Page 8 of Smooth Operator Travel Blog Posts

Hi friends and family, I finally managed to get some photos downloaded. Enjoy. Hope everyone is well. I´ve made my way up to Brazil and had no problems crossing the border thanks to my UK passport. I am leaving Florinopolis today and heading to the Foz de Igazu. Will give everyone a better update then. Take care, Richard... read more
Interesting Engineering Design ?
Florianopolis steep streets

South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Este March 3rd 2006

Dear friends and family, Finally got back to a computer, it's been difficult with all this sunshine, beaches and surf. I left Buenos Aires a couple days ago and visited the quaint little town of Colonia del Sacramento with my new friend, Brock. Lot of old buildings, a lighthouse, fort, and a great beach. We had a great Parrilla lunch there. I've been doing really well with the food so far but I'll probably be a little thinner when I get back and a lot fitter for the sun run. Hope you're practicing Jason :) I traveled on to Montevideo on Tuesday and walked the beach promenade and into the historic old towne. Wednesday I arrived in Punta del Este, a ritzy little tourist spot for rich South Americans. Went for a bike ride yesterday with ... read more
Railway tracks
Map of the City
Richard in the Fort

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires February 26th 2006

To all the really really cold people in Canada, What a hot and sunny day I'm having here! Hopefully these photos will cheer you up. So I've been by the zoo today, through the rose garden and another botanical garden. I'm heading to Uruguay tomorrow with a buddy. Buenos Aires is a great place to come visit. Very modern and easy to get around. Great prices. So how much snow did you guys get? Richard... read more
Bridge in Palermo
Tango Dancing
More Antiques for DAD

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires February 25th 2006

Friends and Family Here are some photos from the last 2 days. Yesterday I toured the city. Lots of great photos. Today I went to a Football game with Alejandro. There was lots of great cheering, great plays, and even a riot to make it more exciting. No worries though. Not too hot, maybe 25 C. Just right. Having a great time. Great carnival in the street this evening in the San Miguel district Richard Dad - I got your comment fine.... read more
Football Game 2
Epic Crowd Cheers
Football craziness

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires February 24th 2006

Friends and Family, Just wanted to let everyone know that I arrived safe and sound in Buenos Aires. I even found a hostel while not the one I went looking for, it all worked out. Take care everyone, Richard PS Thanks for the comments... read more
Richard at the Port
Argentina Flag in Plaza san Martin
My Hostel in San Miguel

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver February 23rd 2006

Friends and Family, I'm a mere 15 hours from boarding my plane. I'm sure all the Keystoners can understand the joy I felt walking down the hallway escaping the office that I have not left for more than two weeks in the past five years.... euphoric. I'll see you all again in 30 long sweet days. From now on these journals wiill be filled with happy thoughts, exotic stories, grand adventures, close calls, and nothing naughty whatsoever. Hopefully there will be some exciting photos to spice the journals up. See ya all on the flip side Richard ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver February 14th 2006

Hi Family and Friends, Happy Valentine's Day Before I leave on my big trip to South America, I wanted to make sure that my travelblog was working and that everyone was receiving messages. I'm new to this so hopefully it all works fine. So this is the big test. Please send me a message back, either through the blog (not sure how that works) or to my e-mail address ( to let me know that you're getting these updates. I leave for Buenos Aires, Argentina on February 23, 2006. I'll be returning from Lima, Peru on March 25, 2006. My approximate itinerary is to travel through Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. I'll be making stops at as many famous destinations and out-of-the-way places as time will allow. If any of you have been to ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin August 27th 2005

Carl and I maxed out our three days in Dublin. We arrived at 8am and spent the first day wandering the streets. Dropped our stuff off at a dodgy hostel. We headed straight for the temple bar district and had a look around, saw the 'Book of Kells' at Trinity College, and took the Guinness Tour (while the tour was so so, the view from the 7th floor and the Guinness was worth the full price). We had lunch there too. We ended up back in the temple bar district and did a mini pub crawl to hit the most places and finished up in the original Temple Bar for some live music. Mostly tourists around that night. The next day we headed into the countryside on a bus tour. It was fantastic to get out ... read more
Richard at the Guiness Factory
Glendalough countryside
St. Kevins Kitchen

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London August 22nd 2005

Carl and I started our trip with a couple days in London. We flew in to Gatwick on August 13. He started chatting girls up on the train into London. We had no problems meeting up with Chris and since it was his birthday, we knew it was going to be a big night for us all. We went for dinner at an Indian restaurant with Chris and his brother Al before meeting up with his new friends, Diana and Liana (sp?). We went salsa dancing at a place called Club Havana. We had lots of drinks that night because the place had no air conditioning and we nicknamed it the sweat box. The next day we toured around London with Chris and met up with some Spanish friends of his, Txell (pronounced shell) and her ... read more
Kitty and Rhiannon
Sam, Johnny, Chrlie, Anna, Carl
Rhi and Rich's wedding day

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver June 6th 2005

Giving the new journal its first entry is tough. I'm not travelling right now and I don't have too much to say. But everyone has to start somewhere and I'm planning to travel down to Washington next week, England and Ireland in August and maybe South America later in the year.... read more

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