Page 3 of TeresaTraveler Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest May 29th 2022

We drove to the shores of the largest lake in Europe, lake Balaton. It is 75 kilometres long and around 12 Kim’s wide. As we approachEd the popular holiday beaches, struck me that it was like Tuscany, from photos I have seen. We stopped to join a dozen people snap selfies in a field of poppies, with the lake in the background. The beaches of Balaton are the most visited tourist area in Hungary. I can see why. Wine country on surrounding slopes, sailboats one the lake, warm beaches, and an endless selection of cafes, wine bars ands children’s parks, this place has something good for everyone. Tihany, a beautiful historic village on a hill overlooking the lake might very well be the spiritual heart of Hungary. The tourist presentations are in English, too. I think ... read more
The most delicious croissant I have ever had
Not too sweet
Swan with tag

Europe » Hungary » Western Transdanubia » Sopron May 28th 2022

I took morning trains to Szombathely. Another country, another language that I can’t understand or speak. Far fewer numbers of people who might speak English. Luckily I was going to a Servas host. I am a member of International Servas, an organization that promotes world peace through travel. Today I came to Erika’s house and she gave me a tour of the beautiful communities. It is late so I will write more later. Meanwhile enjoy the photos from today. Morning update, coming here was an adventure. Using the print out given to me by nice train station person, I found the right platform. When the train pulled up it had two different sections. It took some effort to find a worker who could show me which compartment I should sit in. I had to change trains ... read more
The spa entrance
My host Erika
Another famous town

Europe » Austria » Vienna May 27th 2022

This afternoon I went to Belevedere and paid to see their collection. Worth every penny, so much more enjoyable art then in earlier museums, I thought. Today is a hot sunny day and the streets and museums were crowded with tourists. It felt like a weekend, and I am glad I am leaving Vienna for a few days. I am even more glad that I spent the afternoon looking at such lovely paintings. I will post my favourites, with info tiles for some of them. After touring Belevedere, I went in search of St. Stephen cathedral in the centre of the city. I got lost two days ago trying to find it. For any travelers, take the wide pedestrian street in between the Bristol Hotel and the Opera house, it goes directly to the cathedral, passing ... read more
Everybody wanted a photo of Napolean
line up for tickets
back of the building

Europe » Austria » Vienna May 27th 2022

I decided to take a lazy morning and have brunch in a cafe, then walk in palace gardens. It is lovely walking along cobbled streets or sidewalks, watching people go about their day amongst finely decorated buildings. There is something comforting about the size and stature of these buildings, they seem eternal, as if nothing could knock them down. I strolled around picking out the cafe with lots of people, in shade, serving lots of proteins as well as sweets and caffiene. Along the street I saw the chocolate maker shop and popped in. I bought six round chocolates (am eating them now....OMG, so good) of various flavours; chili, hazelnut, salty, layered nugat. Window shopping is a delight. Finally I sat in a cafe and ordered a cappuchino and omlette. There is no rush to take ... read more
cobble stones
See the dog on the man's lap?
cafe across from church

Europe » Austria » Vienna May 26th 2022

Today I activated my EuroRail train pass, which means I can get on any train in any direction. (I am sure I will bump into some restrictions) It was a challenge getting to the best train station to activate the pass, and I will end this blog with the frustrating tale. Meanwhile, a festival was going on in Melk, about an hour from Vienna. Every cafe was filled with happy Austrians guzzling good beer in the sunshine. The town could have been the backdrop to Beauty and the Beast movie, and as I walked through the quaint streets I kept thinking Belle would be singing 'there must be more to this provincial life', with Gaston singing in the background. I went to the tourist centre to find the way up to the world famous Abby. Good ... read more
The WOW factor
Entering the village

Europe » Austria » Vienna May 25th 2022

Spent the day downtown, visiting art galleries. But first I went to a butterflyhouse. Disappointing 5 euros, relatively small space with few butterflies and too many loud children. It took time to find the art gallery. At first, I went into the public archives because it said 'museum' but that was a papyrus museum which sounded intriquing but I had some Piccasos to find. I bought a combined ticket for two galleries, 24 euros. I will upload photos of interesting art and several info panels so you get the gist of the day. Most of the art was created to get you thinking, some raised current or historical political awareness. It was raining when I left the last museum. I took tram to internet cafe to create this blog. It is expensive and a bit tiring ... read more
Nice Statue
Butterfly house

Europe » Austria » Vienna May 24th 2022

A quiet day looking for higher culture. I found an internet cafe near the house, and buddy is very helpful teaching me how to use this keyboard ...z and y are in wrong forgive typo errors that I might ignore over time. It is easier to upload photos on a proper computer (instead of ipad) even if it is really foreign. I*ve uploaded over 40 photos of buildings and art. It is good for head and heart to view higher culture, whatever one interprets that is.... For me, the building that houses the art collections was the main showpiece of the day. The next highlight was the rose garden in city park. The morning began with me finding a metro pass. You can buy them in tobacco shops. I have one for the week, so ... read more
Higher culture
Back to the beginning morning trek

Europe » Austria » Vienna May 23rd 2022

It has been a long but successful day. Got up at four and flew to Athens, and then Vienna. That’s it for planes and airports until I fly home (unless I am tempted by another close destination). I am looking forward to the ease and comfort of trains. I went to the iPad store and they fixed it for free! It will be an early night tonight.... read more
At the beach yesterday
Crowds are coming to tan
Minoan ladies decorate beach bars

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Santorini May 22nd 2022

Hot day here. I walked to the beach and decided to take the boat ferry to Piraeus. A better choice than trying to hike up that huge hill, and it was going to be too hot to lay around. I was told it was five euros for the boat ferry. I had time to go buy a hat for some protection from the rays. The boat came to shore and we crawled up the ladder (good thing I was wearing walking sandals). On the boat the fellows demanded seven euros 'What?!! I was told five at the Hook store' One of the guys explained that the price of gasoline was more expensive now. He got on the phone to warn the business owners. It was a pleasant trip traversing the water, rounding the outcrop. Amazing to ... read more
On the water
Early morning
nice place to wait

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Santorini May 21st 2022

This afternoon I took the bus to Akrotiri to see the archeological site of town that was destroyed by volcanic explosion nearly 4,000 years ago, but survived enough to be dug up now. I took photos of the landscape so you can see the height of the ash and pyroclastic fallout from that explosion. Lucky for us, there was a water way that, over time, eroded and exposed this town. I'm going to upload the pictures and put notes on just a few of them for now. I'm tired but happy. I've covered every site on my list. Perhaps the biggest thrill was walking amongst the building of this archeological dig. I sat on a bench and just breathed it all in. And I got away with touching a few walls. *chuckling outloud* I did stop ... read more
South end of island
Drop off
nice coast

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