Page 5 of TheStevos Travel Blog Posts

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana April 6th 2018

First impression of Cuba. The customs officials. This is where Robert Palmer’s backing singers went. The uniforms are not mini-skirts, but micros with fishnet stockings and not one of them smiled. We wanted to take a photo but thought we might end up in a Cuban jail. Havana’s airport is about half an hour away from the center of town. We had been told that Cuban organization was more fluid than we might be used to. So, after we got through customs and we were looking for our driver that had been arranged to take us from the airport we were not surprised that we couldn’t find him. It took some negotiating with the lady at the information desk after which we were expecting to pay a guy to drive us to his friend’s casa particular ... read more
One of many old cars in Cuba
Good restaurant "5esquinas"
Old Cuban Jet

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cancun March 30th 2018

The first great experience of this three-month journey occurred the day before the journey itself. I saw a message on my phone as I ate my weetbix and honey confirming that our Melbourne to LA flight had been upgraded to business class. This was to be my first experience of such luxury and I lapped it all up. Leanne had only ever done this once before when flying to the USA for work so it was special for her too. If you haven’t had the experience before, let me tell you about it. The first thing I noticed was the space between my seat and the next. Not just leg room; no one’s legs could reach the seat in front of them. You can really spread out and you have an overhead compartment all to yourself. ... read more
Day One
The awesome pool
Spooky full moon

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » Hampton March 12th 2018

Only 18 sleeps now!!!!! School and work finish on 29th March. We catch a plane on 30th March. I guess that we still have a fair bit to organise before we go but we are all excited about our next big adventure to Cuba, Mexico, USA and Canada. As usual I (Jon) plan to tell you about the fun and games from abroad. I really enjoy writing about it and I hope that some like to read about it too. Please click the follow button at the top right. I'd love to share our adventure with as many friends as possible.... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires December 24th 2015

And we are home safe and sound. But I have still got the last five days of our journey to tell you about. We start in El Calafate way down in the south of Argentina. From there we had booked two flights to get to Iguazu in the very north of the country. A two hour connection in Buenos Aires was cutting it fine and when the first flight took off late I had a bad feeling. The plane then sat on the tarmac in BA for half an hour before they opened the doors. And when they did, we stepped on to an over full bus to the terminal. When you are in a hurry you probably don’t read all of the signs that you are meant to, and that may be why it took ... read more
Devil's Throat
Devil's Throat 2

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate December 14th 2015

This section of our journey started with us having to move on every day. We spent just one night in Puerto Montt as the only reason to go there was to catch a ferry out of there. Then we had one night on the boat to Puerto Chacabuco, where we set foot in Patagonia. From here we got a bus to Puerto Aisen and then another to Coyhaique. Coyhaique seems to be the largest town in this part of the world, but we couldn’t make a connecting bus further south, so we stayed the night. I’m glad we did, because I liked the feel of this place and if we could have done some more adventurous activities like rafting and canyoning, Leanne and I would have enjoyed a stay for a few nights. Next stop was ... read more
Fresh snow at the top

South America » Chile » Los Lagos » Frutillar December 2nd 2015

After relaxing in San Pedro for 5 days we had organised ourselves well (we thought) and booked two nights accommodation in Santiago followed by three nights in Pucon, a distance south of the capital. When we arrived, we enquired about the buses between Santiago and Pucon and discovered that the distance was a lot more that I had expected and it took 10 hours to get there, meaning that we needed an overnight bus. So we were very lucky when our Santiago hostel allowed us to cancel the second nights accommodation with no penalty to enable us to maximise our time in the lakes district. Our new arrangement still gave us two days in Santiago and we liked what we saw. It doesn’t resemble Quito or Lima in the slightest, the buildings and roads are well ... read more
On the water
Happy people of Valpo
Pucon's volcano

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Uyuni November 24th 2015

‘Salt plane, Salt plane. Yay, we’re going on a salt plane!’ Nathan was even more excited than I was about going to Uyuni to see the salt flats, and that is saying something. It had something to do with a misunderstanding though. He thought the salt plane was our means of transport and not the destination. We was wrong about that. I think the mode of transport must have been a spaceship, because where we landed seemed like another planet. The space ships, which looked like buses, took us from sunny Copacobana on the shore of Lake Titicaca to La Paz first. We have seen Quito and Lima already and from what I’d heard, La Paz would be even less appealing to us. So we were fortunate enough to get on an overnight bus that departed ... read more
Cemetario del trens
High Altitude Weights Training

South America » Peru » Puno » Puno November 17th 2015

From where I finished last time we had one more day in Cusco and we saw some other sites in the sacred valley. The one I had been looking forward to most was Tipon and it proved to be the highlight of the day. It is another terraced hillside for growing crops and used for experimentation like Moray, but this one has a working irrigation system. It was cool to see how the channels worked to provide water for all of the crops and I just love it when things so old still work. From the crisp cool air of the Andean highlands we took off for the humid Amazon jungle. Our destination was Puerto Maldonado and when we got off the plane a number of touts were calling out for our business. We had a ... read more
Stevensons at Tipon
Auxiliary braking system
First day in Puerto Maldonado - Kayaking

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco November 9th 2015

When in a foreign and I always like to enjoy the wildlife and in Peru that includes guinea pig, or cuy (pronounced Coo-ee). The best way to enjoy cuy is deep fried and with a couple of roast potatoes. As for alpaca I recommend a stew with tomatoes and onions, then served with rice. However not all of the culinary investigations have been successful. The high regard I held for Peruvian cuisine in my last entry has faded. All of us have had a case of Peru-belly. I think Nathan had a bad empanada one night which laid him low for one day in particular, but kids bounce back quickly. We already knew that it was not advisable to drink water from the taps here. Bottles only for us in South America. Each meal seems like ... read more
Lolo the tortoise
Plaza de Armas - Arequipa
Vicunas on the high planes

South America » Peru » Piura » Máncora October 26th 2015

The Galapagos Islands are one of the best places we have ever seen and we were on a high as we left by plane then bus on our way to Peru in search of new adventures. However, things don’t always go your way and on the bus near the border of Ecuador and Peru my bag was stolen. It had our computer and one of our cameras in it. When I realised what had happened I just wanted to be back home again. I knew of course that the feeling would pass, but over the ensuing days we made new plans to be back in Australia for Christmas. So we will miss a few places and catch more planes and less buses. When we got to Tumbes in Peru we didn’t like where we were and ... read more
First pisco sours
Former fishing village, turned beach resort.
Dune Buggy

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