Page 3 of Ibu Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia February 6th 2007

The first overnight train ride in the TREN HOTEL - an experience in itself. Although my Eurail Pass is for First Class, it was full for this 8 hour journey and even if it weren't, I wouldn't have travelled this way. This Eurail First Class trip costs an extra Eu130 plus booking fee, so I settled for Tourist Class which was only Eu43.00 plus the booking fee. We rolled out of Valencia Station at 12.50am bound for Granada. For 6 hours it was the same as flying in economy class with any airline. Most people can't really sleep well sitting up, there are constant comings and goings, and the usual mad scramble to have a cigarette outside the train at each stop. I can appreciate this however, because of all the years I smoked. In the ... read more

Oceania » Australia February 4th 2007

Barcelona is a beautiful city of many contrasts. I'm sorry to have left it behind and especially the unique and colourful buildings designed and built by a true master - Antonio Gaudi. The only two disappointments I had whilst in Barcelona were the loss of all my photos - the beautiful wetlands and mangroves of Singapore and my carfully chosen photos around Barcelona, including all Gaudi's wonderful constructions! My generous daughter and son-in-law had gifted me with a digital camera and converter/charger. They felt that I needed to move into 21st century technology. I have found that new technology and I seldom agree on anything. I had barely mastered the art of 'ditching' the photos which weren't worth keeping, when I accidentally 'ditched' the whole lot! And accomplished it with so much ease! A real disappointment, ... read more

Oceania » Australia January 30th 2007

Hostel life is interesting to say the least. The cost factor is the most important one, because it allows me to do this trip. The other factors are a mixed bag. For instance, at the moment we have 4 really nice young Scottish blokes in our room. It´s kind of hard to get used to sharing a room with blokes one doesn´t know - though they are well mannered and nice. It´s just that I´m constantly falling over their things when I´m creeping around at 6am in the dark , trying not to wake them because they had a very late night/early morning. And how hard is it to keep one´s things under the bed or in a corner? I guess it´s a 'bloke´thing. And turning on the hot water tap in the shower when it´s ... read more

Oceania » Australia January 30th 2007

The weather in Barcelona is incredible - even the locals are stunned. The week before I arrived, it was between 11 and 20 degrees because it is going into winter here. Now there are daily reports in the papers about snow falling in places where it hasn´t snowed in decades (if ever.)And it´s bloody cold!! It´s funny though - the sun is so bright that even with sunnies on I have to shade my eyes when heading towards it, yet the wind just drives the cold right through you. The hostel staff said that the snow was mainly up in the North and wouldn´t be a problem where I´m heading for (the South). Then the next day, the papers said that light snow had fallen in some places in the South where it never snows. The ... read more

Oceania » Australia January 24th 2007

Its really good to be here in Barcelona. I was so wiped out by the 'getting here', that I went to bed at 7pm and slept right through until now - it's 6.14am here. No problem catching & changing trains to the Singapore Airport, none spending 5 hours there 'cause there's so much to do and passenger comfort is really well thought out. But 13 hours on a plane mostly filled with German people who seemed to think that the world revolved around them was not good. And by the time I arrived in Frankfurt Airport at 5.15am, there wasn't one part of me that was 'friends' with the other parts! The weather was like the Frankfurt Airport (at -4deg) cold, grey and no 'heart' - just lots of S/Steel and glass and hardly any colour. ... read more

Oceania » Australia January 21st 2007

Singapore is just like it used to be - only more so! More people, more cars, longer trains, more buildings, more reclaimed land for more buildings ...... However, the Singaporeans do still take advantage of every little space to grow something green. From the train the other day, I saw a small tree growing out of a crack in a tall building and it looked perfectly healthy. Everything is still well sign-posted, only just not the same system as we use at home. Therefore, I am still getting lost on a regular basis - nothing changes! It seems like every time I venture out to explore, it becomes a Burke and Will's affair. I spend time beforehand using a map and writing down directions so I won't get lost - and then Murphy's Law intrudes yet ... read more

Oceania » Australia January 18th 2007

This is something I would often told my girls when they were trying out their wings and forgot to pack their parachutes! As I dusted them off, I would say; "You'll get to Z from A just as surely if you go from A to B and then C ....." It's a long way from Australia (there's the 'A'), to Spain and South America. And there is only 'me, myself and I' on this trip. So Singapore is a good place to try out many new things. Customs & Immigration in a post-September 11 world, hostel life, huge crowds of people everywhere and wrestling with the combination locks on my small case. Necessary, because I've left my glasses inside and I can't see the numbers! The Singaporeans are a smiling, friendly, very multi-cultural group of people. ... read more

Oceania » Australia January 15th 2007

Finally - I'm on my way! No problems going through check-in at the Airport, however there was sneaky secod weigh-in just around the Departure Entrance door. I had already put the books, etc that I carried, back into my carry-on bag, so it weighed in at 7.5 kg. The person in charge let me through, but while we were standing in the Customs line, I saw three other people told to take their bags back down to be checked in because they were too heavy. And despite what I was told about the new one-bag policy, all the women had a handbag as well as their carry-on! 'Bugger!' Had a smooth flight over, arriving at 4.30pm. We came down through black clouds, into misty rain, 24deg. and the soft humidity that is Singapore. Changi Airport is ... read more

Oceania » Australia December 22nd 2006

It's hard to believe - in just over 3 weeks, I'll be setting off on my long-awaited 6 months odyssey. Two weeks from now, I will be officially classed as 'a Senior Citizen' and in receipt of the Aged Pension. One thing though - where in my small carry-on-board bag (not taking any other luggage), am I going to fit the walking stick? Perhaps if I get a folding one? Have re-booked most of the accommodation which had to be cancelled when the original trip was postponed. Have joined the YHA/Hostelling International last week and purchased my Eurorail Spain Pass at the same time. After a week immersed in the delights of Barcelona, I plan to train-hop along the Southern Coast. I look forward to exploring some of the Moorish-influenced architecture of Valencia, Alicante, Granada, Seville, ... read more

Oceania » Australia October 10th 2006

Part of my aforementioned change of itinerary involves Paraguay. There I have relatives whom I have only read and heard about since I was a little girl. In the 1890's, in Sydney, many shearers and their families were caught up in a struggle for survival. The 'landed gentry' (wealthy farmers) were forcing the shearers to accept lesser and lesser wages until they couldn't survive on what they were being paid. So they went on strike in order to try to secure at least a liveable wage. In those days of no unions, this action was considered akin to an insurrection. So the police force was called in and the strike was brutally put down. As a result of this, under the leadership of a well-to-do idealist William Lane, a new home in some more welcoming part ... read more

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