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Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 13th 2015

After two mind numbing flights, first leg Auckland to Singapore (10 hours 30 minutes) then after a four hour stopover, then the second leg from Singapore to Munich (13 hours) arriving here at 5:25am this morning. There were long delays getting through immigration, well over an hour and probably closer to an hour and a half, and once I was through I decided I was too brain dead to even consider trying to work out how to catch the train into the city where my hotel is, with two suitcases, one of which is rather heavy so taxi it was. It was an expensive way of doing it but one has to help keep the economy going. I was surprised to find the day was very overcast, after having read of the heat waves in Europe ... read more
My lovely swollen legs and ankles.
A nice cold beer.
You have to watch these lions sneaking up on your beer.

I have been a little slow at keeping up with the blog, we have literally been on the go constantly since I left home on the 3rd April and this morning I have decided to have a quiet one in my hotel room, while Christine and Peter go off to the Van Gogh Museum. Cheryl left this morning to catch the train to Schiphol Airport on her first leg of her journey home to New Zealand and back to work. Yesterday was possibly one of the highlights of the journey so far, and I do not say that lightly as we have been to and seen many fabulous places. We spent the best part of the day at the Keukenhof flower park. You cannot choose your favourite tulip, one minute it's and orange one, then you ... read more

The final cruise morning coming into Amsterdam was fine and misty but many photo opportunities in the amazing light. We arrived in Amsterdam around mid day as we were having lunch, however we did not leave the ship until about 1:45 pm when the Freedom of Choice tours were due to commence. We had decided to go to Zaanse Schans which is a picturesque village which is famous for it's traditional Dutch buildings and windmills as I didn't think that Christine and Peter would get the opportunity to be in the countryside other than to see what we saw from the ship as we came along the canal to Amsterdam where we docked. We had one final night on board then we had to be out of our cabins by 9:00 am so they could prepare ... read more
Lovely misty final cruise morning
One of the bridges coming into Amsterdam
ANZAC biscuits & rum coffee following the ANZAC service on board

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest » Pest April 11th 2014

We flew into Hungary last night from Malta via Frankfurt and by time we settled into our suite we decided that it was too late for a big meal. However after wandering the streets a little we ended up back at a little restaurant right next door to our hotel and we settled on a cup of Goulash soup. We were thinking more of our version of a cup of soup and what we got was like a little stainless steel bucket. The soup was extremely tasty and along with the lovely fresh bread we were quite satisfied. This morning, once we managed to get our act together we set off to find the hop-on-hop-off bus. It was another beautiful sunny day, slightly cooler then we had been experiencing in Malta and it wasn't too long ... read more
Setting off on today's Adventures.
The Palace.
Spring in Budapest

Europe » Malta April 9th 2014

Last night we had just one plan for today and that was to go to Kalkara and visit Fort Rinella. By this morning we had added to that plan, and that was to go back to Valletta first and check out St John's Co-Cathredral. I had been talking to an ex-colleague who is on secondment to Malta and he had said if we did nothing else in Valletta we shouldn't miss out seeing this cathedral. That thought ate away at us overnight and we we did not want to leave Malta, then say once we were back home that we wished we had gone. There were several main reasons and the first is that hanging in the cathedral is the biggest of Caravaggio's paintings the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist as well as the cathedral ... read more

Europe » Malta » Gozo April 7th 2014

The brochures state Gozo is an island of mystery, history and faith. It also moves to a strikingly different, more leisurely pace then its sister island. This we found to be true! How did we come to be here? While this adventure was in the planning stage I must have spent the majority of my spare time "googling". Through that I came across a slightly more unique way of seeing the island of Gozo then just by a coach - Gozo by jeep! The day started a little slow, in that we were very late to be picked up and we still had more stops at two hotels after ours and with a ferry to catch the van driver was struggling to control his temper over the amount of traffic. The ferry ride across to Gozo ... read more
Approaching the island of Gozo.
Our jeep.
The fabulous four.

Europe » Germany » Hesse April 4th 2014

I arrived into Frankfurt just after 7:00 am, after what seemed a long drawn out journey, including a five hour wait in Singapore and a strong head wind didn't help. The fourteen hours from Singapore to Frankfurt just took for ever! I am only overnighting here so booked into an airport hotel, the Hilton Garden Hotel (haven't seen any garden yet). Luckily I was able to check in immediately after claiming my luggage. I am not sure if lucky is the right word now I think about it again. Early check-in, 39 euro extra please. I think the girl felt a little quilty as she whispered (so the business men checking out couldn't hear) that she would give me free wifi the entire time I am here. Once checked in I dumped my case in the ... read more
Our river boat
Amazing graffiti art.

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Central March 22nd 2014

I've had the department dinner, then last night was my farewell after eighteen years and five months with my current employer - finally after working for 52 years the end is in sight with just four more working days then retirement officially begins. Flights are booked, passport still away getting a required Visa, a little thought has gone into the packing, and the excitement level just starting to climb. Roll on D Day (as in departure day) Thursday 3 April 2014... read more

North America » United States » California » Monterey October 15th 2013

A particularly early start to the day, up at 4:30 am as we were to be picked up by a neighbour to take us to the airport for our 8:00 am flight to San Francisco. I had heard it raining during the night and as well as it being pitch dark, it was still raining heavy when it was time to leave. Just getting our cases and us into their car was a mission.The traffic was relatively heavy, what with it raining, being peak morning traffic on a working day, and it was traffic for the twin cities of Minneapolis and St Paul. Despite all this we arrived in plenty of time which was just as well as we tried going through security in several places and each time we were turned away and sent off ... read more
More pumpkins
Pigeon Point Lighthouse

North America » United States » Minnesota » Duluth October 10th 2013

The sun was just rising over Crooked Lake as we were leaving the house and the sky had beautiful red colours and as we had a three hour journey a head of us we were on the road early. It was Fall and the trees were coloured along the highway making it a pretty journey. We were headed to Duluth on the shore of Lake Superior. Duluth is is a seaport city in the state of Minnesota and is the county seat of St Louis County. It's the fourth largest city in Minnesota and at the last census had a population of 86,265. Once we arrived at Duluth, Susan knew that I have a passion for lighthouses and suggested that go visit the lighthouse before we take a walk along waterfront in Duluth. Hence we bypassed ... read more
Civilian Conservation Corps Worker Statue
Middle Falls, Gooseberry Falls Park
Middle falls

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