Page 18 of International backpacker Travel Blog Posts

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur February 16th 2007

I'm catching a train in a couple of hours so thought I'd update this.. I'm going to Jaisalmer the golden city tonight, the train leaves at 11.57pm and arrives at 1.30pm so going to be a long journey but on a sleeper train so that will be good. Think I have seen the main sights in the Pink City, my favorite place that I went to would have to be the Tiger Fort over looking Jaipur. The fort itself isn't really that big but the area the border wall covers is very long. Once inside the building it is still in pretty good order and all the colors are still there as well considering it is around 300 years old. The fort took some getting to as my driver said there was no road up so ... read more
Tiger Fort
A Worried Look
Pink Pallace

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra February 15th 2007

Gday guys.. Well as you can guess I went and visited the Taj Mahal yesterday morning and it did not disappoint! I was getting worried as everyday in India so far it had rained but lucky it cleared up for an amazing view. I was up nice and early to go and watch the sun rise and was about 20 minutes early before the gates open so sipped Indian tea with the guards there while they were holding there gun and things. They gave me a run down on the Taj Mahal so that was nice of them. It was still dark when we entered (there was only 8 others that morning) so saw the whole sun rise with not a cloud in the sky and not a breath of wind. It was brilliant watching the ... read more
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » New Delhi February 12th 2007

So I have been here three days now and really having a great time. It is nothing like I was expecting in terms of people hassling you, well of course there is a few, but pleasantly I was wrong. The people have been great, so friendly and helpful. I especially love the kids they are always asking for a photo and love to see them self in the screen and go have a laugh. As for Delhi the city, it is huge. I’ve gotten lost so many times but someone is always willing to help and point you into the right direction. Also though there are some things that I just wish I didn't see. Some of the poor places around just have to be seen, not like you go and see them but cant really ... read more
Sique Temple
India Gate

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » New Delhi February 10th 2007

Hey all, I'm here in India and made it safe and sound.. The flight was ok but we couldn't land for and 1 1/2 hour because the traffic was backed up.. Couldn't work out how airplanes can get backed up but not like one got a puncture on the landing strip and decided to change a tire but anyway. When we got to where our Hostel is the guy dropped us at a dark and narrow alley way and said "down there" we all looked at each other and said like bloody hell. We couldn't see the end and there was dogs running around but adventually after a rew paper scissors rock we headed down to thankfully find our Hostel. There was a few guys sleeping outside and the manager sleeping behind the counter. First day ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 9th 2007

G'day.. Still going good over here.. Got a few hours before I leave for India and starting to get a little worried about what is going to meet me over there but anyway. I'll update to last day and this morning what I'v been up to. Yesterday morning I decided to head to the floating market which is about a 2 hour bus drive out of the city if you have arranged a your. Of course I didn't and what could have been a nice relaxing trip took me about 3 1/2 hours to get there using public transport. First I hopped on a bus that a local told me to get on that would take me to the station that heads to the market.. Well the bus was very interesting and he was pushing fuses ... read more
Thiland Flag
Bus Driver
Floating Market

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 7th 2007

G'day guys, Things are going great over here. Been doing all the tourist things mostly but also been to a few places that are hidden away. Yesterday (6th) I had know idea what I was doing and rushing around the place to try and get everything done, that doesn't work over here.   Well some interesting things I have seen are Shrines and Temples and plenty of them. This one I went to, well the tuk tuk driver took me there for some reason, was hidden away up this allay and there was 2 budda statues there, 1 the happy budda and the other the lucky budda and there was not another person in sight for an hour. Have know idea why but a couple of locals came and looked at my weird when seen me there. ... read more
Erwan Shrine
Erwan Shrine
Happy Budda

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 6th 2007

Hey all, Made it safe and sound in Bangkok about an hour ago. It's 7am here so have to wait till 10 before I can check in. Not much to report on at the momemt as was still dark when I arrived. Still managed to see 3 trucks driving past with people hanging on all over the place and tied to the side on there way to the fields the taxi driver said. Noticed the poverty right away as well, the little hut things they live in are good to have a look at. There is some close to the place I'm at, which is very nice, so might have a wonder down soon. Thats it for now and I'll put some photos up latter.. Slugger... read more

Oceania » Australia » Tasmania January 29th 2007

G'day all, This is how I'll be keeping in contact with everyone while travelling. I can add photos (as you can see) so wont be filling up all your email accounts. All welcome to leave comments on this, or my normal email account, but would be good to hear from you at some stage. For those of you who dont know my plans the itinerary is, leave Launceston 5th Feb to Bangkok, leave Bangkok 9th to Delhi backpack to Mumbai, leave Mumbai the 24th to Cairo, leave Cairo the 10th March to Amman, leave Amman the 13th March to Dublin and no plans after that.. The photos are from the leaving party, for Onions and I, that we had on Australia Day. Hottest 100, Australia beating the Poms, backyard cricket, plenty of cans and punch, a ... read more
Leaving Party
Leaving Party
Tommo, Tanya and I

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