Page 5 of Wadey1966 Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Honningsvag July 21st 2019

Cruise day 7 North Cape exploring, giant crabs and reindeer hearts July 21st 2019 We ventured ashore again today as we had arrived in Honnigsvag. There had been a few Fred Olsen tours but none we really fancied. Claire had looked on Tripadvisor and found a company called Blue Puffin which sounded like something more our style....and they had good reviews. After breakfast we got off the ship and had a wander until our guide turned up. It turned out there were only four of us and we were in a minibus which was great and so much better than a big coach. This meant we could stop when we want to get photos and go to more places as well, giving it more of a personal touch. We got lots of information on life here ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway July 20th 2019

Cruise day 6 Deck quoits, whales and the midnight sun cruising in Norway July 20th 2019 After staying up until after 2:30am we had a bit of a lie-in this morning and I even passed up on a late breakfast, opting for an early lunch instead. Prior to that we sat out in the sun (I had my hat on Mum) writing blogs and enjoying the views. We are still sailing down the fjords so we have views on both sides. Later.... It’s strange how you do very little all day but are never bored and are left wondering how you would ever fit in attending the dinner service. Suddenly two hours out of your day seems like such a waste, particularly when the food is good at the buffet anyway. And you get coffee. We ... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway July 20th 2019

Cruise day 3 Coffee, kedgeree and communicating at sea July 17th 2019 The finess room is pretty small so when we see that there are classes, we decide to get up early to do our exercise before all the shenannigans. Consequently we are in the gym before 8 am, as you do on holiday, and I spend 30 minutes on the cross trainer. Bear in mind that you have to climb 7 flights of stairs to get to the gym first-there is a lift or two but...meh... I feel I have earned a hearty breakfast and so I have one. The restaurant today has a menu from which I order kedgeree and a buffet from which I have eggs royale, melon, bacon (which is available crispy and soft) as well as various fish and juices. And ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway July 19th 2019

Cruise day 5 Our last sunset and sunrise and finding our tribe July 19th 2019 Claire must have needed some sleep as she slept for over 13 hours and didn’t even set an alarm for ridiculous o’ clock or have a pointy stick. Crazy days. She woke at 10am and, after a late breakfast we headed up on deck as we were passing Torghatten. This is a small hat-shaped mountain with a hole in it. Our onboard expert told us, over the tannoy, the true story of how trolls made the hole then made up some nonsense about rock erosion. The twerp. The weather is glorious and it was nice hearing tales of rain back home...for the gardens I mean....obvs. One thing I haven’t mentioned so far is the hand sanitizing. To stop the spread of ... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Avaldsnes July 18th 2019

Cruise day 4 A golden tour from Andalsnes and two annoying Maitre Ds July 18th 2019 Today was a pokey-stick-day. I have no idea where Claire gets her pokey sticks from but she manages to find one everywhere we go. Today she began poking me with her latest at 3:15am. Yes, that’s am. 3:15 in the morning. But I got up and we headed up on deck for what turned out to be quite a decent sunrise so I’m glad I persuaded Claire to join me. We were cruising down a fjord and so there were some decent photos to be had in the peace and quiet. Surprisingly not many other people joined us....only three in fact....maybe Claire has all the pokey sticks.... After a couple more hours sleep we got up properly and ate a ... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway July 16th 2019

Cruise day 2 Posh togs and the ship bore July 16th 2019 Despite being warned that the clocks were going forward an hour we expected our Apple watches and iPhones to do their usual thing. But there’s no no automatic we walked through the lounge where we were due to see the talk on our first destination, Andalsnes and everyone was already there....over an hour early... Aah. Quick breakfast (really good!) and we sneaked back into the talk which by now was standing room only. Luckily we hadn’t missed much. Our devices are now the right time. Next up was a talk on Ice: Frozen Landscapes and Polar Seas where we sat at the front as Claire had left her glasses in the cabin. It was a bit warm in there and the speaker ... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway July 15th 2019

Cruise day 1 Out of place on a ship July 15th 2019 I have been to many countries, had loads of fabulous and exciting experinces but never have I been as nervous as I have been about going on a cruise. One of Claire’s workmates used to work on the ship we are on (Fred Olsen’s Boudicca) and I’ve been pestering her with questions about what to wear, who will be on board, what we can and should take etc. Nikki valiantly answered all questions and even got us a free upgrade bless her. There are videos on the Fred Olsen website of people wearing something called Chinos and slacks with those jumpers that you wear round your neck so they probably only need to be one layer. I wear T-shirts and cargo trousers. There are ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg May 13th 2019

2:30am Saturday morning. The alarm goes off. I can finally get up and admit that I am having no sleep. I’ll sleep in the car on the way to the airport I think. That didn’t happen. I never thought I’d sleep on the plane and I was right. We’re flying Ryanair, I’m 6’ 3”. It’s not going to happen. I’d have to go a week without sleep to even nap on most planes never mind a Ryanair one with all their announcements about scratch cards (that I’ve never seen anyone buy) etc and the minimalist leg room. Three of us arrive in Hamburg. Dave is joining us by train. Don’t ask. We’re in Hamburg before he has left Manchester. We get off the plane, Suzanne gets on the bus, the doors close. Now there are two ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City September 22nd 2018

Tanzania day 14 Lost in Stone town, my name is Taxi and a summary of Tanzania and Zanzibar Homeward bound today so it’s time for the usual conversations after we’ve visited somewhere. Things like could we/would we live here, would we come back and would our cat Cosmo like it? We wouldn’t live on Zanzibar; the attitude to women is far too oppressive and we like holding hands when we are out and being able to give each other a hug. Simple things but in a sexist society they are things that can get you hurt. The only reason we would come back would be to revisit Cheetah’s Rock or, even better, work there. We have enjoyed it here but seen nothing else that would make us rush back-we still have lots of places to see ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City September 21st 2018

Tanzania day 13 Three adventures in one day including giant tortoises on Changuu, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa. We had a bit of a shock this morning when some hot water came out of the shower. It didn’t last long but we have called the relevant authorities and the Garden Lodge will hopefully be dealt with accordingly. Claire was so disturbed she threw the toilet roll into the toilet. We failed to sleep though to a 7am alarm despite staying up late last night writing about what an exciting day we had yesterday. There was no noise-we have seen no other guests where we are-but we were both awake by 6:30. After breakfast up on the roof, this time even better as they had avacado, it was time for another trip. Today was our rest day and before ... read more

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