Page 4 of Gerry and Ruth Travels Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Kandy March 1st 2019

Today was a welcome cycle free day starting with a guided tour of a tea factory at Giragama just outside Kandy finishing with a nice cuppa to sample. We then returned to Kandy by tuk tuk to wander in and around the city which is very clean by Asian standards. Kandy’s roads are very narrow & twisting roads & surrounded by hills so traffic is constantly busy & chaotic. Before dinner we attended a traditional Kandyan cultural performance of song, dance, drumming finishing with a fire walking performance. Dinner was at a private residence where the host demonstrated the versatility of both rice & coconut in Sri Lankan cooking.... read more
Tea varieties
Kandy street vendor
Kandy man made lake

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Sigiriya February 28th 2019

Today was another long & hugely memorable day starting with a 6 am 15 km cycle to Sigiriya, an ancient rock fortress with a royal palace perched atop. The early start was essential to beat the normal rush of tourists & pilgrims on a virtual single lane staircase. Arriving at the site is a stunning visual of a massive granite outcrop that emerges from lush greenery at lower levels to a citadel that dominates the whole surrounding skyline. The once impregnable fortress firstly passes a series water gardens before 1200 stairs needed to reach the top. Half way we passed some incredibly beautiful rock wall frescoes that somehow have survived centuries of neglect while undiscovered. The entrance to the almost vertical final 200 mtr hike to the top was once guarded by an enormous rock carved ... read more
The only entrance
Climb towards the frescoes
Spiral staircases up & down

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Dambulla February 27th 2019

Today we were privileged to experience a very special place, the ruin of the ancient city of Polonnaruwa being the second oldest of Sri Lanka’s kingdoms. Wandering through the main ruins it had an almost living feel & it was easy to visualize how huge & spectacular the kingdom must have been at its zenith. The key ruins included the Quadrangle, Royal Palace, Council Chambers, Vihara temple, Parakrama statue and the Siva temple. The city had all the facilities of a modern city, waste recycling, hospital etc. water was essential & the king had the foresight to build a huge dam that runs for 16 kms in length. Even by current standards it’s an engineering marvel as the surrounding land is a flat valley requiring high walls to hold back the water yet it is still ... read more
Circular Tooth Relic House
Relic House

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province February 26th 2019

After 2 easy days of riding today was an early start for a hot & hard 70km ride to Ritigala before a 60km coach ride to our overnight stay at the Siyanco Holiday Resort, Polonnaruwa. The distance was not the problem but rather the wind, continuous slight rise & sections of bumpy roads. Frequent rehydration stops needed to replace the sweat. Much of the passing outlook was of rice paddies, man-made water tanks and patches of jungle. At Ritigala we visited the ruins of a beautiful Buddhist monastery where the ruins and rock inscriptions date back nearly 2000 years.... read more
Elephant hide
Ritigala Monastery

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Anuradhapura February 25th 2019

Almost new mountain bikes awaited us for the start of our tour after some basic sizing & setup the night before. The day then started with a test-ride through the streets of Negombo visiting the fish market before setting off on a 40 km ride to Chilaw. Along the way we passed quaint fishing villages in picturesque coastal settings with endless coconut plantations surrounding these villages. We also passed canals built by the Dutch to transport spices but now used by the local fisherman for access to the sea. The canals link lagoons & marshlands & are now the setting for abundant bird life and a growing tourist destination in their own right. From Chilaw we swapped the bike for a 90 km coach ride to our two night stay at the Ceylan Lodge, Anuradhapura. After ... read more
Dutch Canal
Loo stop.

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Negombo February 23rd 2019

Arrived very late into Colombo (5 am by Qld clock) and transferred to our nearby costal starting point at the Lavinia Hotel Negombo. Negombo is a low key fishing village and a popular beach alternative to the bustling capital city of Colombo. Had a short but sound sleep but then lay awake waiting for the late winter sun to rise with the muezzin’s call to prayer announcing a new day. Next day was a casual adjustment for time & travel with a long morning walk to a thriving fish market taking in the local scene and atmosphere before returning by a beautiful beach front. Middle of the day is incredibly hot. We finished the day with an evening briefing and meet-up with the rest of the group. The tour has 15 riders supported by a guide, ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok December 21st 2017

Our last day of cycling has come around quickly with 1150 kms in total. Today was a 55 Km ride again in strong winds that were mostly favourable past small rural villages. The last few kms was an 8-10% climb up to the Khun Dan Dam with spectacular valley views below the dam wall. Riding finished with a very fast return downhill & lunch. After lunch the crew packed our trusty bikes for the last time, said goodbye & we then drove the final 110 kms to our destination, the Nouvo City hotel in the pulsating old town of Bangkok. A late afternoon flight next day meant we only had the evening and the following morning to explore Bangkok. The group had a final evening meal followed by a wander down Khao San Road & surrounds, ... read more
Fearsome policeman with his baton.

Asia » Thailand » Eastern Thailand December 19th 2017

Today was an epic 11 hr day starting with a pre breakfast 6 am drive to the local market to mainly buy some food offerings for the local Buddhist monks from a nearby temple. The monks have no resources & only have two meals a day receiving all their food from villagers in exchange for blessings. After breakfast we cycled the rest of the day covering 100 kms along mostly flat to undulating terrain on quite roads but some occasional brutal headwinds. The ride was broken up with numerous places of interest & refreshment stops. The first stop was a local village broom making community where a range of brooms are made from coconut tree stems & bamboo handles. While they look so inefficient as anyone who has travelled through SE Asia would have seen they ... read more
Broom making
A change of riding vehicles
Drying rice

Asia » Thailand » Eastern Thailand December 18th 2017

No real highlights today. mainly a moving day with a border crossing. Started early with a 200 km 3 hr drive towards the Thai border at Poipet/Aranyaprathet and fairly slow crossing process. Glad to have a guide to get us through the chaotic process & who had to openly pay a small fee to get through the Thai immigration. From the border it was a short bus ride to a typical Thai roadside lunch stop before 56 kms of afternoon cycling to Sa Kaew and our overnight stay at the River Resort. The most immediate impression of the country was a more developed & clean environment, good roads and the sparsity of people & traffic. The riding was on very quiet rural roads in perfect temperature & favourable winds. The Thai weather bureau have forecast that ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap December 17th 2017

Today was a long 315 km, 6 hr drive by a comfortable public bus to Siem Reap the nearest regional centre servicing the once lost Khmer civilisation best known for the temple complex at Angkor Wat. The trip passed though typical tiny towns and scenic rural views before reaching our 3 day stay at Angkor Holiday Hotel. Took a tuk tuk into town for dinner & walked back to our hotel via pub street & the adjacent night markets. The excited chatter of the huge number of visitors on the street mixed with the blaring music & the wall of neon colour made for amazing atmosphere. The girls took up the challenge to dip their feet into tanks of hungry fish which nibble away at dead skin giving a tickling sensation. Next day our bikes really ... read more
Ta Prohm
Angkor Thom gate

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