Page 5 of HarryTheDirtyDog Travel Blog Posts

Middle East » Iran August 5th 2015

Geo: 36.5382, 61.1598The temperature in these parts is hovering around 40 for most of the day and it gets a little hotter, 44 ish around lunchtime so we are unable to stand being out of the car too long. There is a hot desert wind which feels like a hairdryer complete with sand blasting. The Iran exit process was smooth enough. Turkmenistan has a reputation for being difficult and we were more than a little apprehensive given the dramas over the last few days. The immigration officer did look at my English passport and both Darren and I stopped breathing for sure. He got up and headed into a side office to talk to his manager, the manager came out (far out where is the Rescue Remedy when I need it, I have run out). He ... read more
Get out we want a drink
Parking... Go Figure
Camels drinking from the swiming hole

Middle East » Iran July 30th 2015

Geo: 36.3156, 59.568 Our main aim for travelling to Mashhad, Irans second largest town, read traffic nightmare best avoided was to collect our transit visas for Turkmenistan and to extend our Iran Tourist visa by a week. When we planned our trip we planned for 7 days in Turkmenistan. The latest gossip from others suggested they were not issuing transit visa very readily, 5 days was a blessing which would leave us short 2 days in Iran so we made a quick call to change our applications to five days and the extend Iran. In this part of the world visa are only valid for nominated dates and Uzbekistan we had to get before Turkmenistan so we could not change. Anyway we managed for find Gadhir Camp which turned out to be a large park for ... read more
Gadhir Camp
Firestation in the camp
We dont stand out much

Middle East » Iran July 29th 2015

Geo: 33.5959, 56.9244We only stayed in Yazd for the one night because we neededto get to Mashhad to collect our Turkmen Visa with plenty of time just in case it is not given… yep we may not get it..any we are 2 days short on our Iran Visa… hummmSo anyway we headed north towards Tabas and into the desert.. We steadily climbed up to 2500mtrs again and the temp also started to rise..then we started to descend in to the low desert and the temp went up to the mid 40's.. then the low 50's… at one stage it was 57 degrees freaken hell it was hot… well hot outside anyway…. Yep we had the AC turned on and the in cabin temp varied between 23 and 26 degrees…. How tough are we… maybe not tough ... read more
Ancient mud brick villiage
Desert Sunset
Check out the outside temp

Middle East » Iran » East » Yazd July 28th 2015

Geo: 31.92, 54.37Easy drive to Yazd and even easier was we noticed the traffic was calm and minimal. Evidently the nicest Iranians live in Yazd. We easily found the road into the old area of town which we needed to take to get to the Silk Road Hotel however it was a construction zone… so not too fazed I decided the next ally will do fine….. apparently the old town was not setup with a big Landcruiser in mind.. we managed to get down a few adjoining alley's and then got stuck.. yep had to reverse and then get back down to the main road… we struck out on foot to find the place and to establish if it was worth the effort and just how do we get in…. it was worth it… apparently all ... read more
Cute Local
Mosque and Windtowers

Middle East » Iran » South » Kerman July 26th 2015

Geo: 29.0454, 56.9681Humm… we set out from Shiraz (which was nondescript) and headed for a town called Rayen… apparently it is just like Bam except it did not get flattened in the 2003 earthquake…I say apparently because we never got to see it. One of the issues that can happen with self drive overland is you just can't find the place you wanted to go… The signs start off in English then either change to Persian or just fade out altogether… The result is the same… opportunity missed… and it was only a 650Km diversion… lucky fuel is cheap.Stayed at Kerman and it was a crazy place… crazy insomuch as the drivers were particularly aggressive. Really intimidating to say the least. Rather boring town with only a few things to see like the ancient Ice House… ... read more

Middle East » Iran » South » Shiraz July 24th 2015

Geo: 29.602, 52.5313Yep the title say's it all. Left Esfahan and found a fantastic shopping centre..even better that Kaufland. We were early so had to wait 1 hour until open, however it was worth the wait to get a good supply of food and other stuff that had been difficult to get elsewhere.Drove south towards Shiraz. Stopped on the way to check out a traditional village. This one had been continually occupied for 2500 years. Crazy really. One continual theme for Iran is how honest, generous and friendly the people are. It seems it is a traditional Muslim thing. A far cry from what we see and hear back home. Lisa particular has had to have her photo taken with a lot of women.Got back on the road after a spot of lunch, a three lane ... read more
Truck Crash
Truck Crash

Middle East » Iran » West » Esfahan July 23rd 2015

Geo: 32.68, 51.68Giving up on our Chinese visas yet again we head south, to theoretically calmer but hotter conditions. Camped out the first night and woke up to a flat tyre. Darren pulled a large lump of metal out of the tyre and plugged the hole and we were off and racing. Stopped enroute to visit a kashan which is an old traditional village that had been continuously occupied for 2500 years. Wow it is hard to get your head around exactly how old stuff is here.The town was nondescript however once we found the Bazaar we were in for a treat, it was not full of the normal tourist crap found in the larger cities. It also had some very interesting pools of water under large overhead curved roofs that were very efficiently cooling the ... read more
Village Street View
Looking very local
Granny on her Donkey

Middle East » Iran » North » Tehran July 21st 2015

Geo: 35.6962, 51.4229Off we go up the motorway…. I tried to go a little slower then the others however that just meant I caused a blockage and got honked a lot. (keep in mind it's a 3 lane motorway turned into a 5.5 lane motorway)So going slow is no good then speed up to match them… all was good and flowed nicely. I would stay in the slow lane and everyone was happy… however this also had its issues. Once a car had gone past and noticed our car it would slow down to have a look in the rear view mirror and thus they were not watching what was happening in front..really scary stuff… the scary part was everything was happening at 100~120kms per hour. And at that speed you need fast reflexes…Lisa was trying ... read more
Our Car parked outside the home we stayed
Yeah we are in Iran

Middle East » Iran » North » Tabriz July 19th 2015

Geo: 38.081, 46.2901 Donned our Islamic clothing and headed the eerily quiet 30 kms down the road past Turkey's Military check posts, guard towers, tanks, bushrangers and other general displays of might to the border.We had heard this to be a confusing border crossing and had read various tips from previous overlanders. If you can imagine arrival at an international airport, it kind of goes pretty standard immigration and then customs. Overland borders particularly with a vehicle follow no known standard and are further complicated by having departure from one country back to back with arrival to another. Sadly we timed it badly as there was a bus load of Iranians returning from Ramadan festivities in Turkey. Given 40 odd people (conservative estimate) arrive at the one time we could well understand why there was only ... read more

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