Page 4 of Jo Trouble Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Japan » Shimane March 19th 2008

Here it is, my last 'Ode To The Snow' blog entry for this winter. Winter has technically been over for at least a couple of weeks now, and though a few stubborn piles of white gold can still be seen without venturing out of the neighbourhood, I've finally admitted to myself that until next winter there will be no more snowboarding :-( There, I've said it, it didn't hurt too bad. The end was nigh...... - I could almost use the back stairs, for their intended purpose that is. No more board descents into the row of trees. - The pile of snow that used to be my carpark (meanwhile I 'found' another one by the main driveway which didn't require the same amount of shovelling) had hardened due to the lack of fresh snow, so ... read more
Welcome to Frozen Town
Ricicle fields
My frozen world

Asia » Japan » Shimane » Matsue February 24th 2008

One overcast Saturday and one out-of-prefecture friend on an 18-odd hour visit. Did I mention the friend doesn't like snowboarding/skiing? (no offense my friend who shall remain nameless for safety reasons - my safety) Yes, I do actually have some non-snowaholic friends, quite a few actually. Whether that's still the case after next winter and my first full season owning a snowboard.......... Anyway, I picked my friend up from one of the train stations in Matsue and we headed off to Izumo to show her around Izumo Taisha, one of the more famous shrines in Japan. It started snowing just before we left Taisha, which excited my friend enough to want her photo taken among the flurry of white flakes. Maybe there's hope for her yet I thought........ On and back to Matsue we went looking ... read more
Yellow-Throated Toucan
Toco Toucan
Snowy Owl

Asia » Japan » Shimane » Yasugi February 17th 2008

Same place as the previous entry - Adachi Museum of Art, this time the snow was in stock.... read more
Adachi Museum of Art
Adachi Museum of Art
Adachi Museum of Art

Asia » Japan » Shimane February 15th 2008

I don't remember being around the stuff as a kid. Given the effect it seems to have, I doubt I would have forgotten had someone given me some of the white powder to try. Should I be concerned that having had a taste of it, I enjoyed it enough that I went and bought the tools to enable me to indulge in its use more easily. I mean, it's only recreational use. Surely it won't turn out to be that harmful? Will it? Snow people, I'm talking about snow! Winter used to translate in my dictionary as "cold, wet, to be tolerated unless able to get away somewhere warmer on holiday". Now it means getting away to a skifield whenever possible (usually at the weekends, preferably during the week if I can wrangle it) with my ... read more
I'm trying to be a good snow angel.....
A successful reconstruction of the entranceway
If you have to go to work, it might as well be by snowboard

Asia » Japan » Shimane » Yasugi February 10th 2008

Rain..... crowds.......more rain........more crowds. Actually, the crowds weren't that bad at all. Even better, the good thing at the Adachi Museum of Art is that people almost can't get in the way of 'that shot'. (They still managed sometimes, they always will - but no doubt I got in the way of a few myself). The museum has five outdoor garden areas and a few displays and collections inside. To be honest, I didn't go for the indoor part, though I did check it all out. For the last five years running the gardens have been voted the best in Japan. I was hoping to see them in that brochure-like state looking as though someone had tipped a bag of icing sugar over them (the winter view) - but Yasugi didn't come to the party with ... read more
Adachi Museum of Art
Adachi Museum of Art
Adachi Museum of Art

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland January 5th 2008

The three short weeks were over - but I wasn't ready to go back. It wasn't that I really didn't want to be back in Japan, but as it turned out I had missed NZ way way more than I expected. Rushing round catching up with as many friends as possible, trying to go back to favourite places had made the time fly. The fact that Auckland's weather had been uncharacteristically reliably brilliant didn't do any harm to the experience either. Spending time with family, hanging out with friends as though the past 18 months never happened - all great memories. Seeing Pohutukawa again, and so many of them was great. Pohutukawa trees grow up to about 20 metres tall and flower between November and January with brillant crimson flowers. The flowering peaks around Christmas so ... read more
Cornwall Park
Cornwall Park
Cornwall Park

I saw a kiwi. Ok, that's pretty much the punchline for this one - but I saw a kiwi in it's natural habitat. In the zoo, and on the other side of a thick pane of glass doesn't count in my book. I just wish I had some photographic proof. Never mind, I know. Tiritiri Matangi Island is a 2.2 square kilometre bird sanctuary in the Hauraki Gulf. Farmed until 1971, massive replanting and pest eradication programmes have gone a long way toward the survival of rare bird and plant species. Most of the people staying out on Tiritiri are either volunteers or researchers, but there is a limited amount of accomodation for other visitors. Staying overnight on Tiritiri is definitely the way to see the island. This was a first-time visit for me, so I ... read more
Tiritiri Matangi Island
Tiritiri Matangi Island

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland December 15th 2007

To be honest, when I came to Japan this time knowing it was for at least 2 or 3 years I was undecided on whether or not to make a trip home in between time. But once I had booked the ticket and started to tell people I was coming I got quite excited about being back home, and was really looking forward to three weeks of summer which didn't automatically mean it was going to be in the mid-thirties before breakfast (unlike the stinking hot summers you can get in Japan). Pretty much everyone knew I was coming home - except Mum. I can't remember how many times I dodged the subject or just plain didn't seemed that interested in the idea. Sorry ;-) Enter a couple of the siblings, and their part in the ... read more
Pohutukawa - New Zealand Christmas Tree
Long Bay - Auckland
Long Bay - Auckland

Asia » Japan » Okayama October 10th 2007

Kōrakuen translates as 'the garden for taking pleasure later'. Apparently it is named after a Chinese proverb which says the emperor should suffer sorrow before his people, and pleasure after them'. Kōrakuen is rated as one of the top three parks in Japan. I personally disagree with rating everything, I prefer my own opinion to the official version ;-). That said, it's a nice place and even with the thankfully not too big a crowd (comes with being in the top three I guess) there's spaces to sit and soak it in. It was a beautiful day, but at that time of year you have to go without the cherry trees in bloom, the leaves turning red and the snow scenes. "You've got to check out Kurashiki" I'd been told. 'Hmm, yeah, I spose I have ... read more

Asia » Japan » Okayama October 9th 2007

"Yeah, sure, that sounds like a good weekend away" I thought when the invite email came around. A weekend with friends (some I hadn't yet met in person, but knew they'd be good company) somewhere I hadn't been before - I'm always up for that. I checked out the place online, the Hattoji International Villa, 20 km from a middle of nowhere train staion. Yep, that's what you call getting away for a quiet weekend. Hang on...... that's the weekend of the taiko (Japanese drums) festival. B****r, I was going to go to that. Can't be helped, already have my name down for the Okayama trip. (I had recently started going to the group's practises, but was very much still in the beginner department :-) A month or so later when the taiko practises picked up ... read more
Hattoji Villa
Hattoji Villa
Hattoji Villa

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