Page 4 of Steve Corin Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Rovaniemi July 27th 2023

Woke up with the sun coming in the un-curtained windows. Allowed us to look at nature all night - behind closed eyes. Still looked good this morning. As we were walking to breakfast we heard the sound of a jet. Next thing a fighter jet zooms overhead into the wild blue yonder. Turns out the nearby airport is also a military base. This thing was going very fast and the noise went on for quite a while. Nice breakfast then went back and finalized packing. Called our valet service who picked us and our bags up. Stored the bags at the hotel and headed off on foot to Santa’s village. A 30 minute walk. Again, whine walking a couple more jets went screeching over us. This time different colored planes. Maybe Air Force and navy - ... read more
Electric Rudolph.
In we go……
Elves must have big heads.

Europe » Finland » Lapland » Rovaniemi July 26th 2023

Off the ship this morning. We say our final farewells to friends and crew. No tears but a few more laughs and subtle digs. Good crew. Out to our private transfer. This turns out to be a local taxi but a very nice guy - huge. Into the wild blue yonder. This dude has a booming voice and struggles a little with English but is generally very easy to communicate with. We get to one part where there are signs about militarily restricted areas. I ask if he is worried about being so close to the Russian border - only 10km away. Not at all he says. We find out a little bit later he is married to a Russian. No wonder he isn’t concerned. We have around 6 hours in the car to Rovaniemi. Eventually ... read more
Traffic reindeer.
Our Arctic Tree House room.
Nice view from the bed

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Kirkenes July 25th 2023

Last full day on the ship. Today we have 2 excursions. The North Cape and then a Sami experience. Beautiful sunny day again so we reckon we are in for a treat at the North Cape. Wrong. Got on the bus. Guide says we might have fog to deal with. We think he is full of it until we get closer. Sure enough, fog. Get to the visitor Centre and walk out the door towards the point where everyone has pics taken. A large globe structure. This is about 100 meters from the Centre. Can’t see the globe. Get there and we can see a bit. Take pics but can’t see anything else. Cold as buggery so head back indoors where they have a movie experience of the cape to watch. Those with glasses have de-fogged ... read more
It was cold
Church in the North Cape visitor centre
Rock formation like a church

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Bodø July 23rd 2023

Woken to an early alarm as we were crossing the Arctic circle between 0730 and 0800. Got on deck as the ships horn went off signaling crossing the line. There is a globe on a small island which signifies the 66 degree 33 minute latitude mark of the circle. Got some pics and then went for breakfast. Part of crossing the Arctic circle is to celebrate with Neptune who delivers a speech and then initiated all with ice down their backs. Yes I did that and it was bloody cold but the Akavit after warmed the inner parts up. Went and changed the t shirt as it was soaked. Had an early port call at 1300 for around 3.5 hours in Bodo. Good walk around the city Centre and ended up having a real latte on ... read more
Neptune and the Captain
The captains daughter icing Stephanie.
Grass aero plane bunkers at air force base - also local airport

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Rorvik July 22nd 2023

Today we had around 2.5 hours in Trondheim. This is a pretty little town with a huge cathedral as its main attraction. Pleasant walk after breakfast through the very empty streets. Not much happens on a Saturday. Got up the cathedral and paid our entry. Timing was excellent as an English tour was starting in 5 minutes. Informative talk about this cathedral and its origins and how many times it has been destroyed by fire and re-built (at least 5). Wandered back along the river to the ship and straight into lunch. Then we had a discussion on the Norwegian history and stuff. Sun was shining so it was hard to concentrate on a book but also able to look at the passing sights so a pleasant afternoon. Found out that Ralph used to be the ... read more
Busy Saturday in Trondheim
Organ in the Cathedral

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Ålesund July 21st 2023

Relatively good nights sleep considering we were rocked to sleep by the ships motion while in the open sea. Shower was fun - got wet when the shower head rolled with the waves. Was hot and strong so no real issues. We got out of the open waters and into some protected areas which was much nicer. Lots of people sleeping in lounges or on deck in protected spaces to avoid sea sickness. I didn’t think it was that bad. Even Stephanie survived. I did an early breakfast just after they opened at 0700. Not many people around. When Stephanie surfaced I went back to keep her company. Much busier now with people climbing over others to get to food. No fun there. Quiet day of sailing today. The only excursion today was 7.5 hours in ... read more
Lighthouse that guards this fjord
Interesting architecture
Part of the huge fishing fleet

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen July 20th 2023

Woke up in Bergen. A good thing after arriving here last night…. Weather was looking a little better but lots of clouds around. Busy busy breakfast then checked out, left our bags in the luggage room and hit the streets. Walked quite a bit around the fish markets, then all the small food places along the waters edge and finally made it to the funicular. People everywhere. A cruise ship in port today so we were queuing with all the unwashed. Finally got in and a car was about to leave. They had the front cabin closed off but as we were about to squeeze in to another one they opened it up. Meant we got to stand right on the window. Great views on the way up. Views back down once we landed were spectacular. ... read more
Hmm. Troll being accosted.
Funicular passing funicular
Old old buildings with very narrow alleyways

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík July 18th 2023

The day of the volcano. No not the one erupting ATM. This one has been dormant for over 4500 years. Got coffees and some rolls/pastries for breakfast. Picked up at the allocated time and off we go. Delivered to the central bus hub where we got onto our volcano bus. Got to eat our goodies before we boarded the bus. Excitement was brewing. Got to the main area which was at the foot of a ski village. Went through the safety and information briefings then were given bandanas/buffs to wear from the company. Looked a little like those in survivor for a while. Off we go into the wild blue yonder. And yes we did have blue skies and not much wind. Our guide, Arnie - his real name was much longer and harder to even ... read more
Mrs Arctic fox and her baby
Info about our volcano
Happy little Vegemite.

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík July 17th 2023

Winds have dropped so we are good to go for Reykjavík. Over the mountains on gravel again but a really scenic drive. Got into the burbs of Reykjavík and decided to go and do one of their tourist attractions before I took the van back to its home. This place is called “Perlan” and it represents Iceland’s fire, ice and water. Very impressive building and the displays were also very impressive. Into an ice cave at one stage. Froze my bits off. But worth the experience. Out and off up our hotel where I will drop the girls with all the luggage and go out to the airport to drop the van off. Tiny little streets in Reykjavík so had to be extra cautious with mirrors and street widths. Dropped off ok then I set off. ... read more

Europe » Iceland » Northwest » Borgarnes July 16th 2023

Today was meant to be an early start but that crashed and burned. Rang the kids while eating breakfast and chatted for a while. Finally got away after deciding which way to go considering the wind forecast. Put some fuel in to keep us safe and headed for the Snaefellsnes peninsula. Road took us onto a gravel road again. No real dramas but lots of new bitumen road being built along with bridges. This meant some slow patches but all in all good moving. Today we had lots of good scenery, plenty of waterfalls in the hills as well as snow not far away in some parts. Lots of cars stopped so we stopped. Great views of a big town across the water. A medium sized fishing boat wrecked on the rocks in front of us ... read more

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