Page 2 of Lesley2912 Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » CBD April 3rd 2024

Last night was such an epic end to the tour. I was so emotionally high throughout the night, but then you hit such a low, afterwards. It’s a rollercoaster for sure! It was our latest night yet, but that, coupled with emotions, I am totally drained today! I woke up a few times, just to drink water, and turn over in bed. I didn’t wake up properly until about 10:30! My first thoughts went out to Bernard; he was up, and out for work at the crack of dawn this morning! I got showered, and got dressed. Then I spent a while sorting out clothes for today, clothes and bits for the vicious cycle class, and clothes for afterwards. That simple task practically scrambled my brain! I ate a banana, and a cereal bar, just to ... read more
With a toastie brunch
Underpass in Petersham
Petersham Park

Oceania April 2nd 2024

Today is my first day of exploring on my own. Bernard is at work today, so I’ll catch him later. I woke up naturally at 8:30. I think that both Bernard and Gavin left quite early, but I didn’t hear anything!! I am very accustomed to exploring on my own, but Bernard is looking after me so well, it’s more difficult to start again on my own. I’m a big girl, it’s only ever the first couple of steps that seem difficult, then you’re off. It’s like riding a bike.. ha ha. I set off the first time, yes, you read that right! When I went through the door, key, lift, and postbox scenario,(which I’ve practiced several times) I was all good, and the I was ready to go, but I hadn’t noticed the rain!! I ... read more
Breakfast at Chills Cafe
I need this in my life!
King Street, Newtown

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Mosman April 1st 2024

Today started a little later than the days before. When I woke at about 8:45, my thoughts went straight to my legs. After yesterday’s exercise, I was dubious how they would feel today! I put my feet to the floor, I was pleasantly surprised! I can actually feel them! I started my day by doing a few bedside stretches, before I attempted walking… ha ha. Honestly, I’m way better than I had anticipated, but the stretches help! We do such a lot each day, I think it’s catching us up. We were both expecting to be hobbling today, especially after yesterday’s wobbling!!! But we both seem better than we had expected to! We have discussed the options for today, we think it could be a walk with a beach. Our main aim is to get home ... read more
View on the trail
Blue tongue lizard
Near Boorahghee Amphitheater

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Manly March 31st 2024

Another easy, natural get up this morning! After another good nights sleep. I’m a little bit stiff today n the legs, but I think that it will loosen up as soon as I start walking around. We got straight on with booking me into a Vicious Cycle Class!! I know… OMG… what am I thinking? I know I’m just having a go… no judgement.. ha ha. I’m happy to see Bernard doing what he loves. It’s a big part of his life, and this is a good way to do that! We’ll see, watch this space! We had brekky. Bernard made us scrambled eggs in toast, by request. I do love my eggs! These were washed down with a black/purple, very seedy, berry and protein packed smoothie! It certainly tasted a lot better than it looked. ... read more
Todays smoothie chez Bernard
Patience.. ha ha
The koala stubble cover is in use!

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales March 30th 2024

A good start to the day. It was a natural wake up, in a very comfy bed! I walked into the living room to find Bernard chilling on his double blow up bed. He said he’d also had a comfy night, with his downgrade! We started the day with a catch up chat, then agreed on eggs with toast for brekky. This also came with a banana, coffee, and all sorts of protein stuff to kick start our day. It was nice. I enjoyed brekky today. We spent a while, getting our stuff together for the day ahead. We are going on a short train journey, then a bus journey, which will take us to Coogee, which is where our walk will start. We hit perfect timing today, we hit the train with a 3 minute ... read more
Start of the walk in Coogee Bay
Rainbow starting point at Coogee Beach
Coogee Beach

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Opera House March 29th 2024

It was a lazy, slow start to the day today, as the check out is not until 11am. I have sorted my case, it’s all ready for my next move. Bernard is meeting me at the hotel at around 10am-ish. I have arranged to meet with Angelika at 9am for breakfast today. I wash up, showered and ready to go by 8:30. I hung back a while to catch up on Facebook and instagram, which I don’t seem to have a lot of time to do these days! I went down in good time to meet with Angelika. Timo was already seated at a table, I took a seat, then was closely followed by Angelika. I’m happy to take scrambled eggs this morning, with sourdough on the side. I had a cup of black Earl Grey. ... read more
Wow, double decker trains!!!
Who said chivalry died!
Arriving in Petersham

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Hunter Valley March 27th 2024

I woke by the alarm today. It was a difficult job to wake up today! Normally, I wrote my blog on the move, mostly during, or straight after the events that occur. Yesterday, that didn’t happen. I was simply too engaged in what I was doing. In order to blog. This was mainly because there was no, ‘bus time’, and my phone died after unsuccessfully attempting to video the dolphins! So last night I spent a couple of hours writing the blog, retrospectively writing the blog, then labelling all the photos. People often say to me, not to stress about missing a day, but it is important for me to record my days, because I make my blog into a book for me to remember my travels well. As they are detailed of events, thoughts, and ... read more
Heading to Sydney
Tamburlaine Organic Wines
Tamburlaine Organic Wines

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Nelson Bay March 27th 2024

This morning was a very different start to the day. I had set my alarm for 8, but was up and around at 7:20! My first job was to check on how my washing has dried overnight. It’s all in my balcony area, set over the chairs. I opened my patio doors, and the cold hit me! Wow, it’s chilly outside! I turned it all around to maximise the drying, then made myself a coffee. I’ve got a bit of life admin to do this morning. I need to check how I am doing on phone data, it may need a top up. Then to check on my top up Post Office money card, also to check if I need to top that up too. I need to do these jobs whilst I am in strong ... read more
Arrive for dolphin tour
Timo and Charles

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Port Stephens March 26th 2024

Another easy start today. I set the alarm for 7:20, as Angelika and I were up late chatting… and I’m feeling so tired. I can’t believe that I’m on day 35 already!!! My case is a mess, but it’s closed, and ready to go. I was showered, and ready to go by 7:50. I took my stuff round to Angelika and Timo’s place. Today is Lyndsey’s 53rd birthday. We ate congregating to give her a cake, card, little gift and little cake. We all arrived, lit the candle, then sent her a text to come to number 2 house. She came round, probably expecting we had a problem, we all sang happy birthday, gave her the bits. She seemed happy with the effort we had made for her. I guess it’s hard when you’re on your, ... read more
The lagoon
The lagoon
Entering Port Macquarie

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Coffs Harbour March 25th 2024

I am very happy in my new temporary home! I slept well, with a couple of ‘middle of the night’ get ups! It’s not an early start this morning. Within about the first ten minutes of getting out of bed my alarm went off. It frightened the life out of me. I was, crazily wafting my tee shirt underneath it until it stopped! I could hear further commotion in the house next to mine, they were frantically moving a family of kangaroos off their terrace. It’s a crazy start to my day! I went back to my own business, which is to get ready, and organised to go for breakfast. Then there was a knock at my door, it was our guide, Lyndsey. She came to bring me her work credit card so that we could ... read more
Timo with the guests
Angelika with a guest

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