Page 6 of Baldwin Travel Adventures Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Kentucky » Louisville July 19th 2013

Aaaaaaaanndd they're off!! Months of planning and anticipation culminated in our (almost) on time departure this morning, leaving the US Capital in our rear view mirror for a month as we steer the loaded-down 21st century model family truckster westward. As Todd encouraged the kids to rise to the occasion for the next 28 days by exhibiting more than their typical level of patience and flexibility it didn't take long for our first opportunity to model the same to arise. Within a few hours of driving, the conversation went something like: (Tap, tap, tap, tap) Marcia: "Would whoever is making that tapping noise please stop?" (tap, tap, tap, tap) Marcia: "I mean it - stop tapping!" (Tap, tap, tap, tap) Marcia (twisting around to discover no one is tapping): "Huh, that can't be good." After opening ... read more
Do Not Open
Ready to Roll
Departure Time

North America » United States » Virginia » Arlington July 18th 2013

Well, 10:15 pm but we managed to get just about everything in the minivan, thanks in part to a bigger car top carrier. Nothing like packing for a trip at night. Won't be much leg room for anyone but the driver, but what's three days of sitting criss-cross applesauce, right? We'll stretch our legs at night and again in the RV! In addition to camping chairs, 8 duffle bags, 5 walking sticks, 2 electronics bags, 4 sleeping bags, 6 pillows and other creature-comforts, we even managed to squeeze in Todd's guitar. Can't have a campfire without live music, right? May have to ship the souvenirs back, of course. A big shout out to Chloe & Faith for helping us get everything packed and loaded. Could not have done it without you guys. Will post pictures of ... read more
Packing at night

North America » United States » Virginia » Arlington July 18th 2013

Well, t-minus 34 hours (roughly) and counting. Todd is in full vacation mode, having finished his last day of work today. Marcia is scrambling to get as much work done in the next 34 hours as humanly possible so as to not be bogged down with getting a start-up off the ground while on this monumental vacation! The kids are squeezing every last minute of video game and TV time as they can and asking how big the stuffed animals they want to bring can be. A sprint to the finish line, to be sure. Todd posted our route (see map picture) on a wall map for the kids to see. Over 7,000 miles in 28 days. Yikes. Two huge loops traversing almost coast to coast. Feeling excited and trepidatious all at the same time. But ... read more

North America » United States » Virginia » Arlington July 17th 2013

A big thanks to Grandma Baldwin for sending a box of fun for our trip! Sweets and activities for the road will definitely help us pass the time.... read more
Maggie & Mad Libs
Sean and Atlas

North America » United States » Virginia » Arlington July 11th 2013

Well, we're 8 days away from departure, and haven't packed or even started a list yet! Yikes! But the excitement is palpable, and we can't wait to hit the road and begin our grand adventure.... read more

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