Facebook - Dead duck

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December 26th 2011
Published: December 26th 2011
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From the Writer-in-ChiefFrom the Writer-in-ChiefFrom the Writer-in-Chief

Facebook is a lousy service and a dead duck as far as Q's World is concerned. Look for us now on LinkedIn.com (I'm happy to connect) and eventually on Google+
Note from the "Writer In Chief": Q's World has run a Facebook page as an adjunct to this blog. We've always had some concerns about F'Book (which I renamed "Farcebook") related to privacy but these were brought home earlier in the year (September-October) when I wrote about Manila. The response from Filipinos was overwhelming (80,000+ hits and over 1,000 comments) and unfortunately included some seriously abusive - indeed libellous - comments placed on FB. I complained - no support at all, barely a reply - which basically said "F..B off!"

Whatever.... I'm PATIENT Grumpy Old Man, so we persevere.

Now I read that FB intend to let users designate actual photos of individuals as emoticons. Check out this link: TechCrunch

I'm APPALLED! The dangers of stereotyping individuals as symbols of emotions or other descriptions is simply too obvious. Hey, I could be "Grumpy Old Man"... but I'd be HAPPY with that, but I bet Donald Trump isn't so delighted to be the symbol for "Greed". I could give other examples (that's a real one, by the way), but I don't want to get banned from TravelBlog so I'll leave them to your own imaginations.

The bottom line: I'm taking down my Quartermaine's World Facebook page. And I've already done so for one associated with my professional work.

I'll ramp up Q's World exposure on LinkedIn.com and take a more serious look at Google+, but I will not subscribe to a service that is so obviously irresponsible as Facebook.


29th November 2012

Check out this bull poo, that is happening on facebook.

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