Page 2 of Toni and James Travel Blog Posts

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Copacabana August 10th 2012

In Puno, we decided to play it safe and get the visa at the embassy before heading to the border. So, on Monday morning, 6 August, we headed out bright and early to the embassy. Armed with all the required documents that is needed for the American visa (passports, yellow fever vaccination, detailed itinerary, accommodation booking, copy of credit cards plus a kidney or two, just in case!), we walked in quite confident that the process would be a synch. So it turns out it wasn’t going to be easy. Of all the luck, we had arrived at the embassy on Bolivia’s National Independence Day, and theoretically the embassy was closed! We just happened to catch the secretary coming in to water his plants (well, that’s what it seemed like it when we first walked in), ... read more
Receiving blessings from the Virgin
Queues and more queues for the Virgin
Personal Blessings

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon August 6th 2012

Our bus from Cusco was pretty uneventful and we arrived in Arequipa at sparrow farts in the morning and got dropped off at the main Plaza, to grab some much needed breakfast before finding our hostel. We didn’t think they would appreciate a 6:30 check in! Arequipa wasn’t in our original plans but, after a few recommendations from fellow travelers, we were keen to check out the popular Colca Canyon and see the beautiful Condor birds from the canyon walls. Before setting out on the trek we pottered around town for 2 days, regaining our energy and taking in the awesome scenery! The city is surrounded by a group of volcanoes, some dormant and some quite active. El Misti dominates the skyline with its symmetrical cone and little white snowcap. I was truly in awe, as ... read more
Arequipa Plaza de Armas
Going over
James regretting his glacial water swim

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco July 29th 2012

Just a blog filler-inner and to put up some more photos. After the ice climbing we spent our last two days chilling in Huaraz, enjoying the time out. We went out for a fellow travelers birthday and tried the only place in Huaraz that serves sushi. We were reassured that the fish would be fresh as it was Friday…mmm…that definitely 'reassured' us and put our minds at ease! Let’s just say that it was exactly the kind of sushi you would expect in a Peruvian town, 3100m above sea level and a couple of hundred km’s from the coast. Thankfully (!??), they were mostly filled with rice and cucumber and only 1 piece had fish in it, and dun dun dun... it was good ol’ canned tuna!! We however decided that was a good thing! Never ... read more
Huaraz Sushi
Desert meets the sea

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu July 27th 2012

We had unfortunately left our Machu Picchu planning a bit late, so were running around like a couple of headless chickens the first day in Cusco. We had also idiotically decided to go to a major international tourist attraction, slap bang during the time that all the travel guides advise you NOT to go! That is, during mid high season and right around the time of Peru’s Independence Day – 28 July! Oh well... Machu Picchu only allows 2500 people a day and tickets have to be reserved online then paid at the Cusco municipal office within 6 hours. Tickets also book out at least 2 days prior. There is also no vehicular access to the town of Aguas Caliente, the tourist town below Machu Picchu, so you either have to book a train in, or ... read more
Camouflaged Municipal Office
Official looking Officials

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca July 26th 2012

“No, I need to take the ice axe, what if we come across a Yeti!?” says James to Marco (our trusty Peruvian guide) after Marco has indicated that he doesn’t need the ice axe for the 5 minute walk around the back of the glacier to install our ice climbing top rope. Marco shrugs and starts walking, probably thinking to himself that this is another strange gringo with strange habits…James bounds after him like an excited kid – or rather like a rock climber who is ecstatic about fulfilling his dream of climbing an ice wall, and in the flipping Andes! James wants it noted that glaciers are classic yeti habitat and didn’t want to be unarmed on his first trip onto a glacier. And so, there we were, back up at 4500m , deep within ... read more
J on the steeper section
Us and our guide Marco
Laguna and Glacier

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca July 22nd 2012

I was going to name this post ‘The day I had to dig deep and put my big girl panties on!’, but James didn’t think that was suitable for a post that also includes him! We did the popular Laguna 69 hike on the 4th day in Haurez, which meant that we were both pretty much acclimatized (or so we thought), and were ready for some leg stretching. It is hard to say or write Laguna 69 without inserting a winking emoticon but apparently the 69 had nothing to do with what you think – but more of a lets-just-give-it-a-number and we’ll name it later, kind of situation. We had an early pick up from our hostel and together with a bus full of other travelers, made the 3 hour trip up to the national park. ... read more
Team green and khaki
Mountain Stream
First Laguna

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz July 20th 2012

Firstly our bus trip up to Hauraz- eish, seats at the front on the top of the swaying double decker bus plus 8 hours of switch back roads plus gaining 4000m from the coast– made for an eventful trip. Won’t go into too much detail but needless to say that we have booked the more expensive seats downstairs for the return bus! We are loving our time here in Hauraz (pronounced Wa-ras). It is a popular base town for the enormous amount of treks and adventure sports in the nearby Cordillera Blanca, proved by the many North Face branded gringos. We find ourselves being totally gob smacked every now and then when you glance up and see the huge snow capped mountains peeking out from every direction. Hauraz sits at a comfortably high 3100m. We are ... read more
Pre Inca Ruins

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima July 13th 2012

What a change from Buenos Aires! Weather is warm, people are friendly and smiling, and its sooo much more affordable! We can even treat ourselves to some dulce de leche ice cream :) Lima is situated right next to the coast, with weather very similar to Durban – muggy and warm! Nice to be in short sleeves, if only for 3 days before we head up north again to the Cordillera Blanca mountain range tonight (8 hour bus trip!). The suburb we’re in is right next to the coast, on a massive beach cliff. We’ve been a bit hesitant to walk to close to the edge, but it seems that they are either very trusting of these ‘sandy’ stone cliffs, or the building regulations are somewhat sketchy…either way, they make for great viewing of the Pacific ... read more
Lovely Park
Pre Inca Ruins

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires July 10th 2012

sho sho sho, what an eventful couple of days! It really is hard to believe that this time last week we were still in SA! The looong flight was painful – made worse by loud obnoxious kids all around us. Arriving at the airport and making our way through customs then through the arrival terminal, didn’t quite prepare us for coming through the doors and being bombarded with touts from the loud Spanish taxi drivers! Thank goodness we got chatting to a fellow SA lady in the customs queue who guided us towards the bus kiosk and helped us purchase our tickets to the city. I love seeing a city for the first time – seeing how different everything looks but still so similar to home. The view of Buenos Aires through the bus window was ... read more
Ideal Social Hostel
Red Meat Gorgy

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Edenvale July 4th 2012

Were on our way! The last few days have been a little crazy with all the last minute tasks and ticking off everything on our never-ending To Do List – but, that list was finally completed late last night and we managed to get all our gear into our two trusty backpacks. Who would have thought that you could go pretty minimalistic if you weren’t too fashion conscious! James has only just realized that his wardrobe mainly consists of grey – oh, and one or two blue items! I’m sure he’ll be donning a colourfully nifty, Alpaca wool scarf in no time! Our first stop is Buenos Aires for a few days – just enough to find a lekker Tango spot and practise our Spanglish. After which we head up to Peru and start making our ... read more
Step 2...
All in!
Keen beans at 4am

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