Page 13 of MikeandSue Travel Blog Posts

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata February 1st 2008

Thursday The pictures start off with several I took around the guest house--not sure that I'd done that yet. Will try and get some more "campus" shots soon. We're driven so many places that I'm going to have to make a special effort to walk around a bit and take some shots. My exchange partner and his wife took us to a local shopping center with stores carrying handicrafts from different states. The first 15-minute ride anywhere!!! Beautiful jewellry, saris, tunics, brass work, leather purses, knickknacks, fabrics, etc. We spent an hour and a half or so and each got some items for the home folks. Late in the afternoon, we had the much-anticipated meeting with the new Vice Chancellor of the University. He assumed his position just after the Indian delegates were in the U.S. ... read more
Guest House
Guest House from the Jheel
Breaking Rebar

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata January 30th 2008

Well, today we were able to tour a couple of training sites. It seems to take an hour to get anywhere--the city is huge and traffic makes it very difficult. It began to rain on our way to the sites, light at first but sounded a real downpour while we were meeting (maybe just because of the roof?). some pics from the ride to and from are included. My camera battery's charged and ready to go! The first was at the St. Thomas Boys School. They have an Air Conditioning and a Computer Hardware Repair course that are being supported by Jadavpur University's Office of Adult and Continuing Education and we were able to visit with the Asst. Principal, two instructors, and the class of AC students, in their lab and in their classroom. JU approves ... read more
Paving the road
Flower stand
Propane delivery

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata January 29th 2008

Well, this morning, I woke up on my own--without the alarm clock going off. Figured out how to work the hot water heater last night so was able to wash my hair in warm water, not frigid. Today, we went to the Indian Museum, a lovely visit. Beautiful landscaped courtyard inside the building. By the way--all the pics for today are thanks to one of my traveling partners, Miguel. I was able to get an adapter and my battery is recharging! After the museum, we had intended to go to the Victoria Memorial but we didn't have enough time before preparing to go to the second half of the wedding reception. This one was the groom's family's time to shine. Again, met folks, at food, extended our good wishes. The reception was held near the airport. ... read more
Indian Museum 3
Indian Museum 2
Indian Museum Statue of Tara

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata January 28th 2008

This is 11 February and I've just reviewed the entries and realized that this one didn't get published!!! It's "old" but interesting so I'm sending it on now, anyway. Sorry I didn't hit the right button at the time, it appears. Well, we arrived safe and sound, a few minutes before arrival time, actually. Our exchange partners met us at the airport and brought us to the Guest House at Jadavpur University where we unpacked and were settled in by about 3 a.m. Sunday morning, we had jam toast and tea as we got up and moving, then went to the Rabindra Sarobar Lake Park. Later, we were able to attend a Hindu wedding ceremony (the bride's reception--the groom's reception will be Tuesday evening). I took the pics of the rr tracks and the neighborhood behind ... read more
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view from back 2
view from back 3

North America » United States » Virginia » Harrisonburg January 23rd 2008

Well, I packed my bag last weekend, have taken my last typhoid vaccine dose, checked baggage limits on the airline, did what pre-boarding tasks I could do, spent the weekend working on presentations to take with me (counting on computer access!), and copied itinerary info to leave behind. Still need to try uploading a picture directly from my camera to accompany an item; will try and do that tonight! Boring, but practice.... read more

North America » United States » Virginia » Harrisonburg January 14th 2008

What’s the Deal? Susan works for the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), in Workforce Services. She’s taking part in this year’s exchange program between the VCCS and Jadavpur University in Kolkata. Her exchange partner, an economics teacher from JU, came to Virginia in October for two weeks and Susan returns the visit (with 3 other VCCS professionals) January 25-February 9. Susan’s husband, Mike, will come to Kolkata near the end of her two weeks at JU and they’ll spend another week in Kolkata and Mumbai. In Mumbai, they’ll tour and visit family of a friend of theirs. ... read more

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