RedPlanetClaire's Guestbook

9th June 2017
Cat outside Parliament in Valletta

A political cat
Wonder what he is contemplating
7th June 2017

Curiosity to Travelling Malta..???
I never Visited this place but i will soon visit this place because after this article my curiosity to visit this place is now high. I am Scott Adlhoch and i love to explore new places. The Article is very good and i am now the Fan of this Blog. Thanks for sharing the Information.
7th June 2017

Thank you
I'm glad my blog made you want to visit - it is a great place!
18th March 2017

You are my hero
I'd love to visit these ice hotels! There is something really invigorating about being cozy and frozen at the same time. I'm sorry you didn't see the Northern Lights but it shouldn't take away from your overall experience. Come to Canada next time and you'll see them for sure! Skol!
19th March 2017

Thank you
Yes, I need to see more of Canada - so far I've seen Toronto, Niagara Falls and Brantford and it loft me wanting to see more!
12th February 2017

Thanks for the details...
I've wondered how one gets ready for bed and then sleeps when the room is below zero. And sorry about your missing the northern lights. Maybe next year in Norway.
15th February 2017

Glad to advise!
I hope my story of the lady making yellow snow in the hotel wasn't too off-putting, I'm presuming that this is highly unusual! Other guests were telling me the next day that a tour had visited the icebar that night and were rather drunk, but were not actual guests. Anyway, getting a good night's sleep wasn't hard although one night is enough!
29th September 2016

Nice picture
Très belle image, la qualité est vraiment très bonne (tout comme le reste du site). Félicitation à tous ceux qui y ont participer ! Le vietnam est vraiment un très pays très beau qu'il faut aller visiter ! Treck au vietnam
29th September 2016

Thank you - you must get to Vietnam!
21st September 2016

Rained on...
There's a spring rain storm raging outside here in Southern Australia, so reading your rainy blog was quite apt :) Despite the rain, everything sounds so fabulous...except maybe the gagaku thing. I'm always nervous about going to see traditional music events when we travel for exactly the reason you so neatly articulated - 'it's an affront to the ears' :D
20th September 2016

Great blog Clare. Great to read & see your pics!
20th September 2016

Thank you
It's always wonderful to get comments and nice feedback. I'm just having a beer and thinking about what happened today :-)
11th May 2016
Bidet issue

That makes no sense!!! But I'm loving your confusion over bidet issues. I never thought I'd like a drop toilet until I tried one, now I love them, hate our conventional toilets, especially in public restrooms.
11th May 2016
Bidet issue

Drop toilet
Is that the same as a squat loo? I'm good with them, until it's on a moving train, then it gets interesting!
10th May 2016

Thank you Clare for brightening my day, it's raining here too! Love your comments on the butterfly incident, your hire car & the classy wine cup & saucer! Keep on blogging!
11th May 2016

Btw, I found the wine glasses, 12 of them in the cupboard under the telly! Two more blogs live now!
9th May 2016

Heat Wave!
Hi Claire, oh how I enjoy both your blogs! On a train to Edinburgh and the others must be wondering what I'm stupidly sniggering at. Reminds me of great times on our travels! Absolute heat wave here! I really hope I don't read tonight they got you in the small print and by Glyn eating a sausage made out of some spurious meat - ?wombat sausage, you are compelled to buy a property! Look forward to next instalment.
11th May 2016

It's good to hear from you! More blogs now on :-)
11th January 2016

To Bad...
...that you missed the aurora, especially after enduring all that cold and wind (quite a trademark of our northern countries). I hope your next trip to the north will yield better results. :)
11th January 2016

I know!
But it just means I have to visit again! Especially as I now have lots of warm weather gear - I need to use it!
5th December 2015

Not really borrowed imagery
I watched "Temple of Doom" last night and there really wasn't any imagery that could be interpreted as borrowed from Cambodia. The movie had more of an India feel to it. Spielberg wanted to film it in India, but the Indian government wouldn't allow it because they viewed portions of the script as being racist. Spielberg based the temple on a large castle in India and had to use a model replica for the movie since he wasn't allowed to film at the real one. Sri Lanka was the closest he came to the Indian feel of the movie. Last night I also watched the opening sequence in "Raiders of the Lost Arc" as it begins with Indiana Jones entering an ancient stone temple in South America. But the imagery of that stone temple entrance was completely different than anything we saw in Cambodia.
5th December 2015

Nin was our source
Nin was the one who told us Indiana Jones was filmed there. I emailed Nin last night but haven't received a response yet. Common sense even tells you that "Temple of Doom" couldn't have been filmed there. It was filmed in 1983-84. At that time, Cambodia was less than halfway through a war with Vietnam, there were landmines everywhere and Cambodia certainly didn't have any good relationships with western countries yet. When the "Tomb Raider" movie WAS filmed there, it was 2000-01 and the political/social climate would have had time to change as it would have been 10 years after the war with Vietnam had ended. Travel websites all over the internet say "Temple of Doom" was filmed there. But movie websites don't say that. I think it's like the game of gossip how the information got distorted. "Tomb Raider" is similar to "Raiders of the Lost Arc" which would get someone to say "Indiana Jones" which could then lead to someone saying "Temple of Doom" since it's the only Indiana Jones movie taking place in Asia. "Tomb Raider" was definitely filmed there as it's easy to find movie pictures at that tree.
5th December 2015

Maybe some of the imagery in IJATTD was inspired by Cambodian relics?

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