Page 3 of Mark63 Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Bulgaria » Sofia City » Sofia September 11th 2023

With no real plans for today we decided on a walking tour of the city. A 10am start allowed us to have a lazy start to the day and still arrive outside the Palace of Justice with time to spare. Kris was our guide today. He is a native of Sofia who studied in Germany and then chose to come back to Sofia to live. Kris had a great knowledge of the city and to be honest by the end of the tour all of the fact and dates that get crammed into the two hours get muddled by the time it comes to writing the blog. Some interesting facts that I can remember. As I mentioned yesterday, Sofia is the 3rd oldest capital city in Europe behind Rome and Athens, it's original name being Surdica. ... read more
Orthodox Church
The Lion is the National Animal EMblem of Bulgaria
The Palace of Justice

Europe » Bulgaria » Sofia City » Sofia September 10th 2023

A pretty easy distance of approximately 50kms into Sofia today. No need to leave too early and we've lost the hour by changing time zones so we settle on an 8:30am leaving time. It's nice and cool and a clear sky, perfect riding conditions. We head off from the hotel around the soccer ground and we're already on a crushed rock road (1), following our route, we're led onto a single track dirt track (2) before being directed onto nice newly laid bitumen (3) which lasts for about 150m before turning into cobblestones (4) and we're less than a kilometer from the hotel. This road is right up against the motorway and a car pulls up and a guy gets out and tells us we can't use the road we're on because it's blocked for road ... read more
Pool at our Restaurant last night
Vintage motorbike at our restaurant last night
On the Motorway

Europe » Bulgaria » West September 9th 2023

At dinner last night we decided that instead of travelling 25kms to Dimitrovgrad, we'd travel 50kms to Dragoman into Bulgaria, making the following day to Sofia much more manageable. It was also the fact we couldn't find any available accommodation in Dimitrovgrad which helped force this decision. We had breakfast at the hotel and left just after 8am. We had to ride the 25kms to Dimitrovgrad and then there were two climbs similar to yesterday to negotiate before coasting downhill into Dragamon. Well, part one of ride to Dimitrovgrad was plain sailing and easy riding. As we left town and started up the hill that are route was indicating, an old bloke sitting on his porch said the road we were on stopped just up ahead. We had a dilemma. We decided we'd ride along the ... read more
Pretty street in Dimitrovgrad
Between borders
Climbing in Bulgaria

Europe » Serbia » South September 8th 2023

We left our salubrious 2 level 3 bedroom apartment in Nis just after 8am. Apartments suit us well. They give us plenty of room to spread out, and if we're lucky, we each get a bedroom to ourselves. Our destination today is Pirot, some 68kms away with two significant climbs included. As is normally the case, it's slow going winding our way out of a big city. We've only covered 12kms in our first hour of riding. While it's been flat, we've noticed a bit of head wind today. There's no denying today's ride was all about the climbs. Individually, neither of them are too fearsome, but with two back to back and with over 3,600kms in the legs, we didn't know how much of a factor fatigue would be. For those that ride and climb ... read more
A steep Climb
Tom cruising by
Mountain Views

Europe » Serbia » South » Nis September 7th 2023

Just a short (and solemn) blog post today as we actually did something quite unusual for most of our rest day - we rested. We did visit two historical sites from WWII that are related in the most horrific manner. You see the Nazi's turned the Kings Army Barracks and surrounding buildings here in Nis into a concentration camp. It was mainly used for short term detention of prisoners before being relocated somewhere else as forced labour, unless of course they were executed instead. While some executions were carried out in the camp, most were taken to Bubanj a few kilometers away where they were executed and placed in mass graves. The concentration camp is mainly untouched from the end of WWII and is now a museum in honour of those that were imprisoned and murdered ... read more
Front gates of the camp
Bubanj Memorial Park

Europe » Serbia » South » Nis September 6th 2023

Our Fairy Godmother brought over a dish with a dozen fries eggs and an ice cream container full of long syrupy sweet donut type things right on 7pm. We combined that with the home grown vegies and left over sausages from lunch and we had quite a feast for dinner. I can't say I've ever had fried eggs as the main component of dinner but it seemed to work. We used the cold meats and cheese in the fridge with the extra bread and made up rolls for lunch. We had effectively gotten 4 meals provided free of charge so we decided to leave a very sizeable tip for our host thanking her for her generosity. Due to our short distance today we slept with no alarm. A lazy riding morning is a luxury we haven't ... read more
The River Valley
The mountains closing in
Along the route

Europe » Serbia » East September 5th 2023

We had an early breakfast and were able to get away by 8:00am. A good distance today of 63kms, right in our sweet spot. We left the chaotic drivers of Jagodina behind and on to the same side road we were on yesterday. Again, mostly local traffic, but it does get a bit busier in the small towns we go through. We had another tail wind today which make the riding all the more easier. We have been making much better time than previously with it's help. The morning is mostly uninspiring again, not much to see up close but we can see the surrounding hills coming into focus, one of which we need to climb. By our morning break we have covered 40kms, just 23kms to go and we are at the base of today's ... read more
Tom powering up the hill
Views from the top
Views from the top

Europe » Serbia » East September 4th 2023

We had to delay dinner for a while as the heavens opened just as we were about to leave. There was plenty of thunder and lightening to accompany the rain as well. Dinner was Italian. Jeff and Tom ordered medium pizzas that would have had to be 45cm in diameter and there was a size bigger than that! I settled for the Chef's Burger which was delicious. (And yes, Tom finished his and Jeff battled manfully leaving one piece which he took away in a doggy bag). We left at 7:30am today as we had 89kms to travel. Getting out of Smederevo required concentration as the traffic was very busy and the drivers quite aggressive. We were on a side road to the main highway going south, so while there was traffic, once we got out ... read more
End of the re-sealing works
Greek Orthodox Church in Jagodina
Inside the church

Europe » Serbia » East » Smederevo September 3rd 2023

Our last day on the Danube and as has been the case for the last week, even though we've ridden by the Danube we rarely saw it. A bit sad really. To leave today, we had to ride our way across the very big city of Belgrade. It was mostly up the side of a very big hill. We had climbed a good way before descending to cross the bridge over the Danube and I pulled over nervously looking ahead. It looked like a freeway entrance to the bridge. I thought maybe I had routed as a car instead of a bike, but no, we were meant to ride on the bridge with all of that traffic. We nervously entered and then just rode as fast as we could across the bridge which was almost two ... read more
Medieval Fortified City in Smederevo
Medieval Fortified City in Smederevo
This was the kings section.

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade September 2nd 2023

It was good to get a bit of a sleep in this morning, the cumulative effect of the virtually continuous riding is starting to take it's toll, well on me anyway. We then get a rest day and while you know you need some rest you really can't give up the chance to explore a city you may never see again. The plan for today was to go on a guided walking tour and confirm our route through to the end of the trip. Serbia has a long and tumultuous history. My knowledge of the Balkans is very poor and is obviously coloured by the reporting we get in the west. Today our guide took us on a journey through Serbia's chequered history. We were told that Serbia has been to war 114 times and that ... read more
Serbian seat of Parliament
Inside St Marks Church
Bombings in 1999

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