DavidandSara's Guestbook

7th November 2018

Taj Mahal Palace
What an awesome sight. I've posted it in 'Palaces & Castles' thread in the Photography Forum. Check it out. Brilliant.
19th June 2018
Gunung Agung is currently taking a nap

Gunung Agung
There are so many volcanoes in Indonesia that it is a lottery whether they are resting or smoking...a bit like holiday makers in Bali around a swimming pool. Nice pic!
From Blog: Munduk
28th June 2018
Gunung Agung is currently taking a nap

Mount Agung
We certainly avoided the beaches in Bali! Agung was quiet but Bromo was steaming nicely when we climbed it earlier in the holiday.
From Blog: Munduk
11th November 2017
Wedding photos at Kuthodaw pagoda

Mandalay & Mingun
Great pics of pagoda paradise. I'm posting some in the Cathedrals, grand churches, mosques and places of worship thread in the Photography Forum.
5th November 2017
Kyaut Kalak pagoda

Now that's a pagoda
What a beauty. Posting it in "Cathedrals, grand churches, mosques and places of worship" thread in the Photography Forum. Love the pagoda on top.
29th December 2016
Tanjore palace, Maratha durbar hall

Tanjore palace
Wow! THe palace looks awesome! We're so lucky to see it in its original state. Beautiful.
16th September 2016
Car wash Indian style

That's Not a Good sign
Please Don't wash you car in river because almost 90% villages are depends on river to drink and use :( Regards Sandy http://skcarwash.com
24th August 2016

I enjoyed this!
Great blog, laughed out loud at the trekking gear bit, been there!! Sounds like a great trip, thanks for sharing!
17th March 2016

Excellent description
Road to Coonoor seems to be fun and risky too. The post filled me with immense eagerness and enthusiasm to explore Coonoor. Thank you for sharing it. I am eager to know more about places to visit in Coonoor. I would even plan a trip soon.
15th March 2016

Always something to see, eh?
I don't know who planned your itinerary but you seem to have crammed a lot into your time and enjoyed almost every minute of it (I still think you should have spent more than a few hours at Bharatpur - and Chambal too!). Even if the guidebooks have sometimes been misleading, you've always had another adventure or found something of interest to write about. Some great photos too - some I've posted to the Photography forum.
16th March 2016

Indian itineraries
We plan our own itineraries. David is heavily into Indian history, and we both love heritage buildings and animals/birds, so an ideal itinerary has both. And it saves a fortune to book it all direct! This trip went very well - the only mistakes were over-economising on the airport hotel (a problem we've fixed for the return leg bystaying in the Taj Mahal Palace hotel), the night in Khimsar which was billed as a fine heritage hotel but is almost entirely new build, albeit very sympathetically done, and having 2 nights in Alwar where one would have done. On the plus side the places where we got to stay with the maharajah were absolutely amazing.
15th March 2016

Jaipur is really lovely - away from the tourists!
It's the capital of Rajasthan with lots for tourists to see, so there's always lots of them too! Amber starts to thin out after the elephants go home at around 11.00a.m. but in my experience it's best in the late afternoon. Alas, the city's backstreets are never going to be clean and tidy - it's India! On my trip to Jaipur this year (blog: Rajasthan (again!) - Jan/Feb 2016), I didn't visit anywhere touristy or, at least, anywhere tourists might go before lunch - Smriti Van, the Old City at daybreak, Chandlai - and what a joy it was!
15th March 2016
Royal suite Nagaur Fort

Nagaur Fort - I'll try to stay next time!
Looks like there's been some more restoration done at the fort since I visited in 2013 (blog: 'Camels with the hump!'). I saw those rooms and was sad we didn't have time to stay. Next time...
15th March 2016

Your previous photo of a mangy monkey in a museum and now ‘boy with smallpox’ reminds me that I always try to avoid Indian museums like the plague!
16th March 2016

Indian museums
You're right, they are almost always awful. But they do provide the odd moment of light relief and we only ever go them if they just happen to form part of a more impressive sight. The Lohargarh was well worth the visit, Mandore considerably less so, at least the part you had to pay for.
15th March 2016

My pal the Maharajah of Jodhpur would be pleased to read about your visit!
That's some fort he's got isn't it?! I took a photo of him in 2007 - it's on my blog 'It's a long way to go for a wedding!' I have a video somewhere of our meeting too - pity he never kept in touch afterwards!
15th March 2016
only in India...

Only in India...
It never ceases to surprise me that statues several times larger than the largest lorry, like your Hanuman and cow, can be made and erected with relatively primitive tools and machinery. Labour, I know, is not hard to find but, it seems, craftsmen are still plentiful too. It's also one of those Indian paradoxes that kissing in public is frowned upon yet pissing in public isn't!
15th March 2016
Deogarh Mahal view from top walkway

I was interested to see the Deogarh Mahal as, although I never visited it, the young man whose education I supported many moons ago became the Executive Officer responsible for the municipal services in Deogarh. He was, of course, acquainted with the 'hotel' and its owner - and promised me a substantial discount there if I came to visit. Alas, my friend has now been promoted and moved elsewhere!
From Blog: Deogarh
25th February 2016

Not much has changed in Bundi!
I last visited Bundi with my wife in 1997 ('never again', said she!). We stayed in Kota but my wife's diary, which one day soon will become a blog, says about the palace at Bundi: (quote) It's now gently decaying. The guard had to unlock great doors to let us in - it was a steep climb thereafter. Something we could have missed out really, though there were interesting views down to the town below from the few terraces safe to walk on! (unquote) Remember to look where you're treading!
24th February 2016

The privileges of rank
I agree - the Rajputs, Maharajas and the like may not have the wealth of yesteryear but they do still command respect for their contribution to the well-being of their communities. Caste differences too may be politically incorrect these days but tradition will ensure they continue for a long time to come. These things are all part of the Indian culture that makes this such a fascinating place to visit. I am enjoying your return visit as much as I know you are!
22nd February 2016

Sayonara Agra
What a pity about the unusually inclement weather at the Taj but pleased that the Japanese group brought the sunshine back to your faces!
22nd February 2016

Today's Friday, it must be Keoladeo!
Wow, just three hours in Keoladeo? And there I was thinking it was only the Americans who see Rajasthan in a week! P.S. That stuffed monkey just about sums up Indian museums!
22nd February 2016

Home sweet home!
I think the 'house built of shit' was actually a 'house built of shit to hold shit pancakes'!
29th June 2015

Nice one. I have visited a website which had most of the popular temples with brief and clear informations. Please check out the following website: www.templedetails.com
29th June 2015

Nice one. I have read from an website which had most of the popular temples with brief and clear informations. Please check out the following website: www.templedetails.com

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