God’s window- closed

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August 20th 2019
Published: August 20th 2019
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This morning was a hazy, lazy one. We took our time, waking naturally, enjoying the beautiful view from the nice house we stayed at in Sabie. (Panorama of the view below).
It was chilly! Flannel shirts and sweatshirts came out. But so refreshing! We ate a five star breakfast on the porch consisting of mushroom omelets (for those who eat such foods), fresh veggies, pineapple, papaya, cereal, whole what toast with butter. Some of the men went into town food shopping and found lots of kosher products! What a feast.
At noon we departed and started our journey into the lush greenery of the Blyde Canyon area. There were forests of pine trees and Eucalyptus surrounding the road for many many kilometers. A “tree farm” is what Adam called it. The government plants all the trees and then cuts them down and replants. The green was beautiful.
Our first stop: Bourke’s Potholes. Another natural wonder. Two types of stone; hard and soft blended together, forming holes over time. It’s a very beautiful spot. An easy, short walk that my mom could enjoy, too.
Our next stop was God’s Window. A lookout point where you view the entire lush and beautiful Blyde Canyon. But due to the hazy weather the window was closed and covered with a curtain. We did what every good Israeli family would do, stopped, and ran out to take a photo with the sign. Now we can say we’ve been there.
Third stop: pine tree forest bathroom stop. The trip is all about nature, no?
Then onward to Kruger National Park. Our highlight. Safari #2.
The ride was a couple of hours long and took us through a bunch of villages. Mostly poor ones. It was very surprising to pass an outlet mall that looks a lot like one in NY with a KFC, Barclays Bank, Shoprite and other stores and a minute later to pass a village where most of the “buildings” (more like small homes or bungalows) are still halfway under construction (most likely never to be completed), children play outside with tires, barefoot. Goats and cows roam the roads freely, women walk with babies tied to their backs and groceries balanced on their heads.
We reached the gate at 5pm and were so happy we made it before they locked the gate (we were told at 6). Little did we know that we still needed to get to the gate of our camp, Little Sabie, which was around 60 kilometers away and we have a speed limit of 50 within the Park!
We were told to hurry, to go a bit over the limit and not to stop even if we encounter a cheetah. Well, we encountered elephants, giraffes, impalas, a hyena, kudu, and a maribu stork. We did stop for a moment to enjoy their beauty and then continued on and made it to camp at 6:05. The guard gave us a little click of the tongue but let us in.
Tomorrow morning our day begins early, Safari game ride from 6:30- 15:00. So excited!

Additional photos below
Photos: 44, Displayed: 24


Pine tree “farm”Pine tree “farm”
Pine tree “farm”

Taken from car window while passing by

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