
April 22nd 2018
Published: April 23rd 2018
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We talked Brendan into letting us all sleep in today and we didn’t start breakfast until 730 with prayer not starting until 815. Off to church for 9.

What a most incredible service! It felt very much like home. Familiar worship music and a well delivered sermon. It was so powerful today and Gods presence was definitely felt. We sang and danced (or swayed for some of us) before Pastor Mussa spoke. I love his passion for the word and for God. Like at Heartland he is highly tuned to Gods messages for us - even changing what he wanted to say on Saturday. It was great to see so many familiar faces in church that we’ve already met this week and be greeted with such joy and so many smiles. My spiritual tank definitely got filled today!

The afternoon was ours to do as we wished. Some went for quiet time or a nap, others a long hike, Holly, Christine and I went for a walk more into the townsite. We watched a football match with one of the servers at the lodge and one of the travellers who rolled into town 3 weeks ago and gave his life to Christ 2 weeks ago! Bulembu won the match against the team training for national competition. We don’t have a formal team hear because the cost to travel is very limiting.

A few of us gathered at 4 to go on a short hike to the waterfalls and are very glad we did. It was beautiful and didn’t require a tick check when we got back. Which was required after the long one but thankfully Dean passed with a thumbs up from Sherry. Holly ended up playing a quick soccer match with a few local senior boys and they were very gracious and let her score.

At 6 the men’s choir came to sing for us - only 6 of them but wow! What voices with incredible harmony. The director of education and his wife joined us for supper tonight. Love their story - leaving a home of 29 years, gave up teaching at a private school in South Africa to be here. The passion they have to make a difference in children’s lives is palpable. Really enjoyed meeting them.

Very blessed day!


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