
Published: January 31st 2014
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After a night spent in Uppington at Arkies camp site we headed off to the Kalahari via the mall to buy provisions.

Our first night was spent at Two rivers camp, the first stop as you enter the park on the South African side.

2 cars and 8 people headed out for our first afternoon drive of the trip. attempted cheetah kill and a lioness chasing a meerkat!!!!

We had an absolute ball for the next 10 days. Mata Mata saw us using our beach umbrella in the pool to stay cool and more importantly keep the beers cool. We walked from the camp site out into Namibia to the small farm stall.

we spent new years there, so 3 nights in total, early morning game drives followed by lazing around the pool and afternoon game drives.

I saw my first leopard on our way from Mata mata to Nossob. what a brilliant spot, this followed us witnessing a wilderbeast giving birth and a pride of lions not 1 km from them.

Nossob was our pit stop for water and the all important ice as we were heading to Polentswa. An unfenced camp.

So basically we were on our own, no running water, a long drop toilet and no electricity!!! but it was amazing. the water hole was a very short drive away, so close that we sent one car to sit whilst we had a drink and chilled and then they came back if they saw anything. and they did. 3 male lions!! we followed them for the next 2 days.

Nights at polentswa were brilliant. the sunsets and the stars. We had bought a portable shower bag. So at night after the sun had heated the water you could shower under the stars in warm water. However u did have to have a friend standing guard just in case lions decided to enter camp!

They came close, close enough that when they roared your body shook. At that point e

We spent 3 nights at Nossob and then the sad farewell to the park for another year.

In total i think we saw 20+ lions, too many cheetah, 1 leopard and only 2 hyena!!!

Its a trip I would highly recommend to anyone.

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Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


1st February 2014

Hi Kate, what a wonderful blog and what a fantastic time you're having. Can't help but feel so envious of you and all the people who saw all these amazing images. What a great time you're having, it'll seem very dull when you return home!! love joyce
4th February 2014

Searching for new adventures
Travel exposes one to a new perspective, culture, traditions and rituals. Glad to see you are embracing your surroundings. Looking forward to reading more.
4th February 2014

now that is a lovely photo

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