Borneo Episode One: Orang Utans and Sipadan

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May 1st 2007
Published: May 1st 2007
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Borneo - the third largest island in the world - was all about the wildlife and the we'll let the pics do most of the talking....

Orang Utans ("man of the forest" in Malay) are only found in Malaysian and Indonesian rainforests and are famous for their long arms and reddish-brown hair and for being dead brainy - they were recently 'proven' to be the most intelligent of all the primates, including chimps. Some of the more refined among you may also recognise them from the classic movies Every Which Way But Loose and the sequel, Any Which Way You Can, in which Clint Eastwood starred as a trucker and brawler roaming the American West while accompanied by his pet orangutan - Clyde - who packed a hefty punch; favourites from my childhood and apparently the two highest-grossing Eastwood movies of all time, amazing. Orang Utans are the most arboreal of the great apes and tend to spend nearly all of their time in the trees. Anyways, they were happy enough to entertain us for an hour or two when we visited Sepilok Rehabilitation Centre, they're certainly not shy....

Sipadan has a legitimate claim to hail itself as one of the best dive sites in the world - Jacques Cousteau called it "an untouched piece of art" - so naturally we decided to give it a wee bash. The current-washed island rises 2,000 feet, pinnacle style, from the bottom of the seabed and is home to schools of greenback and hawksbill turtles - ten a penny! - barracuda 'tornados', packs of big-eye trevally and massive bumphead parrotfish, not to mention manta rays, hammerhead sharks and the occasional whale shark, a divers mecca as they say....

We did three dives a day for four days - that's us into our twenties now - and are starting to get the hang of we've decided to head back next week for another five days, you've got to treat yourself....

Arrived in Darwin last night after driving 3,500 miles from Perth in a campervan - super toasty up here - flying out on Sunday before we're declared bankrupt! Still, being in the western world does have some perks; 9pm on saturday we'll be sitting down to watch the old firm game with a few stubbies, nice....

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On the pull....On the pull....
On the pull....

Apparently large cheeks play a role in sexual attraction to females, he's obviously an early starter....

Described by Jacques Cousteau as "an untouched piece of art"

They're common as muck but they're still our favourite fish, always bring a smile to the face....
Green Sea TurtleGreen Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle

We saw around 10 - 15 of these bad boys every dive....
White Tipped SharkWhite Tipped Shark
White Tipped Shark

These guys tended to hang out together, sometimes five or six would be eyeing you up from below....

Not gonna win any beauty contests....
Mount KinabaluMount Kinabalu
Mount Kinabalu

This was as close as we got to the 4,100m beastie - nae room at the (mountain) inn - but we'll be back....

1st May 2007

What camera?
Hi - cool underwater photos - what camera set-up are you using for those?
1st May 2007

Borneo looks amazing...I am loving the photos - especially the orang utans - great geography lesson! Gx Px Lx
3rd May 2007

It just looks better and better, Borneo I mean, Orangs. As for diving I have never really thought about it but must be better than flying! I think I'll have a go! Arrochar here I come. Nae sharks there. Drena
3rd May 2007

9th May 2007

Fantastic! Loving the blog and the legs aren't half bad either.

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