he didn’t get this view!
Family selfie atop Diamond Head
On the way down

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu » Honolulu April 20th 2023

Hmm, it’s been a few days since I did one of these. Better get a wine. Or, better still, a trashy pre-mixed cocktail from the ABC Store. Now you’re talking! So, not wanting to let a day go to waste with transferring islands, everyone was ordered out of bed early to pack and head to Wailea for some horse riding and waterfall swimming. Our arrival was met with the obligatory waiver and cursory wave towards the helmets, which we chose to wear despite it not being required under our constitutional rights. We were assigned our horses and took our rightful place in line - I had to be second as my horse Dozer had recently been demoted from the position of guide and he was clearly smarting at the snub. We moseyed up the hill through ... read more
Posing in front of the waterfall
Also posing in front of the waterfall
Now everyone is happy

North America » United States » Hawaii April 17th 2023

The last day of snorkelling for a while, and I’ve saved the best til last! Even though yesterday was supposedly “the best”, we all agreed that today was a highlight. Everyone was ordered out of bed at a reasonable hour and we headed towards Captain Cook to pick up some kayaks. A loose ‘safety’ briefing (as we’d already signed our lives away with the obligatory waiver), some life jackets attached to the back of the kayak, lessons on how to get back in, and we were on our way. It seems that the rudder troubles that plagued our kayak on the river persisted to the ocean and before long, Eloise and I were headed for NZ. Luckily it gave us ample opportunity to blast out some tunes with only the judgement of Neptune and the whales. ... read more
Sounds great from here!
Beeb zenning out with the zedra fish
Squirt wants some of the good tunes

North America » United States » Hawaii » Big Island » Kailua-Kona April 15th 2023

I’m so tired/relaxed/tipsy, I almost cannot write this. I’ll have some more wine, while watching the surfers the sunset from our balcony, and maybe it will get more entertaining. So we upped sticks from our beautiful view in Kauai and headed for another beautiful view on Big Island, just south of Kona. But not before we finished our final adventure activity with some tubing. Packed up all our stuff and drove just outside of Lihue where we were kitted out before being driven to the ‘backcountry’ to start our adventures The channels we were going to travel along were mostly handcut (except for one unsuccessful dynamite attempt) by immigrants to provide irrigation (for sugar I think) but now provide water supplies across the island…and tubing. A short safety briefing and we were tipped in to the ... read more
Through the tunnel
Even if we weren’t always close, we could always hear her
Was too cool to spend most of the journey with us

North America » United States » Hawaii » Poipu April 11th 2023

Another generous concession with a slightly relaxing start to the day…in that I yelled and made everyone get up but at least the sun well and truly beat us. Retraced our steps from yesterday before heading distinctly upwards towards Waimea Canyon, said to be the ‘Grand Canyon of Hawaii’. Spoiler alert: we liked it better. Up up up and some more up, and it wasn’t too long before we were enjoying glimpses of the red dirt and green trimmings out the car window. First stop was an attempt to park at the Cliff walk, failed, so we headed to the Pu’u Hinahina lookout. Eloise got the closest she was going to get to the side of the cliff and the rest of us enjoyed the spectacular changes of shade and colour. Our stalking paid off at ... read more
Artistic panorama shot
Not a bad spot for afternoon snackies
Loving the shave ice

North America » United States » Hawaii » Poipu April 9th 2023

Quite a few days of activity! Lucky we have our grassy turtle view point to return to for relaxation and drinks! I was generous in my activity planning yesterday and allowed for a lazy morning of pancakes. Maybe it was just to fortify everyone for the terror that awaited - zip lining! A quick drive and check in before we were all kitted up and ready for our first line. Some important lessons in physics - fat people go faster, so Beeb ate our dust…didn’t mean we couldn’t hear her the whole time! Three relatively tame, but still exhilarating lines, while we were hanging vertically before we drove up the mountain to tackle the beast. Apparently it’s over 4000ft in the old measure…which would seem to me well over 1km in the new. The distance doesn’t ... read more
Lean forward, crap your pants
It’s all picturesque until someone launches off a tower
Spinner dolphins

North America » United States » Hawaii » Kaua'i April 7th 2023

Given this country’s fondness for sports, I thought I’d start things with an appropriate reference. Oh my god, we are so enjoying travelling in an English-speaking country again! Things started with what might be termed in the sporting world as an own goal. Clearly I should have allowed the extra hour to connect to our flight to Lihue. Not because we missed it, oh no, despite the enormous line to clear border control and an equally long line for security into the domestic check in, we had plenty of time. I should have chosen the connecting flight after the one we were booked on because it landed a full 2.5 hours before ours! Best laid plans and all of that, but at least the car pickup and Walmart went smoothly and we finally arrived at our ... read more
One of the few moments Beeb’s horse wasn’t eating
Along the beach
And through the stream

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