Page 2 of Scott and Kristy Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens September 8th 2010

4 hours from Qatar to Athens and we’re in Europe!!! We flew over the Greek islands and my excitement felt a slight tinge of anxiety and nervousness at what I might experience in this amazingly old country. Scott has been to Greece long ago as a small boy, and has some memory of the island of Kos (close to the Turkish border) but for me, it’s a whole new rush of welcoming. We pass quickly through customs into the EU area known as ‘Shengen’ and grab our bags before embarking on the all too easy metro system into Athens and onto our guesthouse in an area called Plaka. What a wonderful area of Athens this is, only a short walk from many of the famous Athenian sights, the temple of Zeus, the Parthenon, Roman and ancient ... read more
Ancient agora and Athens
Acropolis in Athens
Outside the Parthanon

Asia » Singapore September 1st 2010

6 hours on a bus. 1 border crossing. 0 Singapore dollars. We find ourselves in Southeast Asia’s richest country, Singapore, or Singapura, the Lion City. The border crossing for Singapore was easy, bus across, the bus stops, you go through customs, and you get back on the bus. Done. Found our guesthouse quite early and were given two beds in a 28 bed dorm... with only two other people in it. It was a pretty shabby place considering the price we were paying (way too much). Ahh well such is the life of a backpacker. We had such big elaborate plans for Singapore, but the cost of the city was a bit extreme coming from the much less expensive countries in Southeast Asia. The newest hotspot on the touristy list of things to see was the ... read more
Look.... it's Singapore!
White Tiger stealth
Cheeky elephant

Asia » Malaysia August 28th 2010

We had a bit of a bumpy start to our flight down to Malaysia’s capital. The plane was about an hour late for takeoff, they boarded us, closed the hatch, and then let us know that there had been a delay so we sat in our cramped seats for the hour passing time by sleeping and grumbling. The flight wasn’t overall bad, although landing in Kuala Lumpur at midnight wasn’t the most fun experience as the main metro system to get into town was shutting down, and the airport for some reason is over 70km outside of KL. We eventually made it into Chinatown and found our hostel for the next few days, which marks out first dorm experience on this trip. Our first impression of Kuala Lumpur was how green it was. Not in the ... read more
A city of foliage
car graveyard
Happy Rik-shaw driver

Asia » China » Beijing August 22nd 2010

The train from Shanghai to Ji’nan was so fast!! We were at speeds of over 200km per hour at some points; we completed the journey of some 745km in less than 6 hours (with numerous stops on the way). The train ride was awesome. Arriving in Ji’nan was not so awesome. Neither of us has seen such pollution in our entire lives. It looked like just an overcast day from the window, but once you get out of the train the smell of smog in the air and the heaviness in your chest is almost unbearable. So we went straight to the ticketing office and managed to hand-sign our way into two tickets to Beijing the next day. We know that Beijing is just as polluted, but we had no real plans for Ji’nan other than ... read more
the great wall at 5am
Us in Beijing
Posing for a photo.

Asia » China » Shanghai August 21st 2010

We spent two evenings and two full days visiting the Expo, and saw maybe half of what there was to offer. There are so many Pavilions, displays and exhibits that it would be impossible to visit them all unless you had a good month to spare doing nothing but hitting up the Expo every day. It was like a city unto itself within Shanghai. There are 5 zones in the Expo, Zones A, B and C were dedicated to different countries, all within an area, (Americas Square, Africas Square, Europe Square, etc), Zone D was more companies and different sponsors, while Zone E had Pavilions dedicated to Urban Planning set up by different cities from all over the world. I’m not going to go into too much specific detail here, I’ll leave the detail to Scott’s ... read more
Expo Boulevard at night
Sunsetting behind China Pavilion
Long elevated walkway in Zone C

Asia » China » Shanghai August 14th 2010

Population: approximately 15 million people and growing. We arrived in the bustling Shanghai south train station around 3pm and Scott’s chicken feet offering friend from the train offered... no, demanded, to help us find out way in the huge city. We hoped into a taxi with and his not so pleased looking wife and took off into the city. The chicken feet man called his daughter and had Scott talk her on the phone (ENGLISH!) while he talked to the driver in Chinese attempting to figure out where in the sprawling city our over-priced hotel room was. We eventually wound up at his hotel (funny enough we considered staying there), met his daughter, Scott went in with chicken feet and chicken feet jr to talk to reception and we were back on our way to our ... read more
secret view of Shanghai's skyline
Giants of the skyline
smoggy city

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin August 10th 2010

Arriving in Guilin mid-day we were greeted with the hustle and bustle of a city with a big-town atmosphere. The buildings were no sky-scrapers, but the people were moving quickly in every direction, and we could see the layer of hazy smog hovering above us. We caught a tuk-tuk (not sure what they call them in China) to the backstreet youth hostel where we were turned away as we had no reservations, wandering out onto the street a man approached us and asked if we were looking for a hotel, why yes we replied, ‘follow me’ he said. We went down a back alley and up a mouldy side staircase that you would never have known existed without being shown, to the 5th floor. We got a room for 80¥ ($12 cnd) a night and as ... read more
Guilin in all it's glory!
Guilin, China
Dragon's backbone rice terraces

Asia » China » Guangxi » Yangshuo August 5th 2010

Arriving in Yangshuo at 4:30 in the morning was quite an experience. The city was still dark from the night before, with only a handful of people out still roaming the streets, a few drunken tourists and some motorcycle taxi’s with no English speaking drivers. After 5 minutes of walking in the wrong direction and a drunk Russian woman telling us that we were going the wrong way, we came upon a looming figure in the dark off in the distance... it was one of the towering cliffs the city is so well known for, hovering some hundred feet above us like a dark gigantic ghost. 4:30 in the morning, our first mainland China destination, everything was quiet, nothing was open except for a McDonalds with a few other westerners arriving from a horribly early bus ... read more
Yulong River
Moon Hill
Impressions Liu Sanjie lightshow

Asia » Hong Kong July 28th 2010

We left Hanoi early in the morning headed for the airport, boarded our plane to the amazing city in the south of China and landed at 1pm local time. (Funny note about China, the country has adopted only one time zone. Beijing to Lhasa is all one time. Check out a map of world time-zones and try to figure that one out). We had been to Hong Kong before, although only for two hours, as we had a layover on our way to Bangkok, so we only got to see the views allowed by plan while flying overhead. We flew through customs and hopped onto the MTR system headed for Kowloon, directly across the harbour from the main downtown center on Hong Kong Island (the financial district). Hong Kong has an impressive subway system that can ... read more
the first time I saw Hong Kong island
funky buildings
Hong Kong - Tsim Sha Tsui

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta July 21st 2010

The trip from Hue to Hanoi was the longest leg of our trip in Vietnam yet. We left Hue at 5 in the evening and arrived in Hanoi on the outskirts of town at 7 the next day. Our first day in Hanoi felt like a big whack of bad luck, Scott was still suffering from his issues that started before Dalat, it took us 2 hours of wandering around the old quarter of Hanoi with a map of the area that looked as if it were made for another country all together (none of the streets lined up or matched what the guidebook was saying), we had originally planned to purchase our Chinese visa’s in Hanoi, and tried to get US $’s for this, but no one would sell to us except some sketchy looking ... read more
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Scott & Kristy

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