Another suitcase in another hall

May 20th 2011
Published: May 20th 2011
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Although having rather unfortunate acres and a rather "understand" facade, the hotel is very nice. Traditional, family run and homely. The lack of glass I'm the bathroom window and the drinks in the room-fridge that expired nearly a year ago add to it's charm. But there is genuinely a friendly welcome, the shower is hot, and the breakfast is great - eggs, potatos (Keith lemon voice...!), continental meats, cheeses, italian breads, and fruit etc.....

Neither of us have needed a toilet yet and we've been here 2 days, which could be a mental issue as much as physical as toilet paper is not to be flushed here but placed in the bathroom bin - I'm suddenly overcome with britishness when I see this sort of thing (John).

Spend thursday in downtown lima, and whilst watching the changing of the guard at presidential palace John finds hself tapping his feet to the music the band is playing.........."if i could,I surely would.........I surely would.....I'd rather be a sparrow than a tree......" oh yes, Lima rocks - changing the guard to Simon and garfunkel, very cool.

We wander the streets of the town in the afternoon but come to realise that lima is not a tourist city at all and has little to offer the international visitor. There are few descent places to eat or drink in the centre and few attractions. This is no Santiago and definitely not anywhere near a match for buenos aires. It has the feel of an overgrown shantytown and if you didn't have a good reason to go, the probably is no reason to go.

Observation - been here over a day now and not seen 1 person smoking a cigarette, and there's no butt ends on the floors anywhere........?

Still looking for good coffee and all anybody seems to sell is nescafe.....?

We head back to miroflores (formula 1 style), and find a busier and altogether more cosmopolitan carry on. Dinner this evening is a Chinese rice bar and we wander around the night markets trying not to by all kinds of pretty but ultimately unnecessary local crafts from overly-excited vendors. They see White skin and assume "American, American......" to which John takes pleasure in replying in his most British of accents ........."British actually old boy........".

Jet - lag sends us off to sleep by 11. Busy day tomorrow, flight to cusco leaves at 10.10.

Forgot to mention - found Starbucks today.........!




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