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September 1st 2011
Published: December 23rd 2011
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When I arrived back from summer travels life seemed to slow to a standstill. The days trudged by with the weary acknowledgement of routine. With Chris and Eric back in America Teresa in the land of Oz, my travelling companions venturing to exotic and undreamable lands I slowly sunk disheartened into what felt like groundhog day. Luckily school began and gave me a stronger sense of purpose. My energy became focused on my new grade 7 students who seemed both bewildered and excited by the prospect of a foreign teacher. As I learnt their strengths and weaknesses, the mischevious, the shy and the uninterested my loneliness began lift and was replaced by a determined will to be a competent and interesting teacher. My whole week became devoted to finding new and interesting lesson plans, creative games, speaking excerises, songs, etc etc. I became a cliche, the embodiment of all work and no play.

Although adjusting back to a 'normal' life in September was difficult I also found myself with some new friends. A phone call from a girl I met in Tesco a few months ago provided me with a much needed life line for a social life and the opportunity to speak English in a more fluent manner again...and it all began on National Teacher's Day (kinda poetic, right?). I really don't have much to say about September as I was very much absorbed in back to school blues, work and not having a social life. I also didn't take any photos, however October gets better and I did buy myself a shiny new camera. The photos included are just a few of the city itself I thought you'd like to see.

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