Page 5 of Riz7 Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Lalibela October 8th 2018

Ethiopia is a bit of a weird place. Amongst the things (and there are a few) that make it odd is the calendar. They use a different month system (13 months), but this can normally be ignored if you keep to short timescales as the years are the same length. More surprising is the year. New Year’s Day is September 11thand the calendar is either 7 or 8 years behind that used in the Western world so we are now early in 2011. We first realise this as one brand of beer we drink has a New Year competition (which we don’t win!). Another slightly odd thing is the widespread celebration of St George who even has a beer brand named after him. St George is worshipped in every church we visit here. We decide to ... read more
Typical house on the way up to Mary Monastery
View near Lalibela
View from pass above Lalibela

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Lalibela October 7th 2018

The rock hewn churches of Lalibela are considered to be Ethiopia’s number one tourist attraction. They are also on a suitable circuit for us to travel in the relatively short time we have here. Most tourists choose to fly to Lalibela from Addis Ababa as by bus it takes a day and a half. We decide, of course, to go by bus. Lalibela is not much of a town, but for some that’s part of the appeal. The churches are tourist sights but they are also places of active local worship and it you are here at the right time you witness some extraordinary gatherings. Though these are Christian churches, it’s also Orthodox Christianity and is a very different style of worship to what we in the western world are used to. On one of the ... read more
Town of Lalibela looking over to the 1st church complex
Church of St George

Africa » Ethiopia » Addis Ababa Region October 4th 2018

For once it’s obvious which title I should use for my blog entry. Perhaps the standout attraction of Addis Ababa is the Ethiopia National Museum which houses the skeleton of Lucy, a well preserved 3.2m year old fossil, considered to be an early ancestor of man. It was discovered in 1974 in the Afar region of Ethiopia and has been described as simply one of the most important fossils ever discovered. At the team campsite after the skeleton was discovered the lead scientist played a Beatles cassette and the track “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” came on. They already thought that the skeleton was female so the name seemed appropriate and stuck. The real Lucy skeleton is securely locked away in a vault, but if you didn’t know that you wouldn’t realise. There is also ... read more
Lucy in closeup
Status of Emperor Haile Selassie at Ethiopian museum
You might not guess it from the picture but this is Addis Ababa

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Kibale National Forest September 30th 2018

In Fort Portal the gateway town for the Kibale Park we find the Dutchess restaurant/hotel. Run by a Dutch couple the LP considers this to be one of the best restaurants in the whole of Uganda. Not wishing to miss this opportunity we stop for a light lunch and then are delayed as - no surprise - after lunch the Rav 4 won't start. We call the hire company and within 15 minutes a local mechanic arrives and after some good diagnostics traces the problem to a poor transmission connector. This meant that the electronics dig not detect that the transmission was in Park so disabled the ignition circuit. He easily fixes this, but leaves me a wire so I can short this out just in case we have the same problem again. It turns out ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Queen Elizabeth NP September 28th 2018

The drive from Bwindi to Kibale (where we have a permit for Chimp trekking tomorrow) takes us up the western side of Uganda through the Queen Elizabeth National Park. We don’t expect that much from the park, but do want to try to find the tree climbing lions in the south of the park. The lions are actually quite easy to find – there are 6 in one tree but these are the only ones we see. I manage to bog the Rav4 in a boggy part of the trail. My travel companions are a bit worried about out pushing us out as we have just seen lions up the road, but another vehicles comes past soon and it doesn’t take too much effort to push us clear. We drive along the main road through the ... read more

Today is THE reason we have come to Uganda, to track Mountain Gorillas. There are only about 1000 Mountain Gorillas left in the world and about half of these live in the Bwindi Impenetrable forest where we are now. Other places where you can see them are Rwanda and the DRC, different countries but very close to Bwindi. The only way to see them here is to buy a permit from the Ugandan Wildlife Authority (UWA). There are only about 100 permits available each day and as they cost $600 per person it means that this isn’t a trip for everyone. In addition, the official line is that the permits are over-subscribed (ie hard to get), nothing is guaranteed, it's often wet and the trekking to find the gorillas can be tough, so tough in fact ... read more
Volcanos on the way into Bwindi

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja September 22nd 2018

In Uganda decided to do things a little differently than we did in Tanzania. Here we have hired a car – well an old SUV, it’s a 20 year old Toyota RAV4. The benefit of this is that we can see Uganda without having to take an organised tour. I think it should be more fun and also considerably cheaper. This plan doesn’t get off to the best start as we need to wait until after lunch for our car to arrive at the hotel in Kampala. By then we’re decided that we should spend another night in the city and head on out to Jinja - the source of the White Nile- early the next day. Jinja turns out not to be much of a place, but our hotel overlooks the river, is OK ... read more
View to the Nile from our hotel
War cemetery at Jinja

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park September 19th 2018

This blog entry covers our days in both the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Crater conservation area. We have 2 full days in the Serengeti and a morning game drive in Ngorongoro. It’s unfair to try to compare the two different parks as both are excellent and quite different from each other, so really it's the combination of the 3 areas (these 2 plus Tarangire) that makes a very good short safari. As with any wildlife activity there is a huge amount of luck as to what you actually see on any given day, but a good guide certainly helps and Pablo our guide and driver is a wise old bird who knows the country well and seems to be able to find almost anything on demand. The Serengeti is a huge area of grassland ... read more
Colourful lizard
Well hidden Cheetah

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park September 15th 2018

From Zanzibar we’ve made our way by ferry to Dar es Salaam and then by bus (a very long day!) to Arusha where we begin a 6 day Tanzania camping safari. Two of our friends from England join us here and we will travel together for this safari and afterwards for 12 days in Uganda. Tarangire National Park is our 1st stop out of Arusha. It’s not one of the better known game parks so I’m unsure of what we’ll see here, but I shouldn’t have been worried, the game viewing here is excellent. It’s been almost 30 years since we were last in East Africa (and that was in Kenya) but I’m aware of a number of high profile stories about the problems of poaching and threats to animal numbers such as elephant, but it ... read more
More wildebeest

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Nungwi September 10th 2018

From Zanzibar city we bus it to the very north of the island to Nungwi. This is a good beach area and has several dive schools - I have arranged for us to do a couple of days diving with Spanish Dancers dive centre and we have a room only a hundred metres away so it’s all very convenient and a good place to relax for a few days. The diving is a little mixed. The first day we dive off the west coast near to Nungwi and though the fish life is good the visibility is only about 10m – so it’s a little disappointing. The 2nd day we go to Mnemba Atoll, on the east coast and a 40min speedboat ride away and have a superb couple of dives, excellent vis and great diversity ... read more

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