Page 4 of MichaelnFaye Travel Blog Posts

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Bedfordshire » Bedford February 8th 2011

So, here we are again... One day to go. That familiar swell of excitement mixed with the flutters of anxiety invading my every thought. There's been a lot of planning and organisation gone into every aspect of this trip, but I can't help but worry about what's been missed. This trip has been in the planning stages for the better part of three years. It's been in the back of our minds slowly gaining momentum while we've been getting on with the routine of everyday life. Thankfully we've had plenty of distractions to keep our thoughts occupied, but during those short periods of tranquillity that are so rare when you have two small children, we were forever dreaming and slowly putting the plan into action. The gap between trips wasn’t supposed to be so long but ... read more
What we're travelling with.

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Ko Chang July 20th 2010

Koh Chang is in the southeast of the country, close to neighbouring Cambodia, and is the second largest island in the country after Phuket. We had no intention of visiting the island but due to all the trains being booked going south and our desire to visit an island we've not been to before we found ourselves on a 6 Hour bus journey to the ferry pier. The island itself is just offshore so it's a quick car ferry across and then a taxi ride to wherever on the island you want to go. We decided to book three seats on the bus as we've taken the tourist buses out of Banglamphu before and found ourselves on a knackered old minibus with barely functioning air conditioning. I didn't want to experience that again with a toddler ... read more
Our faithful steed.
Playing in the sea at sunset
The view looking up

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok July 12th 2010

Bangkok is what it is, and everything you expect it to be... Hot, humid, Smoggy, frantic and what the hell is that smell? No wait, it's gone... No... there it is again! We LOVE this city, love, love, love this city. We've stayed here or passed through countless numbers of times, and although somewhat tired of the scene that surrounds Khao San road, it feels like home every time we set foot within its limits. We feel so comfortable here, we know how it all works, and we’re immune to the annoyances and scams that await the Gapper fresh off the plane... This time is different though, this time we have two children with us, one of which is still very much a baby. Will we see the city and this country through a different set ... read more
Temple Lotus - Wat Saket
Wat Phra Mahathat - Ayutthaya

North America » United States » California September 25th 2009

So… The United States. We count ourselves as being fortunate enough to say that we’re well travelled, so how come the USA or the North American continent for that reason have managed to escape our foot fall? To be honest, there was never anything we wanted to see that was high enough on our ‘list’. There were certainly places on the list, just not high enough to justify spending the money getting there. Faye is pregnant again and was just about to enter her third trimester so it was the perfect time to travel, I’m also being made redundant from work at the start of next year so who knows if we’ll be able to afford to go another trip any time soon, not to mention having a new baby and all the responsibilities that brings, ... read more
The Golden Gate Bridge
Yosemite Valley
Tenaya Lake

Asia » Japan April 6th 2009

So… The first question you may ask is what possessed us into thinking taking a 6 month old baby half way across the world for a holiday was a good idea? As much as we’ve changed our lives to accommodate Nate (our beautiful son); we also want him to understand that our lives revolve around a passion for travel and his arrival isn’t going to change that. So, that’s our compromise, we pour all our heart and soul into providing a nurturing environment for him to grow up in… he just has to behave on a few long haul flights. The second question may be “why Japan?”… We have a real love for Asia, its people, its culture, its food… Japan is somewhere we’ve wanted to visit for a while, missing it on our RTW trip ... read more
The Incredible Mt. Fuji
Torii Gates

Asia » India April 12th 2008

New Delhi So we arrive in Delhi, and obviously we found ourselves well and truly in the tourist ghetto that is the Pahar Ganj, a cesspit of touts, cows, rubbish, flies and s**t... It was here that I realised that the sacred cow, supposedly revered by the people around us is really treated quite badly. OK, so they're not abused or anything, but they're just left to their own devices, grazing on the piles of rubbish in the streets eating plastic bags and who knows what else, and if one so much as moves a little erratically (as cows do, quite often) the surrounding people just scatter, scared witless. I'm not sure what I expected, but I just assumed that such an important animal in the Hindu religion, would be treated with a little more respect, ... read more
Border Closing Ceremony - Attari
The Golden Temple - Amritsar
The Golden Temple - Amritsar

Asia » India » West Bengal March 17th 2008

'I love my India'. We see this written everywhere and start to wonder to ourselves... will we love OUR India? Will this country captivate us like others we know or horrify us into never coming back? This is our story, this is OUR India. Our initial plans for entering India involved an overland journey from China, through Nepal and the Himalayas, but due to the pregnancy and the recommendation that pregnant ladies should stay below 3000m we changed plans and connecting in Bangkok from Hong Kong we jumped feet first into India’s second largest city, Kolkata. Kolkata Once leaving the airport we hooked up with a guy we got chatting to on the flight and jumped in a taxi, the ubiquitous Hindustan Ambassador. While we travelled to Sudder street, Kolkata's equivalent of Khao San Road in ... read more
Victoria Memorial - Kolkata
Just herding my goats...  Through the main streets of Kolkata!
India - In Brick

Asia » Hong Kong March 2nd 2008

We arrived in Macau and had no intention of stopping as we wanted to get to Hong Kong straight away. Due to technical problems we sat on the runway at Bangkok for hours before the flight took off leaving our arrival in Macau very late, and almost missed the ferry as the last one is at midnight. As soon as we arrived, cleared immigration and got stamped in we jumped straight into a taxi and headed to the port where we cleared immigration again, got stamped out (shortest time ever in a 'country' - 30 mins) and then boarded the 11.30pm sailing to Hong Kong. We arrived after an hour, cleared another set of immigration and got stamped in (total passport stamps in one 24hr period - 6), jumped in a taxi which took us to ... read more
Hong Kong Island from the peak
Hong Kong Skyline - From Kowloon
Cheung Chau Island

Asia » Vietnam February 21st 2008

We decided to take a somewhat alternative route into Vietnam as we wanted to visit the mighty Mekong delta first and the best way to see this area of vast rivers and numerous waterways is by boat. From Pnom Penh we took a bus to the waterside town of Neak Luong, and then jumped on a boat for the two and a half hour journey to the border. The border crossing was pretty uneventful, and afterwards we jumped onto a different boat for the Vietnamese side of the journey. This side of the journey was much better as the waterways narrowed considerably and it was easier to get a good view at the local people and see how important the water is in their daily lives. After a couple of hours the boat dropped us off ... read more
Floating Markets - Can Tho
Saigon (HCMC) traffic
Tank - Cu Chi Tunnels

Asia » Cambodia January 22nd 2008

Our first challenge on our journey to Cambodia was navigating the border crossing circus at Poipet. As we’d done it before three years ago, we knew what to expect, but it was a shame to see nothing’s changed, as it really gives a terrible first impression of such an amazing country. We caught a public bus from Bangkok to the border town on the Thai side, and then strolled straight past all the touts claiming it’s not possible to get a visa at the border… but of course we could get it through them. Once stamped out of Thailand, we stopped at the visa office before Cambodian immigration, and played the waiting game. The official price for a one month tourist visa is US$20, but they ask for US$25, their claim is that this ensures your ... read more
Angkor Wat
Victims Skulls - Choeung Ek (Killing Fields)
Beng Mealea

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