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February 24th 2017
Published: February 26th 2017
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Hindus celebrate Shivratris every month on the day before the new moon. Mahashivratri is the most spiritual of these because of a natural peak in energy on the day that falls in February/March. It is especially significant for those on a spiritual path or journey or who have particular ambitions.

Mahashivratri, 'the Great Night of Shiva' is a solemn festival of remembrance, observing 'overcoming darkness and ignorance' in the world. We should be so lucky. It is observed with chanting, prayers, fasting, yoga and meditating, among other things. Devotees keep awake all night, visit one of the Shiva temples or go on a pilgrimage to Jyotirlingams.

As has been previously stated, I am not a good meditator. So I tried some yoga and like single ladies across India I prayer for a husband like Shiva (described in the Indian Express as the 'cool lover and husband' and 'rockstar god').


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